When spring arrives it’s time to continue lawn care for your yard. Time to rake your lawn to help loosen up the soil and remove any dead material.
- Springtime is also a good time to level out your yard, removing the high spots and filling in the low spots. A well draining yard is best for making sure that water doesn’t drain too fast from an area, or sit on one spot too long, causing dead grass.
- Densely compacted soil does not allow the roots of grass to grow, making it harder for grass to grow, and allowing weeds to take over. It’s a lawn care Myrtle Beach tip you must not forget.
- Once the problem areas of your yard have been fixed, it is time to seed the bare spots and any other areas of your lawn, that may have lost some growth during the cold months.
- Another lawn maintenance tip, is to apply fertilizers and pesticides after you have seeded your lawn. Fertilizers help your lawn by giving it nutrients and herbicides to help with any bug problems that may eat your lawn, allowing weeds to grow
- The best height for grass, to maintain its health, is to cut on the high setting of your mower. This may require your lawn to need to be mowed more often, but taller grass has better roots and can fend off weeds better. It is also healthiest if no more than 1/3 of the blade of the grass is cut off at any one time.
Conner’s Lawn Care Service understands the proper way to maintain a healthy lawn, and we will ensure all the steps are taken, so your yard will look good and stay healthy all year long. We offer fertilizing, mowing, and trimming services year round. Please be sure to call us for a free quote.
Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC