How to Grow a Lawn in Dry Conditions

lawn careIn areas that are dry and have limited water resources, lawns are more likely than others to be criticised for their water use. The truth is that most lawns don’t require as much water as homeowners give them. Here are some lawn care tips that will help your lawn thrive in dry conditions and endure droughts.

Lawn Care Tips

Water correctly

Watering correctly is equivalent to watering less when it comes to Conway lawn care. It is essential to remove the lawn’s water addiction and make it more efficient. It is bad practice to water your lawn every morning. This can cause your lawn to need more water each day. Turfgrasses that receive this kind of routine, shallow watering are more likely to develop shallow roots and eventually die. They lose most of the moisture they receive from watering daily. You can gradually train your lawn to reduce the amount of water it receives, and encourage deeper roots to utilize any moisture in the soil. Even grasses that are not water-loving can thrive and survive with less water than they receive during the normal day.

You should water in dry conditions or during drought. It is best to water in the morning, before the sun rises. This evaporates moisture in your landscaping before it can seep into soil. Windy days are also not a good time to water because evaporation can also be faster. A weekly watering under ideal conditions is more effective than a daily shallow watering.

Adapt To Summer heat

Your lawn will be the focal point of family activities in the spring and autumn. Summer heat will require a new approach to yard maintenance and use. This is the best time to reduce foot traffic and cut back on lawn maintenance. Dethatching and aerating must be done in cooler months, not during summer. A higher height of grass will shade the soil and keep the roots cool.

Reduce Stress during Drought

You can train a lawn so it thrives with less water. There are also management methods you can use to help the lawn in drought situations. The most important thing you can do for your lawn is to not go on it. While summer is the best season to reduce foot traffic, it’s possible to eliminate it completely during drought conditions. You can avoid major lawn maintenance during droughts by bringing your pets along for long walks or to the dog park, rather than letting them play on your lawn. Dry, hot weather will make it less necessary to mow your lawn. This will slow down grass growth. It is best to stop mowing during drought conditions, unless absolutely necessary.

You can allow grasses to go dormant in drought. If there are local watering restrictions, make sure you water enough to keep the roots alive. Turf grasses can be left dormant for as long as four weeks without causing permanent damage. If the drought lasts for longer than four weeks, water the turf grass deeply enough to slightly rehydrate it and then wet the soil until it reaches about five inches in depth. This will not cause your grasses or roots to grow greener, but it will keep them alive.

Plant Grasses that are drought-tolerant

There are grass varieties that need minimal watering in both cool and warm season areas. You can reseed or plant a lawn anytime you want. If the grass is not moist enough, you can gradually transform it by top seeding each year with better seeds. Some grass species that are drought-tolerant thrive while others die slowly.

Correctly Mow

Most lawns can be mowed very short. However, in areas with drought or extreme climates, it is important to mow at a higher height. The grass blades hold the most water, so the more time the grass is cut, the more moisture will be available to the roots. Sandy soil drains quickly and makes it more difficult to obtain the moisture you need. You can improve the quality of your lawn by using a mulching mower to mow it or top-dressing the lawn with organic material like compost.

Reduce the Lawn

Many people forget that water is a valuable commodity. It is possible to reduce the area of grass that you have. You can reduce the water needed to sustain grass by adding patios, decks, and courtyards.

Many areas of the country have experienced severe droughts and water shortages. This has led to restrictions, bans and a cultural shift toward conserving water. It is better to reduce the size of your yard if water is scarce. It is okay to keep a lawn if it is needed for pets, kids, or aesthetic reasons. It is important that the area be smaller and easier to maintain.

Look for other groundcovers

The drought-resistant grasses will require more water than any other groundcover species. You should think about converting lawn space to another type of living groundcover if low moisture conditions are permanent and inevitable.

Conner’s Lawn Care can help you with all your lawn maintenance needs.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fertilizing and Mulching for Beginners

mulchingMulch can be fertilized on top. However, the success of fertilizing depends on how quickly it decomposes and the type of mulch. You can fertilize the mulch with fast-decomposing mulches like seed hulls and grass clippings before you apply it again each year. This is when most of the mulching from last year will have been removed.

To ensure that organic mulch such as bark and wood mulch is not decomposing too quickly, it’s important to remove mulch from your garden soil before you apply fertilizer.

Granular fertilizers should be used in as close to the ground as possible. Granular fertilizers are most effective when they come into contact with moist soil. This is where they can break down and release their nutrients.

When fertilizing mulch tops, liquid fertilizers are the best option. They will penetrate the mulch and reach the soil below.

Fertilizing and Mulching

When fertilizer is applied to mulch, timing is crucial. You will need to reapply mulch every spring if you are using fast-decomposing mulches like straw, grass clippings or cocoa hulls. It is a good idea to fertilize before you add new mulch. This is because most of the mulch will have been broken down by this time. It is easy to fertilize and then add mulch.

It may be harder to fertilize mulch if it is slow-decomposing, like bark mulch or nuts. You need to choose a liquid fertilizer that penetrates mulch best and helps plants grow.

Apply granular fertilizer or liquid fertilizer to gardens with less than 1/2 inch of mulch left. Then add new mulch. To discourage future weed growth, add at least 2-3 inches of mulch.

Avoid granular fertilizer in gardens or areas where there is a lot of mulch (greater that 1/2 inch). To ensure that you reach all tree and plant roots, use liquid fertilizer.

Fertilizing through Wood Chips

For your lawn care, it is best to remove mulch from plants before fertilizing them with wood chips. This will give you the best results and the most fertilizer for your plants.

It may not always be possible to remove mulch from large gardens to apply fertilizer. The following is a list of things to remember if you have to fertilize with wood chips:

Avoid using granular fertilizer for your landscaping Conway SC. It can get stuck in mulch and won’t break down properly.

Add a liquid fertilizer to the top of the wood chips. After fertilizing, water to soak the fertilizer in the soil.

Make sure to read the instructions for your liquid fertilizer. You may be advised to increase the fertilizer in areas that are mulched.

Mulch Fertilizes the Ground and Soil

Mulch gradually fertilizes the ground by releasing their nutrients. Mulch is a thin layer that gradually turns into compost.

Mulchs can be broken down over time and added nutrients to the soil. This is usually a very good thing. Mulchs that have chemicals or acidic mulches, such as those made from commercial wood mulches, can potentially increase these properties. Be careful when selecting your mulch.

Mulch can increase Nitrogen in the soil?

Mulch does not reduce nitrogen in soil, so don’t believe it. This myth is totally false. This is completely false.

Mulch myths claim that mulches steal nitrogen. This myth is still commonly believed by gardeners who want to use mulch to encourage them to fertilize with more fertilizer. Mulch won’t rob nutrients from your soil. Mulch can absorb some liquid fertilizer, so it is best to remove mulch from your soil before fertilizing.

Is it possible to add compost to Mulch?

It is best to add compost or compost tea directly to your soil. This will give you the most effective and fastest results. There are certain cases when you can add compost to mulch.

For gardens that have less than 1/2 inch of mulch, you can add a layer of compost to the soil, and then cover it with new mulch.

Mulch that is more than 1/2 inch thick in gardens should be removed to make room for compost.

Applying compost on top of a thick mulch layer may not penetrate the soil to feed your plants. It can also become a breeding ground of weeds if left untreated.

Fertilizing on Top of Mulch

Apply fertilizer to mulch when it is less than 1/2 inch thick. Mulch-covered areas should be raked away so that your fertilizer can be applied directly to the soil.

Apply fertilizer to mulch. Water thoroughly after fertilizing. Granular fertilizers work better on top of mulch than those that are liquid.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How Do You Know If Your Tree Needs Pruning?

tree pruningIt has been a great spring, where you have enjoyed the beautiful spring foliage. You look around at the trees in your yard and realize that one tree is not likely to flower this year. You are stressed and call an arborist to remove the tree before it becomes a danger from storms or extreme winds. How would you know if you need tree pruning services?

Before calling, verify that the tree is dead. This will take at least a year before you call the lawn care pros for tree removal services.

Tree Pruning Tips: How to tell if your tree is dead?

Are you unsure how to tell if your tree is dead or what signs and symptoms could indicate that it is ready to be resurrected? Don’t worry – these are some tips to help you determine if your South Carolina tree has died.

Is the tree still in its early stages of development? Are there any visible buds on the branches of the tree? If so, you should examine the tree closer as extreme wintertime may have caused the tree to develop for less than a year. Continue to the next step if there is no budding.

Take a small branch off the tree. Did the branch snap off right away or did it take some effort to break? Is the tree dry and cracked? Does it have moisture? The dryness and rot in a dead tree will cause its branches to fall off. If your tree is still fighting, don’t be discouraged.

If the branch is a bit difficult to cut, it’s not dead. It just needs some TLC. You should water and fertilize your tree in the spring and summer seasons. Make sure to mulch it and your landscaping before winter strikes. The tree should start to bud in the next year.

However, if you haven’t been able to water and feed your tree, it is time to call a professional Conway lawn care company to remove your tree. Take care of your trees for the future. Nothing is more beautiful than a tree in full flower!

If you need assistance in removing a tree, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Do you need non-chemical lawn care tips?

lawn care conway scA lush green lawn is the best way to show off your garden and home. It is a living structure that enhances the beauty of shrub borders, flowerbeds, and trees. Lawns make the perfect carpet for outdoor entertaining and recreation. They remove carbon dioxide from the air and emit oxygen. This helps to keep the summer temperatures down. That’s why lawn care Conway SC is important.

However, lawn care is expensive. U.S. homeowners use more than 3,000,000 tons of synthetic fertilizers each year and 70 million pounds of lawn pesticides, herbicides, and herbicides every year. These chemicals can pose serious dangers to children, pets, and wildlife of all types. These chemicals can also be found in our rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers, which makes matters worse. It’s becoming more difficult and costly to care for a lawn that is chemically and water-dependent, as droughts and water shortages are becoming more common.

It’s easier than you think to convert your lawn to a natural, low yard maintenance.

Lawn Care Conway SC Essential Steps That Will Ensure Your Success.

Select the right kind of grass

Many lawns have a problem: the grass variety isn’t well-suited for the area. Consider these things:

Climate: Some grass varieties are not able to withstand extreme heat or cold, and may not thrive under wet or dry conditions. Some grass varieties are well-known for their resistance to drought or hardiness.

Sun or shade: Many grass varieties need full sun to thrive. You should plant grass varieties that can withstand shade if your yard gets less than four hours of sun per day.

Foot traffic on your landscaping: Different grass varieties are more sensitive to foot traffic. Choose a coarse-textured grass variety that is tolerant to some abuse if your lawn gets a lot of foot traffic.

Considerations for specific sites: It is not a good idea to grow a lawn on steep slopes, in deep shade, on rocky terrain, or along walking paths. These areas are best suited for perennials, ground cover, spreading evergreens and wildflowers. Consider stepping stones or gravel paths for areas with high foot traffic.

You can improve your soil

Chemical-fed lawns tend to have shallow roots because they receive most of their water and nutrients from the top. Natural lawns get most of their water and nutrients from the soil they are growing in. The quality of the soil will determine the quality of your lawn.

A simple test can be used to determine the quality of your soil. You can cut a piece of sod about 4 inches deep with a shovel or trowel. Take a look at the soil above and below. Is it soft and crumbly? Is there a thick layer of grass blades, and perhaps a worm? These are signs of healthy turf.

The roots can appear weak and shallow if the soil sample is not moistened or compacted. Thatch is a dense accumulation of dead stems, stems, and partially decayed organic material at the grass’ base. This material is usually re-incorporated by earthworms and microorganisms into the soil. This organic matter can build up on the soil surface in poor soils and/or soils that are not biologically active. It creates an ideal environment to spread disease. You can remove thatch by vigorous raking, or using a power dethatching device. If your soil is fertile and biologically active, thatch is not a problem.

Loose, airy soils are preferred by grass roots and soil microorganisms. Spring is the best time to aerate your lawn if it has become too compacted due to foot traffic or heavy power mowers. It is important to allow air, water, nutrients, and soil life to flow freely through the soil. You can use a power or manual aerating device. Apply lime or fertilizer (if necessary) immediately after aerating while the soil remains exposed.

To check the soil pH, make sure you do a soil test. Most grass varieties prefer a pH between 6.5 and 7.0. A simple soil test can tell you if your soil requires lime to make it neutral or sulfur to make them more acidic. You can either contact your local Cooperative Extension Service to request a soil test kit or buy one to test yourself.

Top-dressing your lawn regularly with compost or good topsoil is one of the best ways to improve and maintain healthy soil. In the spring, apply 1/4 to 1/2 inch of topsoil and rake it into the turf.

lawn careSwitch to organic fertilizers

You may not need to apply any fertilizers once your soil is healthy and your lawn is well-manicured. It may take some time to improve your soil’s quality. You will need to apply organic fertilizer annually or semi-annually.

There are two types of fertilizing schedules that American lawns can use: one for cool-climate grasses, and the other for warmer-climate grasses. It is important to know what kind of grass you are growing before you fertilize.

The reputation of grass is that it’s a heavy feeder, which means that it needs lots of fertilizer. This is true for lawns with little organic matter, worms, or other soil life. Although chemical fertilizers can be beneficial for the grass, they can also negatively impact soil life and texture. They do not increase organic matter. Chemical fertilizers can also increase turf’s vulnerability to insects and disease by over stimulating growth.

Organic fertilizers slowly release nutrients over time to provide long term nutrition, improve soil tilth and encourage soil life. These fertilizers also contain essential trace nutrients, which your lawn requires in very small quantities. The soil also benefits from grass clippings that have fallen to the ground. This adds organic matter and nutrients. You should rake up any clippings that are too wet and thick to be composted later for soil application.

Proper Mowing

Instead of waiting for your lawn to grow long, mow your lawn slowly. The grass will respond more strongly to the extra leafy material that is removed. It will also use the food reserves in its root system to replace the lost leaves. Too much grass can lead to a depletion of these resources faster than it can replenish. This can result in a weaker root system, which is more vulnerable to disease and can’t compete with weeds.

The roots of grass tend to grow as deep as the blades. Keep your grass trimmed to a minimum of 2 inches. You can improve drought resistance and shade out weed seeds by “mowing high”. This means that your lawn should be at least 2 1/2 inches tall.

Do not mow your lawn in extreme heat or when the grass has gone dormant. Keep your mower blades sharp. A dull mower blade can cause injury to your lawn. It will cause you to rip rather than slice the grass. It can also pull out tender, new growth.

Proper Watering

Many factors influence how much water a lawn needs, such as weather, grass type, and soil type. Clay soils retain moisture for longer periods of time, while sandy soils drain quickly.

You can water your lawn regularly and deeply, or not at all. Shallow watering encourages weak growth and shallow rooting. Deep rooting encourages a stronger lawn by watering to 6-8 inches. To water deeply and thoroughly, your sprinkler will need to be on for at least two to four hours.

To check how much moisture has spread, place a spade in the lawn after you have watered. Do not water if the soil is not receiving enough moisture. The grass will stop growing, and it will grow back when the weather cools down and/or the rains cease. It is important to decide before the start of summer whether or not you will water your lawn. The lawn will be stressed if you make a decision between watering or not watering.

Controlling Weeds

A healthy soil and good lawn care will help to control weeds. In fact, weeds can be a sign of stressed turf or infertile soil. You can manually pull out obvious weeds. You should then reseed the area. It is best to start again if your lawn has more than 50% weeds. You should only water a small area of your lawn at once, and this is best done in the spring to prevent weeds from growing. You can immediately reseed the area. Water lightly each day until the grass seeds germinate and the roots are established. Make sure you use the correct grass seed for your growing conditions. If necessary, add organic matter to the soil pH.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need the help of lawn care experts.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For Winter Season

lawn careAlthough your lawn may not need that much care during the winter season as it does during fall, spring, and summer, you should never ignore it. Here are some lawn care tips you can take to make sure that your lawn is in good shape once spring comes.

Winter Lawn Care Tips
Aerate and Fertilize Your Lawn

Don’t forget to aerate and fertilize your lawn as part of your yard maintenance routine. Aerating your lawn allows it to breathe before the lawn grass becomes dormant, and assist in relieving any soil compaction that may have accumulated during the warmer season. After that, you have to fertilize your lawn to give the grass the nutrients it needs while preparing for winter. The grass roots absorb and keep the nutrients during winter. Then, during spring, your lawn will use these stored nutrients, allowing it to have head start, which makes it lush and green. By having a lawn that’s well taken care of, you will prevent diseases, pests, and weeds, from damaging your lawn.

Keep it Clean

If leaves have piled up on your lawn during the fall season, it will cause your lawn grass to suffocate. If you leave leaves on the lawn, they could become overly wet, which could lead to lawn disease. In case the leaves are not too wet or thick, you should mulch them using your mower into small pieces so the nutrients can be recycled back to the lawn. In case the leaves are too wet, matted down, or thick, you should rake and get rid of them. Don’t forget to get rid of lawn furniture and any debris from your lawn.

Avoid Too Much Lawn Traffic

If your lawn is dormant or frosted, don’t walk on the lawn too much. Even strong and healthy lawn grass could become weak when the same exact spots are walked on too many times.

Prepare Your Lawn While You Can

Finally, you have to make sure that your winter Conway SC lawn care plan has been set in place in advance. Once you feel the chill in the air, you should monitor the forecast and give yourself enough time to set up your plan before winter comes.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now and let our lawn care experts help you prepare your lawn for winter.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Should you mulch your yard in the fall?

mulchingIs mulching your plants alright in fall? To put it simply, the answer is yes. Mulching around autumn plants has many benefits. It can prevent soil erosion, suppress weeds, and protect them from temperature shifts and moisture loss. For fall mulching tips, keep reading.

Fall Mulching Tips for Plants

Autumn is a season of cooler temperatures and dry air in many areas. It is a highly recommended lawn care tip to cover perennials and cool-weather annuals with mulch if you want them healthy for the winter.

For introducing nutrients to the soil, organic mulches like pine needles and sawdust, straws, grass clippings, fallen leaves, and straw are all good options. Straw can be a problem if it is full of seeds. You can either buy weed-free straw, or compost it for one year.

Fall leaf mulch is great because it’s completely seedless and, if there are trees, free. Place your leaves several inches (8 cm) around your plants. You should plant the dead leaves at least 8 cm deep. Dead leaves are low in nitrogen, which is an essential nutrient to spring growth. For every cubic foot of leaf, apply 1 cup of nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

To avoid grass clippings becoming slimy, you should apply thin layers in multiple passes. If you have used herbicides on your lawn, don’t use grass clippings.

Mulching around Plants in Autumn

Fall doubles as a weed suppressant for your Conway yard maintenance. It will be great to have no weeds between the cabbages during the fall. However, it will also make spring a lot easier. Place 1/4 inch (0.5cm) of newspaper or weed barrier on the ground. Place newspaper stacks or a weed barrier where you don’t want any weeds. Cover it with 8 inches (20cm). Wood chips.

Mulching around plants in autumn can also help to maintain rich soil. You can also use a sheet made of strong plastic and filled with rocks to cover any bare areas. This will ensure that you have soil that is not eroded and warmer than the soil around it.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need the help of a professional in taking care of your yard.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Quality Lawn Care Can Increase a Home’s Value

lawn careQuality houses are the key to property investing. However, it is also important for homebuyers to inspect the house for potential problems or damage. A home seller can enjoy many advantages when marketing their property. This is especially true if the residence is in a great condition and has a beautiful yard. Regular lawn care is essential.

Most agents have difficulty getting the best price for their homes because they spend too much on bathroom renovations and other home improvements. The loan is not repaid over time because the potential customer may have different tastes and prefer a different layout. The landscaping is one area that real estate agents can boast about. It gives homebuyers a lasting impression. The plant is a magnet for people and can be a great addition to any setting. Plants not only impact the environment, but also increase the value of the property. People can enjoy the outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature. Although it isn’t difficult to maintain a garden, it will require some attention.

How to Create a Beautiful Lawn with Quality Lawn Care

A beautiful yard can be created by using quality hardscaping and lawn care Myrtle Beach. This includes using nutrients, plant foods and weed control. You can also gather information about the topic to help you create a beautiful yard for your family. A well-kept lawn will also attract homebuyers.

Consider these factors:

1. Elimination of Unwanted weeds: This refers to the elimination of undesirable weeds that can harm other plants.

2. You can plant bedding and trees as well. To give your yard a new and fresh look, you can add fresh plants.

3. Lawn Mowing: Good mowing and trimming the grass provide nutrients for the yard.

4. Watering is an essential part of lawn care. It will ensure that your plants grow perfectly.

5. Oxygenation(Aeration): Proper Aeration will certainly offer a path for water as well as air to the roots. This will make the grass grow well.

6. Tree and Shrub Care: A complete treatment involves spraying chemicals all over the area. This will ensure that proper development takes place.

Contacting Lawn Care Pros

You can find many expert Conway lawn care specialists online that can help you maintain your grass without having to worry about any kind of lawn care or plant food. While some actions are necessary to maintain the grass, experts can offer suggestions on how to do it.

You should also avoid using any tools to toast or barbecue on your lawn as they can cause damage to the yard and grass. This is a crucial point when lawn mowing. This will ensure that the roots have access to water and air so they can grow.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service can provide quality lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How can you prep your yard and garden for the fall?

lawn careBe proactive in lawn care during fall to make your spring easier. These are some tips to get your garden and lawn ready for winter.

Lawn Care Tips

Prune plants in fall

Some plants may become overgrown as the summer progresses. Your gardens will look much better if you deadhead them — remove spent flower heads – and they will be ready to overwinter. You can also increase the number of flowers next year by pruning and cutting back perennials in fall. Some plants prefer spring pruning. Mulching is also crucial.

Fall Lawn Watering

Even though autumn leaves are changing, your lawn still requires water. However, the growing season is ending and your grass isn’t growing as fast. Fall watering is important to help your lawn recover from the summer stress and prepare for winter. Watering is also important if fertilizing in the fall. This allows the fertilizer to dissolve into the soil and soak into the ground. Don’t forget to water your lawn until it freezes. Your fall grass still requires water.

Fertilize in Fall

Fertilizing Conway SC four times per year if you want the best lawn. Even if you don’t have the time or energy to fertilize four times a year, your lawn will still be great if you fertilize only in fall. Use a fertilizer labeled 4-1-2. These numbers indicate the fertilizer’s percentages of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Ask a local expert about the best fertilizer mix for your type of fall grass and soil conditions.

Three weeks before the last mowing, apply the fertilizer on your landscaping. The fall fertilizer provides nutrients and energy for the grass roots, which can multiply in cooler temperatures before they go dormant. The grass roots also store food for winter, giving it an initial growth spurt after it emerges from dormancy.

Winterize Garden Hoses

Sometimes, it is possible to forget to drain your garden hoses before you put them away for winter. It’s usually not a problem. Sometimes, however, freezing water can cause a hose to break open. It is possible to have to replace some hoses (or even a few) that are very cheap. It’s just a waste of money. Draining hoses is quick and easy. Use an air compressor to blast out water or stretch them on a sloped area or driveway.

Three Steps to Winterize Your Ride Mower

Take a few moments to ensure that your riding mower does not hibernate for the winter.

Corrosion can be caused by moisture in an unaltered engine. Fogging the engine, which is spraying oily mist into each of its cylinders to prevent corrosion, can be done. You can remove the spark plugs, then spray some aerosol fogging spray (available at auto parts shops). Next, reinstall your spark plugs.

A battery not fully charged can cause permanent damage, especially in colder weather. The battery should be connected to a charger and charged until it reaches 12.7 volts.

The fuel system can become clogged up over time from stored gas, which can lead to costly repairs. Add a fuel stabilizer like STA-BIL, Seafoam, to your gas tank before winter. It is also a good idea to add stabilizer year-round to your gas can. However, stabilizers won’t work in gasoline containing ethanol. Run the engine until you are sure the gas is clear.

Another tip: Protect the exhaust and air intake openings with aluminum foil or plastic wrap to prevent critters from nesting in your engine during winter.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help with lawn care.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

What You Need To Know About Land Clearing Methods

land clearingLand clearing entails tree removal and a brush on a specific parcel of land. Depending upon the area, dimension, and also objective of the land, the excavation could require expert land clearing service as well as tools.

Different Land Clearing Methods


This approach will include the application of significant building tools. The trees will be pressed over and then transported off the land with the undamaged roots. After the trees are transferred to the main area, they will be refined up for sale or maybe ground for usage as a mulching product.

2. Cut And Grind 

This lawn care technique begins with cutting the trees in the location. Frequently, these trees are relocated to a handling area; nonetheless, the stumps are left in the ground and are shredded right into a mulching product. Aside from that, these stumps may be taken out by utilizing a piece of building equipment. Before, burning was done in order to clear out the land. However, this practice has been banned all over the world because of fire threats and environmental issues. Other than those approaches, there are various other land clearing up techniques being used nowadays.

Various Other Land Clearing Methods

Chainsaw  This works successfully for tiny lots of land. With a chain saw, huge trees can absolutely be managed effortlessly. After that, the origins will certainly stay as well as the stumps.

Backhoe – If working with an excavating company is also pricey for you, take into consideration leasing a backhoe. Be sure that it will have a front end loader with a rake and fork. The rake will be utilized for getting rid of little things, the fork for transportation, and the loader for excavation. You have to beware though with the rake so you will not damage the soil. If you do not understand how to use a backhoe, you have to rent out a driver.

Mulching – This is the most effective choice for typical land clearing and landscaping Conway SC approaches. This is a lot easier, faster, and more affordable approach. It will not produce significant stacks of refuse. Most notably, it will not make use of chemicals, create injury to the topsoil as well as use burning. The brand-new design of mulching equipment today place little stress on the ground. Instead of disrupting the soil, it improves it by the use of compost that originates from breaking up stumps and trees.

There are lots of means on exactly how to remove a land. In case you do not understand just how to get the work done or you do not have the luxury of time, it is best to work with the professionals.

Know more about brush clearing and its importance when you call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Tips to improve your lawn

lawn careYou can have the best, greenest and healthiest lawn in your neighborhood by following a few simple steps. Here are some lawn care tips!

Lawn Care Tips

Aerate your lawn.

Your lawn is probably the most used area in your landscaping, especially if your family has children or pets. The soil underneath your grass can become very compacted over time. Soil compaction can even be caused by the simple chore of mowing your lawn every week.

Compacted soil can cause problems in nutrient absorption, water drainage, air circulation. Compacted soil is also a barrier to beneficial soil organisms like earthworms. Regular aeration is a must if you want your grass to be greener and healthier.

Simply, lawn aeration is simply the act of putting holes in your lawn up to 3 inches deep. Regular lawn aeration can give your grass the right environment to grow in. This will allow for less soil loss and improve air circulation. Your grass will be able to use more nutrients and water. Micro-organisms can also be found in your soil to help remove any thatch. You have two options when it comes to aerating your lawn. You can either rent a larger machine or use a handheld aerating device. A handheld aerating device is the best option for homeowners with small- to medium-sized lawns. Aerating your lawn should be done about once per year.

Your lawn should be watered deeply, but less frequently.

Your lawn won’t benefit if your sprinkler is turned on only for a few minutes each week. A healthier lawn will be one that waters deeply and is less frequent. Your grass roots will grow deeper into the soil if you don’t water enough or often enough. This will help your grass remain green in droughts or extreme heat. Experts recommend watering your grass once per week with 1″ of water. This amount can vary depending on the weather, type of grass, and other factors.

How can you tell if your plants are getting 1 inch of water? This simple test can be used to determine if your plants are getting enough water. You can place a number of shallow containers on your lawn, and then turn your sprinklers off. Continue watering until there is 1 inch water in all of the containers.

This test can also be used to determine if your sprinklers are evenly watering your grass. You may notice patches of dry grass in your yard if the water containers have different depths. Adjusting your sprinkler heads is necessary in this situation. You should also ensure that your grass is not overwatered.

When the soil is dry to the touch, you will know it’s time for watering again. You can use an electronic soil tester to check the soil’s moisture. Or, you can open the soil with a trowel or screwdriver and feel the soil with your finger. Water absorbing polymers (water crystals) can help your grass retain more water.

Water-absorbing gel polymer products can reduce lawn watering times by as much as 50%. The best time to water your lawn is in the morning when there is no wind. This will reduce evaporation. This article will provide more information about how to water your grass.

Use natural lawn fertilizers.

Natural fertilizers are better than synthetic lawn fertilizers. They are better for grass and the environment and have been proven to be more effective than synthetic fertilizers. A recent Austin Watershed Protection and Development Review Department study found that natural and organic fertilizing actually make lawns greener than synthetics. Natural fertilizers are better for you and the environment. There are many natural lawn fertilizers available. These can be viewed here.

Your grass clippings can be “Grass-cycled”.

Grasscycling is a way for your lawn to reuse grass clippings that have been cut. It’s simple! It’s easy to leave grass clippings on your lawn, rather than throwing them out. This is a great idea. It’s been shown that grass clippings quickly decompose, returning nutrients to the soil. The grass clippings can also be used as natural mulching to help your grass retain water. Grass-cycling can not only improve your lawn but also save you time and effort.

Other benefits include a better soil texture, reduced fertilizer use, reduced time needed to mow and reduced waste going to the landfill.

You can convert most lawnmowers to grass-cycling. However, a reel mower is your best option. Reel mowers can be quiet, efficient, simple to use, and leave your grass as it is. Composting grass clippings is another option if you can’t bear the sight of them in your yard. You can invest in a simple compost bin to compost your grass and garden.

Make sure you cut your grass to the recommended height.

It is important to know how high to cut your grass as part of your lawn maintenance Conway SC. This will help your grass grow strong and healthy. Your grass may not be the best if you set your lawnmower at the lowest setting. Different grass species have different requirements in terms of the height of their grass. This guide will help you determine the right height for your grass. You should also keep your mower’s blades sharp to ensure that your grass is cut efficiently. A reel mower can be a great option. It cuts grass like a pair of scissors and doesn’t rip it like conventional rotary lawnmowers. This results in healthier grass. This guide to reel mowers provides more information about the benefits and how to choose one that suits your needs.

For greener grass, compost your garden and kitchen waste.

It is an excellent way to reduce waste and grow your lawn and garden. You can also compost any other waste you have in your garden or from your kitchen. Composting your soil can help you green your grass and your garden plants. Compost also has many other benefits.

  • Compost can improve water drainage in sandy and clay soils.
  • Compost stimulates root growth and slows down the release of nutrients.
  • Compost can help reduce the problems caused by soil-borne diseases and pests in gardens.
  • Compost helps prevent erosion of precious topsoil.
  • Compost can be used to recycle yard and kitchen wastes, rather than sending them to the landfill.
  • The pH levels in most soils can be balanced by compost.
  • Beneficial insects, worms and other organisms are attracted to compost
  • It is simple and rewarding to compost.
  • Corn gluten meal can be used as a natural herbicide or lawn fertilizer.

Most often, corn gluten meal is used as a natural preemergent herbicide to turf grass and other organic crops. It can also be used to fertilize your soil. Corn Gluten Meal, a byproduct of wet-milling corn (Zea mays) L., is completely natural. It will control annual weeds and keep your grass fertilized. Visit Dr. Nick Christians’ University of Iowa Corn gluten research page to learn more about this amazing organic gardening product.

To improve your soil, use Mycorrhizal Root Builder.

Mycorrhizal mushrooms are beneficial soil organisms that act as a secondary root system for your grass and garden plants. They attach to roots and aid plants and grass in making better use of soil nutrients and water.

A Mycorrhizal root builder can help you get your mycorrhizal fungal fungi to work faster. Mycor Root Builder works well on all plants, not just turf grass. These eight simple steps are easy to follow. These eight steps are easy to remember! Pin us on Pinterest!

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need the help of a lawn care expert.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC