Lawn Care Tips For Winter Season

lawn careAlthough your lawn may not need that much care during the winter season as it does during fall, spring, and summer, you should never ignore it. Here are some lawn care tips you can take to make sure that your lawn is in good shape once spring comes.

Winter Lawn Care Tips
Aerate and Fertilize Your Lawn

Don’t forget to aerate and fertilize your lawn as part of your yard maintenance routine. Aerating your lawn allows it to breathe before the lawn grass becomes dormant, and assist in relieving any soil compaction that may have accumulated during the warmer season. After that, you have to fertilize your lawn to give the grass the nutrients it needs while preparing for winter. The grass roots absorb and keep the nutrients during winter. Then, during spring, your lawn will use these stored nutrients, allowing it to have head start, which makes it lush and green. By having a lawn that’s well taken care of, you will prevent diseases, pests, and weeds, from damaging your lawn.

Keep it Clean

If leaves have piled up on your lawn during the fall season, it will cause your lawn grass to suffocate. If you leave leaves on the lawn, they could become overly wet, which could lead to lawn disease. In case the leaves are not too wet or thick, you should mulch them using your mower into small pieces so the nutrients can be recycled back to the lawn. In case the leaves are too wet, matted down, or thick, you should rake and get rid of them. Don’t forget to get rid of lawn furniture and any debris from your lawn.

Avoid Too Much Lawn Traffic

If your lawn is dormant or frosted, don’t walk on the lawn too much. Even strong and healthy lawn grass could become weak when the same exact spots are walked on too many times.

Prepare Your Lawn While You Can

Finally, you have to make sure that your winter Conway SC lawn care plan has been set in place in advance. Once you feel the chill in the air, you should monitor the forecast and give yourself enough time to set up your plan before winter comes.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now and let our lawn care experts help you prepare your lawn for winter.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC