When Will You See Results Of Your Lawn Care Program?

lawn careYou might be curious to know when you will see lawn care results if you are just getting started with a lawn care program.

This is one of our most frequently asked questions and we fully understand why. You want to see the results and be proud of your lawn. You also want to see the results of your lawn care investment.

This article will discuss lawn care Myrtle Beach results and help you set realistic expectations. We will also talk about the factors that influence lawn care results, which will help you understand why some lawns are more successful than others.

We want you to understand the expectations of our lawn care program.

The Lawn Care Programs Results Can Be Different Because Every Lawn Has a Different Starting Point

Sometimes we get asked why one lawn is making more progress than the other when we work with multiple clients within the same area. Most homeowners assume that all lawns, especially those in the same area, start from the same place.

This isn’t the case in reality. Your lawn care results may be affected by factors such as soil health and other factors.

It is important to remember that each lawn will have a different “starting line”. It’s important to not compare your lawn with your neighbor’s when homeowners ask when they will see lawn care results.

You must also understand that you will not see results in a day. Trust the process. You wouldn’t expect to be a professional bodybuilder if you just started working out. Your lawn won’t go from struggling to flourishing if you don’t put in the effort.

However, homeowners still want to know how long it takes for lawn treatment to take effect.

We can only tell you that if there is no progress, it’s time to get in touch.

Each lawn care treatment builds upon the work done in the previous visit. Over time, you will see more progress. Sometimes, homeowners forget how bad their lawn looked before we began. Taking “before” photos will help you to see where you are now.

Most people will notice small changes immediately, even after only one treatment. However, it may take some time to see your lawn grow thicker and greener, especially if your lawn was not in its best health.

Lawn care results do not always follow linear progression

We wish there were no setbacks in your quest for a beautiful lawn. Unexpected pest infestations, weather and other factors can cause setbacks.

Lawn care results don’t always follow a straight line. Sometimes, there are steps behind the steps.

These lawn problems can be quickly addressed by a professional lawn care company so you can correct the situation and get back on track. Unexpected lawn problems can lead to the destruction of your entire turf if you try to fix them yourself.

A strong lawn partner can help you succeed with important cultural recommendations such as proper watering. Many homeowners don’t realize the impact that their lawn care habits, such as watering and mowing, can have on their lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service is very concerned about how you perform these tasks so that they don’t have a negative effect on the results. Conner’s Lawn Care Service understands that you want to maximize the results of your lawn care program. Good cultural habits are key.

For faster, better lawn care results, aeration and overseeding are recommended

We would be remiss to not mention the importance of overseeding and aeration when it comes to lawn care results. Overseeding and aeration are two of best things you can do to your lawn’s health. They can also be the service that takes your property to the next level.

Sometimes homeowners may feel that they are doing everything right (fertilization, herbicide control, etc.). They aren’t seeing the same results they would like, despite doing all the right things (fertilization, weed control, etc.). Aeration and oversight could make a difference.

This is because the service breaks down compacted soil to allow the lawn to “breathe”. This allows more oxygen and water to reach the root zone, where they are most needed.

Aerating your lawn every year is a must if you want a lush, healthy lawn.

This is a vital service and one of the best things you can do to your lawn. It’s a great way to ensure your lawn grows thick, healthy, and thrives.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care if you need professional help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Why Hire A Lawn Care Expert To Fertilize Your Lawn

lawn careOne of the most important tasks you have to do as a homeowner is maintaining your lawn and landscape. There are many lawn care tasks that need to be done, including weed control and seasonal clean-ups. Conner’s Lawn Care can help keep your lawn in top shape throughout the year.

We offer many services to maintain your lawn and landscape health. Fertilization is a common lawn care task that homeowners attempt to do on their own. Although fertilizing your lawn may seem like something you can do on your own, there are many great benefits to hiring lawn care experts. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether you should hire a professional lawn fertilization service provider.

Lawn Care: The difficulty of the job

It is easy to think that lawn fertilization involves nothing more than spraying some fertilizer on your grass on Saturday mornings. You may not realize that it can take several hours depending on how large your property is. It will also need to be done approximately five times per year at strategically chosen intervals.

You will need to pay upfront for equipment and fertilizers. This is in addition to the fact that you’ll need research it all on your own. Our experts will help you choose the right fertilizers and the best time to fertilize your lawn. The process will be easy, stress-free, and hassle-free.

The quality of the work

If you need any type of work done on your Myrtle Beach home, hiring a lawn care Myrtle Beach professional is the best way to ensure professional results. While doing the work yourself might be cheaper, it could mean that you are wasting your time and money.

While it is possible for your contractor to do substandard work, you should still be able to get a solid guarantee before any work starts. Our experts are committed to providing the best quality work possible to our clients. We will do everything to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the job before we consider it done.

Summer Lawn Care: Why not Book Early?

Spring has yet to bloom, but summer will soon be here. The hot summer months are the best time to be aware of the effects that heat can have on grass. You need to hire lawn services that can prepare your grass for the summer heat. A combination of proper care and the right type of lawn is key to a healthy lawn all through summer.

What are you waiting for?

A few small changes can make your lawn more resilient to the summer heat. You don’t have to wait until the heatwave arrives before you prepare. Your lawn’s response to heat will vary depending on the type of grass you have. Each grass type will react differently to summer heat. The lawn will still require the same support structure in order to be healthy.

Lawn Growth Curves

The fall and spring seasons are when cool season grasses do their best growth. This turf is less likely to grow in the summer and winter as it tends to slow down and stagnate. Warm season turf, on the other hand, will grow quickly and have a longer ramp.

You will experience days with temperatures above 90 degrees for cool-season grass depending on where you live. Keep in mind, Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Rye will not thrive if the temperature rises above 90 degrees. The grass will enter summer dormancy if it is exposed to temperatures above 90 for several days.

They can only tolerate certain upper limits, which is why they enter dormancy. They check out because of their defense mechanism. Warm season turf, on the other hand, enjoys heat. Warm season grass thrives on heat. They are more heat-tolerant and can grow better at higher temperatures.

Supporting your Grasses

No matter what type of grass you have, support your grass no matter how it is doing. You should start building a support structure for your grass as soon as you can.

Because a solid defense against the heat stress is essential. This is because it takes time to build. You can get summer lawn care help if you contact us today. So when it comes to summer, your grass will be ready and set up.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How To Apply Preemergent Herbicides

lawn careAlthough pre-emergent herbicides are an essential tool in a weed management program, timing their application can prove difficult. We’ll be discussing key lawn care principles for developing a weed management strategy. We will also discuss what pre-emergent herbicide is capable of doing within a program and when it can be applied to different types of weeds.

Lawn Care: Develop a Weed Control Strategy

It is impossible to eradicate all weeds from a single application. This is something you should emphasize to your customer when developing a weed management strategy for a property. There is no magic bullet that will eliminate all weeds. A good program adapts to the specific needs of each property on a seasonal and annual basis.

Every weed has a survival strategy. They cannot all be eradicated because they have unique life cycles and reproduction methods. The seeds can remain dormant for many years before germinating. They can withstand fire, drought, herbicides, and even fire. Even if the entire property was cleared of seeds, vegetative propagules and seed can still be easily transported to it by wind, water or human activity.

It is important to ask the following questions when you are developing or revising your weed control strategy:

  • Which weeds would you like to be rid of?
  • Are these weeds to be prevented, eradicated, or both?
  • Is there any cultural practice that can help reduce the number of weeds?
  • What are the life cycle of weeds and what is the best time to apply pre-emergent herbicide?
  • Are there any desired plants on the property? Is the herbicide safe and labeled for them?
  • How pre-emergent herbicide works

Let’s take a look at three key principles for pre-emergent control to get an idea of how it works.

Principle 1: Pre-emergent herbicides can be used to kill weed seeds that are germinating.

Pre-emergent, as the name implies, is designed to kill weeds that are not yet in the soil. Pre-emergent should not be applied to weeds that are visible above ground in order to obtain great results. This will prevent you from wasting your time and money down the line.

Please Note: Pre-emergent cannot be used to control weeds as well as weed seeds that already exist.

Only when the weed starts to grow from the seed, and hits the herbicide barrier, will it be killed. Seeds can remain dormant for as long as they are not harmed by pre-emergent herbicide applications. This is why weed management is a continuous process. There will always be some seeds beneath the surface, and some will germinate every season. To greatly minimize large infestations, it is important to apply annually.

Keep in mind that pre-emergent herbicide can affect desirable plants. This includes turf. Pre-emergent must be applied to the turf before seeding. To allow lawn establishment, seed first and then apply pre-emergent 6 weeks later. Seed at least three months after pre-emergent is applied.

Principle 2: Pre-emergent should be properly mixed and evenly applied to the target area in order for best results.

Mixing pre-emergent herbicides correctly is essential for the spray solution’s proper strength. Make sure to carefully read the instructions and calibrate your sprayer as part of your lawn care Myrtle Beach routine.

It is important to cover the entire area. Pre-emergents should be viewed as a blanket. You need to cover the entire area where weed seeds can not germinate. Because there is so much open space for weeds, spot spraying does not work. The manufacturer will tell you how much product to apply “per 1000 feet” or “per an acre”, which will determine how much herbicide you should use per gallon. It usually takes between 1 and 2 gallons to cover 1000 sq. feet.

Principle 3: Pre-emergent herbicides should be irrigated.

Watering in will trigger herbicide, creating a barrier below the surface. Most products require 0.5 inches of rain or irrigation within 21 days.

Apply the pre-emergent herbicide before any rain is expected if you are working in an area that is not irrigated or a drip zone.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC



Effective Lawn Care Guide To Get Rid Of Weeds

lawn careOne of the many tasks included in your regular lawn care is to get rid of weeds from your lawn. There are different ways to do this and you do not have to spend more than $20. In addition to getting rid of the weed, you also need to control and prevent their growth in your yard. To help you effectively do these, here are some of the most common weed control strategies that you can consider doing.

Maintain ideal grass height

Different types of grass have a different height requirement. Confirm with a local lawn care Myrtle Beach the ideal height for the grass that you have on your lawn. Maintaining your grass at the right height and making sure it is sufficiently fertilized and watered, will result in a healthier lawn eliminating any possibilities for weed grass to grow and develop.

Once you know how long your grass should be maintained, you can create a mowing schedule. This will depend on the type of grass you are mowing and weather conditions. At most, you will have to mow once every one to two weeks. Regular mowing not only results in maintaining the right level of grass but will also ensure that weed seed heads are clipped off before they reach maturity.

Know the specific type of weed you are dealing with

Similarly, in many situations, it helps if you get to know the weed that you’re dealing with so that you can plan the right solution and action to get rid of it. Generally, there are three types of weeds and each requires a different type of treatment. If you do not know which type of weed you have in your background, dig out a sample and bring to your local lawn maintenance expert.

  • Broadleaf weeds – This type of weed has broad leaves. Examples include creeping Charlie, dandelions and clover. Broadleaf weeds can be prevented using small amounts of broadleaf herbicideLawn care experts suggest using the smallest applicator available in garden stores to help you save time and money. Using a small applicator also prevents the release of harmful chemicals, which are often present in herbicides, into the environment.
  • Perennial grassy weeds – This type of weed has similar behavior with the average grass. It can grow dormant throughout winter and come out in the spring, along with your grass. To effectively eliminate perennial weeds, you will need to wipe a non-selective plant killer to the weeds that you want to remove. To do this effectively, dip a cloth glove in the herbicide and use this glove to touch the weeds. Make sure you wear a protective rubber glove underneath the cloth glove so you will not be affected by the herbicide. The best way to apply a generous amount of the herbicide to the weed is to grab it using the cloth glove near the roots and pull towards the ends of the leaf. Do not spray this herbicide to your lawn as this will also kill your other plants and grass.
  • Annual grassy weeds – This type of weed is very much similar to the growth and behavior of crabgrass. After reseeding near the end of the growing season, they die and leave the seeds to germinate and grow in the coming spring season. Experts highly recommend using crabgrass preventer between the first and third mowing during the spring season. It is extremely important that you apply the herbicide during spring because this is when they germinate seeds.

For more information on lawn care, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service today. 

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Spring Lawn Care Tips

Lawn careSpring is the best time to prepare your lawn for summer. You can have a healthy, fresh lawn in the spring and enjoy the beautiful weather. With proper lawn care maintenance, your grass will thrive in the spring.

You have two options when it comes to spring lawn care: either hire a professional or take care of it yourself. A lawn care Myrtle Beach expert will identify and perform any spring treatment that your grass requires to keep it beautiful and weed-free throughout the summer.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service offers several spring lawn care tips for those who choose to do it themselves. These spring lawn care tips will ensure that your yard stays lush and green throughout the summer.

Lawn Care Tips You Need To Know

#1: Give your lawn mower a tune-up

Our first spring lawn care tip doesn’t require you to even touch your grass yet. Your lawn will be cut regularly throughout the season, so even if it isn’t ideal, get your mower ready. Pre-prepared lawn mowers will keep your lawn healthy and prevent low cuts or malfunctions that can delay regular mowing. Your lawn mower’s needs will vary depending on how you maintained it in the fall. The basic steps are to change the oil, replace the spark plug, air filter, and balance the blades. This will allow you to be ready for spring by getting your lawn in tip-top shape. Make sure you read and understand all safety information about your lawn mower.

#2: Get rid of winter debris

You don’t know how meticulously you cleaned your yard in fall, but new leaves, sticks and other debris could have made it onto your grass. Your lawn can be affected by wind, rain, snow, and other debris. Some of that debris can be hidden by the snow until spring. It is important to get rid of winter debris every spring. It will be easier to maintain and treat your grass if you take the time to clean it before you start any spring lawn care.

#3: Aerate your Lawn

It is essential to aerate your lawn after storing heavy snow or having heavy traffic. The soil under your grass can become compacted, especially if it was covered with snow or if you have had a lot of foot traffic. Aeration loosens the turf, allowing water and air to reach the soil and roots of your grass. Although it is not necessary, you should still evaluate your lawn for any areas that are too compacted.

#4: Start overseeding your lawn

You may have bare spots on your lawn and need to overseed your lawn in spring. To help your lawn grow new grass patches, you can apply grass seed. It can be challenging to work with grass seed alone. Talk to Conner’s Lawn Care Service to find out how much seed you need and how to water it. Also, when is the best time to plant your grass seeds. Our lawn maintenance professionals can provide guidance on how to manage your lawn and keep it healthy.

#5: Take a look at your soil

It is time to look at your soil after a long winter and determine what you need to encourage grass growth. Soil care is the first step in lawn care. To determine how acidic your soil is, you should test it. The pH of grass is neutral. If your soil is too acidic, it can make it difficult for your grass grow back. Once you know what your lawn needs you can begin to add treatments to ensure that you have strong grass all year. A great spring lawn care program is essential.

#6: Enact weed prevention

Pre-emergent weed management is best used in spring. Pre-emergent can be applied before the target weed germinates in your yard. It is an effective preventative measure for annual grassy weeds. Professional lawn care can help you prevent crabgrass and other grassy diseases. Bed weed maintenance can also be a great way to keep your lawn in good shape. The local Lawn Doctor will be able to tell you which weeds are problematic in your area.

#7: Prevent lawn diseases

Are there dead spots on your lawn from the winter? This could indicate lawn disease. Spring is the best time to work on keeping your lawn healthy and preventing lawn disease. A good lawn maintenance program can help rejuvenate your yard. The Lawn Maintainer Care Program will keep your lawn healthy and free from pests.

#8: Mow your lawn and grass-cycle it

Start mowing your lawn once your spring grass has grown. For safety considerations and proper lawn mowing techniques, please see our lawn mowing tips.

Grass-cycling refers to the method of leaving the grass clippings on the lawn. Rather than bagging the clippings and putting them in bags, spread them out on your lawn. This will help to recycle grass elements into the soil and increase your lawn’s water retention. This can give your yard an extra boost in the spring.

#9: Fertilize your lawn

To keep your lawn lush and thick, fertilize it in spring even if you have fertilized in fall. Spring fertilization is a great way to help your lawn grow and replenish its roots. The timing and type of fertilizer you use will depend on your location and the growing conditions. Follow the instructions carefully. You’ll have a lawn you are proud to be able to enjoy in spring if you follow the directions.

#10: Balance your soil and check your pH

The right pH level can make a big difference in how your lawn looks. Lawn Doctor will professionally test your soil and help you decide which treatment is best for your lawn.

Soil enrichment encourages stronger roots and improves the soil structure. This process improves root penetration and soil retention, which makes regular watering easier. Soil enrichment can reduce the amount of salts in the root zone, and it can improve soil aeration.

#11: Keep your eye on your toch level

The soil can become compacted over time and restrict grass’s access nutrients. It also makes it more difficult for soil to absorb water. Thatch can also build up in your lawn. Thatch is made up of both living and decaying plant matter. Thatch can also be caused by grass clippings, which are easily broken down. Although a small amount of thatch is beneficial, too much can lead to root problems. Your spring lawn care should include some relief from thatch and compacted soil. Lawn aeration can help reduce thatch, increase water absorption, and promote grass growth.

#12: Water your lawn

Your lawn will be lush and healthy in the spring. We recommend not watering your grass more than 1 inch per week if it is new grass seed. Overwatering your lawn in spring can result in shallow roots and promote weed growth. Your lawn should be watered only when it is showing signs of drought stress.

Spring is the best season for roots to seek out water and nutrients. This encourages roots to be healthier and more prepared for summer stress. You should not turn your sprinklers on if you live in an area that receives regular rain.

These spring lawn care tips will help you maintain beautiful grass for your family and friends all year.

Contact your local lawn expert for more information about spring lawn care and other lawn care tips. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Top Lawn Care Tips For 2022

lawn careOne of the many goals of homeowners is to have the perfect lawn and landscape. It’s been just a few months since the new year started and you still have the opportunity to start anew. Lawn care and maintenance isn’t as hard as you think. All you need is a bit of information, dedication, and some perseverance.

Hottest Lawn Care Tips

Right Nutrients

Nutrition is the first thing you have to take into account when it comes to lawn care Myrtle Beach. Your grass, just like all other living things, need nutrients in order to thrive and survive. A lawn that does not have the nutrients it requires will suffer from all kinds of lawn problems. Lawn diseases, pests, weeds, seasonal stresses, and fungi, are all the things that a lawn may go through if it does not have sufficient nutrients. The best way to give your lawn the nutrients it deserves is by providing it with fertilizers.

Make sure that you have a fertilization schedule for your lawn. Spring fertilization will wake the grass up out of winter dormancy. Fertilizing during summer will help the grass remain resilient through heat and drought stresses during the season. Lastly, fall fertilization can stimulate deep root growth, which lets grass store important nutrients for the upcoming winter.

Protect Against Invasive Weeds

Weed control should also be part of your lawn care strategy. Adding weed control into the schedule is a great lawn care tip that you should never forget. The grass in your lawn would be stressed out if there’s a lot of weeds. They also grow much faster compared to the grass, which means it out competes it for sunlight and space as well as damage the turf’s health. Apart from that, they would also drain the soil of water and nutrient, which causes the grass to wither. Make sure that you keep weeds out of the lawn so you can boost the health of the grass in your lawn.

Mow Lawn Strategically

The last tip from lawn care experts is strategic and proper mowing. You will see lots of healthy grass growth if you fertilize your lawn and get rid of weeds. So, you’d have to mow your lawn but you need to do this strategically so you can get some great results.

The appropriate mowing height is between three to four inches. During spring and fall, you need to do frequent mowing. You need to do this less during summer so the grass could stay thicker and longer. Mowing properly could also help in preventing weed growth. By following all these tips when it comes to lawn mowing, you could help the grass and lawn stay healthy and strong all throughout the year. In case you need more help, Conner’s Lawn Care Service provides expert lawn care services if you want to get the most out of your lawn.

Follow these simple lawn care tips and you’ll surely get a healthy lawn. In case you need help from a professional, don’t hesitate to call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Essential Spring Lawn Care Tasks

lawn careSpring is marked by the return of the first crocuses and daffodils. These signs are also a sign that your lawn is ready for the growing season. These lawn care tasks will vary depending on the climate in your area. Start when it is clear that there won’t be any snowfall in your area. You can also time your yard work to coincide with when the local forsythia plants cease blooming and local lilacbushes start flowering.

There are eight things homeowners should do in spring to ensure a healthy lawn.

Lawn Care Tips You Need To Know

Make sure to rake deeply

When you want your lawn to be ready for new growth, the first thing that you should do is to rake it. You might think, “But my trees hadn’t lost any leaves for months.” Why should I rake? Raking is more than just removing tree leaves. Even if you do a great job of raking leaves in fall, there is still thatch to contend with.

Thatch, which is mainly composed of dead turfgrass tissue, is the layer between the green vegetation and the soil and root system below. If it is more than 1/2 inch thick, it can cause damage to your grass’ health. This is why it is important to rake leaves deeply in autumn.

You still have to rake in spring no matter how well you did in fall. To prevent dead grass from becoming a chokehold on new growth, it’s a good idea for you to remove any grass blades that have died during the winter. This is a spring-cleaning of your lawn. The turfgrasses can be vulnerable and tender in spring. It’s best to wait for the lawn to start to turn green. This indicates that the grass roots have firmly rooted and that the plants are actively growing. It’s better not to use a garden rake that has metal tines, which can cause damage to young plants.

A spring raking can also be beneficial if you find patches of grass that are matted. Snow mold, a type of lawn disease, can be found if you look closely and see that the grass blades are stuck together. These matted patches can be difficult to penetrate for new grass. Raking can help.

Aerate if Necessary

Soil compaction can occur when your lawn is subject to heavy foot traffic. You can remove moss from compacted soil. However, it is best to investigate the root cause. It’s often compacted soil, which needs to be aerated.

The lawn aerator allows air and water to reach the roots of the lawn by creating openings in the turf. A lawn aerator can be rented at big box hardware stores or you can use a hand-operated aerator if your lawn is small. It is unlikely that your soil contains a lot of clay, which would require regular aeration.

Although spring is not the best time to aerate your lawn, it may be necessary due to certain circumstances. It may be necessary for spring aeration if soil has become so compacted that it is unable to grow grass. Spring aerating should be discouraged as the aeration holes are a fertile spot for weed seeds. The first seeds to germinate in spring are lawn weeds, especially crabgrass. Aerating your lawn will stir them up and give them a home. Aerating your lawn in spring is a good idea. This will allow you to weed the grass after they have grown but before they go seed.

Examine the soil

Acidic soil can also be identified by moss covering the ground. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity soil. A pH value of 7 indicates neutral soil. Acidic soils have pH levels lower than 7, while alkaline soils have pH levels higher than 7.

A neutral pH is important for grass. If your soil is too acidic, it will not grow well or may become prone to moss growth. There are many soil amendments that can be used to bring the pH level back to the optimal level to grow grass. Ground limestone is one common way to raise the pH in very acidic soils. This is not an instant fix as the liming process takes place slowly.

To determine the soil’s acidity before you add soil amendments to your soil, send a sample of your soil to your local cooperative extension office. A cooperative extension office provides free scientific-based advice in agriculture, horticulture and other areas. You can call, visit their website or go to your local extension office to get advice on the amount of lime you will need per square foot. To apply lime, you will need a fertilizer spreader.

Too alkaline soil can cause lawn problems. To lower the pH in extremely alkaline soils, your extension office might recommend top-dressing with compost or elemental sulfur.

lawn careOverseed

A lawn with many bare spots due to neglect, dog spots, heavy traffic or neglect might need grass seed to fill those gaps. Overseeding refers to the practice of sowing seed on top of existing grass. When overseeding, apply a slow-release fertilizer (starter fertilizer). The new seed should be kept moist until it sprouts and is active growing. After the grass sprouts and germinates, it is possible to start a regular fertilization route using quick-release nitrogen fertilizer.

Although it is possible to only apply seed to visible bare spots, it is common to oversee the entire lawn to keep it healthy and thick. This is a great way to introduce grass seed from new varieties to your lawn. If you have recently lost shade trees, overseeding your lawn with a sunny-grass mixture can help ensure that it continues to thrive.

While fall is the best time for overseeding, spring is a good option if your grass needs it most. You should be prepared for crabgrass growing up and eating the fertilizer.

lawn careFertilize

Organic fertilization can be done by adding compost to the soil or by using a mulching mower that turns lawn clippings into nitrogen. It should be part of your lawn care Myrtle Beach routine. Scotts Miracle-Gro Company offers a well-recognized schedule that fertilizes lawns, which includes a spring feed. Experts recommend that cool-season grasses receive a lighter spring feeding and a heavier fall one. Over fertilizing in spring can cause weed and disease problems. If you fertilize in the fall, your lawn will still have fertilizer for spring.

Use Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Spring lawn maintenance is not just about maintaining healthy lawn growth, but also about weed prevention. All lawn weeds can be treated differently. You will need to use either a pre-emergent or post-emergent herbicide depending on whether the weed is perennial or annual.

You may need to use both because crabgrass is an annual weed that is difficult to eradicate. Crabgrass attacks lawns when temperatures remain between 65 and 70 degrees for several days. Pre-emergent herbicides are used to control weeds before they emerge. They act by creating a chemical barrier on the soil’s top layer that covers seeds, preventing them from growing roots or shoots.

Core aeration should not be done if you are using pre-emergent herbicides. This will cause the shield to be punctured and reduce the effectiveness of the weed killer.

Pre-emergent herbicides can also be used against grass seeds. If you are also using a traditional preemergent herbicide, overseeding will not be very effective. Pre-emergent herbicides can be used to kill weeds. Wait until the fall to overseed with turfgrass seed. Tenacity is a pre-emergent that won’t damage spring-sown grass seed. Tenacity, although a costly product, uses mesotrione which is highly selective and won’t damage turfgrass seed.

Use Post-Emergent Herbicides or Pull Spring Weeds

The dandelions, cheerful yellow flowers that first appear in spring, are a stubborn perennial grower. They can be a nuisance for some people, but they can cause serious problems for others. You can get rid of them by cutting off the flower stems. If you’re feeling more ambitious, remove the root from the weeds using a tool that can extract all the roots and prevent them from regrowing. There are many weed-popper tools that can do the job.

You should choose a broadleaf herbicide if you want to spray a post-emergent herbicide on dandelions. Organic green thumbs that don’t use chemicals can pick the dandelion leaves and make a salad out of them.

You can also deal with chickweed, white clover and wild violets in spring. However, these usually appear after the dandelions in late spring or early summer.

The Lawn Mower should be serviced

It’s also the perfect time to bring out your lawnmower and give it a good cleaning. It’s time to start it; stubborn start-ups can indicate that your mower needs a tune up. Your mower should be serviced once a year. You can restore your mower’s health in three simple steps. You might consider buying a new lawn mower if your mower needs more than a simple tune-up.

Sharpening the mower blade is one of the most important maintenance tasks. Regular sharpening will ensure that the mower blade tears rather than cuts the grass plants. This will result in a lush green lawn instead of one with brown tips.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Five Things You Should Never Do To Your Lawn

lawn careWhen you’ve done everything from watering, weeding, down to edging but still can’t get the lawn that you want, you must be doing something wrong. Check out the most common lawn care mistakes that homeowners make and how to avoid them:

Lawn Care Tips


A lot of people think that it’s just natural to water your lawn every day or at least every other day. If you’re one of the many individuals who think watering frequently makes good grass, you’re dead wrong. As a matter of fact, watering too frequently stimulates shallow root growth. This means grass won’t be extending its roots down into the soil in search of water since it can find this resource on the surface. Although watering your lawn can keep it green, it won’t be able to easily adapt to harsh weather. Grass needs to develop longer reaching roots to get the nutrients it needs, which is found deep within the soil. It’s best to not have a watering pattern at all to give your lawn some versatility. However, there are hours in the day that’s best for watering your lawn.


A common lawn care Myrtle Beach mistake that people make when watering plants is the timeframe at which they are doing it. Watering your lawn somewhere in between 10 AM to 4 PM doesn’t do any good. Watering during this period means around 20-30 percent of the water will simply evaporate and most of the water just goes down into the soil. The most effective time to water your lawn is somewhere around 2 AM to 9 AM. This gives the leaves of the grass enough time to dry and photosynthesize during the day. So time your sprinklers at the said period for a better-looking lawn.


It’s good practice to trim your lawn. Lawn maintenance is an integral part in keeping a lush green lawn. However, mowing too close to the ground will not yield the best results. Cutting off too much of the grass blades can hinder development. When mowing, check and set your blades so that it will only remove just a third of the length of grass blades. Hiring lawn care service helps homeowners sort out this dilemma quickly. Cutting the grass too short would divert energy that’s supposed to help in the development of strong roots and stems. Here are some blade height recommendations for mowing different lawn types:

  • 1 – 2 inches for Bermuda grass
  • 1/2 – 1 ½ inch for Hybrid Bermuda
  • 2 ½ – 4 inches  for St. Augustine
  • 3 – 3 ½ inches for Tall Fescue
  • 1 – 2 inches for Centipede
  • 1 – 2 inches for Zoysia

If you think the sharpness of the mowing blades is irrelevant, it’s totally wrong. Mowing blades need to be sharp at all times. Dull blades can leave rugged cuts and stunt grass growth. It will also give your grass a whitish cast. Always remember to sharpen your blades or replace them with new ones each year or whenever necessary. It’s easy to notice when your blades are going dull when your lawn mower won’t just glide through your lawn. Check your blades at all times before taking your mower out for a spin. You may also hire lawn care if you want to have it done professionally.


A lot of homeowners are oblivious to the fact that different lawn types require specific amounts fertilizers to help them grow. For instance, Bermuda requires higher nitrogen content at 3-4 pounds for every 1000 square feet annually. Meanwhile, Centipede grass only needs 1 pound of nitrogen each year for every 1000 square feet.

There’s also a correct time to fertilize your lawn. For warm-season grass, it’s recommended that they are fertilized when they are completely green in spring. For cool-season grass, it’s the other way around. When applying the fertilizer, be sure to water it down once it has all been laid out. This ensures even coverage throughout your lawn.

If you’ve got trouble or need help with your lawn, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and we’ll be happy to serve you.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fundamental Winter Lawn Care Guide

lawn careIt is a widely known truth that the best method to make sure a thick, green, healthy and balanced lawn in the spring is to give it some well-timed care in the winter — in other words, right now. However, according to lawn care professionals, most lawn owners make the same fundamental errors before the grass goes inactive, and after that keep asking why their lawn is not doing better the next year. There is no need to worry because here is a six-step fundamental fall lawn care guide.

Lawn Care Guide This Fall

1. Rake the leaves.
Colorful fall leaves look good and enjoyable to play in, however, not good for the grass. They obscure the light and also trap moisture which is deadly for the lawn beneath. So when you see the leaves falling, be sure to blow or rake them away as soon as you can.  If you do not, the grass under that soaked, rotting floor covering will certainly be dead in the spring. With our relatively mild winters, this is a task that needs to be done throughout the winter and spring.

2. Mow to the appropriate height
Do not put that lawnmower away. The yard continues to grow until the very first hard frost, thus requiring regular cuts to maintain it at a perfect 2 1/2- to 3-inch height. If you let it grow taller, it will mat and may be susceptible to fungi. Cutting a yard too short is equally as bad since it deprives the root system and impedes the lawn’s ability to hold up against the cold winter months. Routine mowing also eliminates those pesky leaves, slicing them up as well as leaving behind a soil-enhancing mulch.

3. Keep watering at regular intervals

According to lawn care professionals, lawn owners tend to stop watering when the weather gets cooler thinking that nature will do the job for them. While it’s true that there’s more rain, even more dew and less dissipation, it might not be enough to keep the roots hydrated. You can use a simple rainfall scale as a helpful method to maintain track, if you think your lawn is not getting enough water.

4. Loosen up the soil

Lawn care professionals advise on lawn aeration every few years. Aeration avoids dirt from ending up being compacted as well as covered with thatch, a thick layer of roots, stems, and debris that obstructs water, oxygen, and nutrients from getting to the dirt. A core aerator fixes both problems by punching openings via that thatch as well as bringing up plugs of dirt.

5. Do not forget the fertilizer
Equally, as grass roots need water to last the winter, they likewise benefit from a shot of the plant sugars that safeguard roots from freezing as well as offer the entire plant the energy to recover in the spring. Those sugars are produced by chlorophyll, which the yard generates in abundance when there’s sufficient nitrogen.

Lawn care professionals warn against spreading fertilizer near rivers because they are prone to contamination from runoff.

6. Follow the schedule.
Each of the steps mentioned needs to be done at the correct time for ideal results.  Fertilizing too early as well as the yard will certainly send out tender blades that will certainly get hammered by the cold. Fertilize far too late and also the roots will not absorb all those nutrients you are feeding them.

If you do not have the time to do all these things, entrusting a couple of those chores to a professional throughout this busy season will make sure the job gets done so you can enjoy a lovely and healthy yard next spring.

Start your lawn care project today, you can call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help with your fall lawn care tasks.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Why You Need A Landscaping or Lawn Care Company

landscapingEvery homeowner loves having beautiful landscaping, lawn, trees, etc. However, most will admit that while they want the beautiful results of a gorgeous yard, they don’t have the time to create it and/or maintain it. If your idea of fun after work or on the weekends does not involve weeding and planting, then this article is for you! Enter the professional landscaper or lawn care expert….

What Landscaping Companies Provide

Landscaping companies will maintain all the chores and upkeep that a beautiful lawn requires so that you can enjoy your life in other areas while also enjoying the fruit of these labors.

More than just mowing grass….

Perhaps you have always wanted a vegetable garden so you can grow a portion of the food your family eats. A landscaping company can come in and design that garden with you, then plant it and help you maintain it and know when to harvest, etc. Or maybe you want lots of flowering trees or bushes to enjoy throughout the four seasons. A landscaping company will help you choose plants that will bloom at different times of the year so you can have blooms all through the year.

They will also put in an irrigation system designed for your yard and flowers. Automatic sprinklers go a long way in conserving water, as well as saving you lots of time and labor keeping your plants watered. These systems are worth their weight in gold!

Even if you live in a colder climate, you still benefit from having a great lawn care Myrtle Beach company. They can help remove snow, hang Christmas lights, design outdoor décor for the holidays, plowing or salting. Many companies have a service package that would be like a “set it and forget it” type thing so you’ll never have to worry about getting out of the driveway in the event of snow. They would clear your path before you even get up!

Another great benefit is knowing your yard and garden are tended and looked after if you are out of town. You won’t have to worry about not being there to water the flowers or tend the garden. Most landscaping Myrtle Beach professionals will come according to a preset schedule, so if you’re out of town, they will continue to come anyway unless you specify otherwise. This means you get to come home from your trip to a perfectly manicured lawn!

If life has you frazzled, why not trust the pros with all your landscaping needs? Call us today at Conner’s Lawn Care Service to see how we can help!!

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC