Lawn Care During Drought Season

lawn careLawn care is a must especially in many areas of the country that are experiencing drought conditions, which are becoming a normal situation. But that doesn’t mean that you just give up on your lawn and let it suffer the harsh conditions. There are lawn care methods that work well for lawns during such conditions. Not only that, technology is also evolving in such a way that more drought tolerant lawn grasses are created. Theirs is no single solution when it comes to handling drought but you can still keep your lawn healthy by having a multi-pronged defense.

Lawn Care: Keep Off Your Lawn During Drought

Aside from training your lawn to survive with much less water, there are lawn care Myrtle Beach methods to help your lawn during drought. Such conditions can be very stressful and it’s best if you can reduce stress by keep off the lawn. Avoid projects like detaching and aerating so that the plant will keep as much moisture as it can.

Watering Your Lawn

Many lawns are overwatered and that’s why you need to learn how water the lawn properly. Proper watering can help the lawn survive during drought conditions. Infrequent and deep waterings between 3:00 am and 6:00am is recommended. Watering during the early hours of the day will help reduce evaporation while making sure that your glass has the water it requires to survive and thrive.

Dealing With The Summer Heat

Usually it’s not an extended drought however, regular summer heat could stress the lawn out and start to decline. Once again, managing the stressors will help prepare the lawn for drought conditions and help it pull through these rough conditions. You must also keep the cut’s height as high as you can and encourage deep rooting are essential aspects of enduring the summer heat. It’s also important to avoid other stresses such as detaching and aerating so that other elements that may be destructive to the lawn such as disease or insects are avoided.

Lawn Grasses That Are Drought Tolerant

There are grasses that are drought tolerant and live well in conditions that most types of grasses can’t handle. Such traits could also retained and isolated during breeding, which results in distinct cultivars of grass which are appealing lawn grasses while being tolerant to drought.

Downsizing The Lawn

Many parts of the country have come across water shortages and major droughts that result in restrictions, bans, as well as a cultural shift towards conserving water. In many instances where there’s less water and having a big lawn isn’t practical, then it may be a good idea to downsize, lawn care experts said.

Artificial Grass

Artificial grass is not the aesthetic preference of all homeowners. But in some cases it is an option that’s practical. Desert environments that undergo water limitations almost do not need an argument for a lawn and a small patch of artificial turf could all be that’s required for a setting or a pet area. Lawn maintenance is simple and different kinds of artificial turf look a lot like the real thing.

Call now and let our team of lawn experts help you maintain your lawn during drought season.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Watering Tips In Lawn Pre-emergent?

lawn care Myrtle BeachIf there’s one thing that could make or break all the investments of your lawn care, it’s proper watering. If the lawn is not watered properly after a pre-emergent treatment, it could lead to several months of your lawn not looking as good as it should be. Here are some things you need to know when it comes to watering your lawn after applying a pre-emergent weed control.

What is watering crucial for weed control?

Pre-emergent should be watered-in for the weed control to get its job done. Even if it’s the time of year when it seems like it’s odd to water your lawn, you are doing it for the pre-emergent herbicide and not the grass itself. If lawn care Myrtle Beach experts spray your lawn, most of the sprayed solution will land on the grass surface. Pre-emergent should bind to the soil particles and that can’t be done unless it’s rinsed off the leaves and then down to the soil.

How often should you water after apply pre-emergent?

Many pre-emergent manufacturers tell us that we should water the equivalent of ¼” of rain every day for the first four days following the treatment. Now, unless you’ve got a lawn sprinkler system that’s well calibrated, you’ll have a hard time following these instructions. But, one water event for the first couple of days following the pre-emergent treatment is acceptable.

How much should you water after applying a pre-emergent solution?

In case you have a lawn sprinkler system, it’s good to have about 15 to 20 minutes of watering, if you have rotor head areas. If you have spray type heads then 4 to 6 minutes are enough. In case you’re using a sprinkler or a host, then you may need to water for about 20 minutes.

The idea is to provide sufficient water so that the herbicides can be rinsed into the soil. But not too much that you can see standing or run-off water. In case you’ve watered it excessively all at one, the herbicide will run off into the waterways, street, or a concentrated part of your lawn. But, after several watering events, the premergent will be bonded to the soil sufficiently and you will notice less run-off.

How soon after applying a pre-emergent solution should you water your lawn?

Lawn care experts recommend that you want 12 hours after applying pre-emergent solution to your lawn.


Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need the help of lawn care experts in maintaining your lawn properly.


Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For Spring

lawn careIt’s this time of year again when everything just seems to blossom in your lawn. However, there’s a lot of things that you need to tend to if you want to make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood. Lawn care, after all, takes some effort. With that in mind, you wouldn’t want your efforts to be all for nothing. Here are some tips that will help you get started with lawn maintenance this spring:

Initial lawn care prep for March and April

Preparation is always key. Before spring finally kicks in, you should already make some preparations so things go smoothly. What you need to do are just basics and will not take up a chunk of your time. First you need to get your lawn mower ready for action. When you mow, go high. You shouldn’t go in too deep. And lastly, take out intrusive weeds. As all plants in your lawn start to grow, weeds are also out to grow as fast as they can.

Your lawn mower is your ally

Mowing the lawn won’t be as easy if your mower keeps breaking down on you or won’t start at all. That’s why you need to make sure that it is up to the task. Begin with a tune up, replacing the sparkplug and filter if needed. Next, you need to do an oil change and sharpen the blade. A dull blade can cause more harm than it can do good. After you’re done with the essentials, it’s time to give your mower some nice cleaning. Begin by removing the caked grass. To keep grass trimmings from sticking to your mower, apply a fair amount of wax on the inner and outer parts. Lastly, give those wheels some lubrication. A well-oiled machine performs better and will always last longer to help you with your lawn care Myrtle Beach tasks.

Give your lawn a clean sweep

During the fall and winter season, some sticks, twigs and leaves may have fallen on y our lawn. You need to remove all of these before you begin mowing. This is somewhat a mandatory part of spring lawn care. Always remember to mow high. Don’t set your blades too low. Make sure that you leave enough grass height. This will allow the grass to develop a strong root system, making for a lush lawn.

Getting rid of pesky weeds

Regardless of where you’re from, weeds are always a problem. That’s why you need to use some weed killers to get the job done. Products may vary depending on where you live. If you’re not too familiar with what weed killers to use, you could always call in your local lawn specialists like Conner’s Lawn Care.

Maintaining your lawn in late spring

Once you’ve successfully finished your lawn care Myrtle Beach steps and made sure that it will be weed-free, it’s time to give more attention towards maintenance. This process involves a few things. First is sowing your seeds. Pick a type of grass seed that has high germination rate at about 85%. This will give you that lush lawn that you desire. A good thing to note though is that you need to be patient. Wait for your grass to grow at least 3 inches before you mow. You could also use a combination of different products to resolve issues like bare patches.

Taking care of invaders and adding some final touches

There will be invaders that will populate in your lawn very quickly. A good example of these invaders are dandelions. They may seem harmless, but they can quickly spawn in your garden. Before you know it, dandelions are growing all over the place if left unattended. If you like seeing dandelions, you can skip this part. But if you don’t, be sure that you have weed control products handy. Lastly, make clean edges in your lawn. Use a shovel to cut clean edges along your landscape beds, making for a polished look.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service today if you need expert care for your garden.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Important Spring Lawn Care Tips For Every Homeowner

lawn careAlthough they have been doing this every year, many homeowners are still looking for effective spring lawn care strategies to help them prepare and take care of their lawns. This is especially true if you are planning to have people over for dinner or lunch or even a barbeque night. You want your home to be more welcoming and comfortable not only to you and your family but also to your guests.

Here are some helpful tips that you can consider to ensure that your lawn remains stunning all throughout the season.

Mow the right way

An important part of spring landscaping is mowing. And this will not be effective if you don’t do it correctly. According to experts, different types of lawn grass have different minimum and maximum height requirement. For example, Zoysia and Bermuda need to be at least one to two inches in height. Centipede lawns need to be about two inches in height.

Find out what specific type of grass you are growing on your lawn and mow your lawn at the appropriate height. You should keep your lawn at that height for the rest of the season and until the end of summer.

Avoid seeding in the spring

The primary reason for this is there is usually a low success rate for growing new grass during spring and summer. Also, you will have a lot of difficulties with weeds since you will not be able to use weed control products until your new grass is mature enough. If you pursue seeding to grow new grass, make sure you spend a lot of time taking out weeds and preventing them from taking over your lawn.

As an alternative, you will have to ensure your lawn is free from any weed presence before you start seeding. This way, you will not have as many problems with weeds while waiting for your new grass to grow.

Know how much fertilizer is too much

Many spring lawn care Myrtle Beach experts strongly advise fertilizing during spring because plants are starting to grow and would need as much food as possible. On the other hand, do not apply too much fertilizer as this will damage your lawn. Aside from this, adding too much fertilizer may result in pushing out a lot of top growth which will not help the roots grow healthier.

Spring is the best time for you to properly take care and maintain your lawn. It is also the best season to start growing new plants and adding to your garden. Whatever landscaping plans you have in mind, be sure to consult first with trained and skilled professionals. This will help you ensure that what you are planning is appropriate for your type of lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service is here to help you with your lawn care needs. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Spring Lawn Care Tips for Myrtle Beach

  • lawn care Myrtle BeachWhen spring arrives it’s time to continue lawn care for your yard. Time to rake your lawn to help loosen up the soil and remove any dead material.
  • Springtime is also a good time to level out your yard, removing the high spots and filling in the low spots. A well draining yard is best for making sure that water doesn’t drain too fast from an area, or sit on one spot too long, causing dead grass.
  • Densely compacted soil does not allow the roots of grass to grow, making it harder for grass to grow, and allowing weeds to take over. It’s a lawn care Myrtle Beach tip you must not forget.
  • Once the problem areas of your yard have been fixed, it is time to seed the bare spots and any other areas of your lawn, that may have lost some growth during the cold months.
  • Another lawn maintenance tip, is to apply fertilizers and pesticides after you have seeded your lawn. Fertilizers help your lawn by giving it nutrients and herbicides to help with any bug problems that may eat your lawn, allowing weeds to grow
  • The best height for grass, to maintain its health, is to cut on the high setting of your mower. This may require your lawn to need to be mowed more often, but taller grass has better roots and can fend off weeds better. It is also healthiest if no more than 1/3 of the blade of the grass is cut off at any one time.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service understands the proper way to maintain a healthy lawn, and we will ensure all the steps are taken, so your yard will look good and stay healthy all year long. We offer fertilizing, mowing, and trimming services year round.  Please be sure to call us for a free quote.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Tips For A Healthy Lawn This Summer

lawn careSummer is among the toughest times for lawns especially those that are in warmer climates. Although most lawns thrive during summer, there are those, which have been neglected, that suffer several problems that could lead to poor health and stress. There are a few simple lawn care practices that can help improve your lawn and help it survive and thrive throughout the summer season.

Law Care Tip 1: Watering Properly

Watering is the most important part of turf health during summer. Proper watering practices will allow a lawn to send down water to deeper roots of the soil profile, deeper than the evaporation level of the top part of the soil, which as a result is going to make your lawn more tolerant to heat and drought.

You can train your turf slowly to create a deeper root system by just watering the lawn once it is showing signs that the leaf is wilting and then providing the lawn a deep drink of water at that period. This is simple method for you to grow a deep root system for all turf.

Lawn Care Tip 2: Fertilize Lawns In The Spring

A lawn that is healthy before summer begins is a better solution to getting a healthy lawn for summer than having to wait for summer to come and try to make healthy lawn. This also applies to winter lawn care. Fertilizing the lawn must be conducted to the onset of the two toughest seasons, winter and summer. So be sure to fertilize your lawn to make sure that it remains in top condition once the heat arrives.

Lawn Care Tip 3: Correct Summer Lawn Mowing

When it comes to Myrtle Beach lawn care, most of the lawn problems experienced during summer is brought on by loss of moisture in soil. You can improve this situation by watering correctly so that deep root growth is promoted. However, we could also help the soil by lessening the amount of water that is lost through evaporation during summer. Although a strong healthy lawn that is growing in full sunlight could be cut short, for the majority of lawns that are less than perfect, their best health benefit in summer could come about by boosting the lawn mowing height. The increase in the lawn leaf’s length then insulates and shades the soil against more moisture loss, which leads to less heat stress for your lawn. The same concept of insulating the soil to protect it against moisture could be added by mulch mowing the lawn. The lawn cuttings could also be recycled back to the lawn instead of being collected and then thrown away. Recycling lawn clippings does not just insulate the lawn soil against losing moisture but they are also a good source of nutrients to feed to the lawn back rather than depending on the expense and hassle of using different lawn fertilizers.

Lawn Care Tip 4: Weed and Pest Control

There are pest and weed control treatments that are harsh on the lawn especially those that are not applied by lawn care Myrtle Beach professionals. Treating weeds and pests during the hottest days of summer is not recommended. You should wait around for milder days before you do any kind of spraying. Better yet, treat weeds or pests during spring.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need professional help in maintaining your lawn and keep in it good condition not just during summer but all throughout the year.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

The Cost of Installing Landscape Drainage

lawn careA French system makes use of gravity and this style is available in different variations. It is made up of a ditch that is filled with gravel and comes with a perforated pipe, which will guide the water away from the spot that’s at risk of damage. It will protect your home and a great part of your lawn care. French designs is a good option in one of the two parts of your home – underneath the basement floor and around the perimeter of your home. In both these instances, it will help collect the extra moisture and channel it away from your home’s foundation to avoid damage. You can pay between $200 to $3,000 depending on the style and system that you choose for your home.

The Cost of Having A Drainage System

The drainage pipes can cost you from $50 to $200. They can help deal with yard inlets by either directing the flow to the municipal system or into a dry well.

Meanwhile, a storm drain or a catch basin will collect water once it accumulates during a storm and directs it to the municipal sewer system. Options include a precast concrete, a cast in place concrete, plastic or polymer. They will filter the water that pours in to them through a grate as well as a sump to keep pollutants out. They are ideal for places where water will pool during a storm. They cost from $50 to $100 and the price often depends on the size.

How much does it cost to install a trench drain?

A channel or trench serves to remove puddles that may have been retained from large surfaces. They’re best for paved expanses like driveways. The design comes with a channel structure or a thorough that has a flush grate surface, that’s put into a trench. The price of the channel or through depends on the material and the length. A steel driveway trend for your yard may cost you about $100 but you’ll have to pay more, around $300 for a concrete one.

Water problems may be caused by a lack of gutter drainage or downspout. Be sure that your home’s downspout moves water far away from your home to prevent damage to your foundation and your lawn. If they’re not, then you should add more downspout extensions that could be up to 25 feet and cost from $10 and $50 each. You can also connect a downspout to the underground system. If you already have an existing one to use, you will only pay between $25 and $50 for every underground extension you need.


Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need the help of a professional in lawn care Myrtle Beach and maintenance.


Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Landscaping With Christmas Lights

lawn care

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s time for the fun of holiday magic to start! It’s officially time to go up in that dusty attic once again, or the old shed out back and bring out those unending strands of Christmas lights. If you’re a Christmas lover like I am, then you will no doubt want to deck your house with the festive display of Christmas lights to impress your neighbors and spread holiday cheer. If you’re really jolly, you’ll want to not only light up your house with decorations, but also design Christmas décor for the yard. Your lawn care can help you with design ideas, or you can get plenty of pictures and ideas online.

Landscaping for Christmas

Doing outside Christmas decorating is a task that is fun to include your kids in. Even the little ones can help unravel light strands or plug them in to test them. Older ones can help install lights or yard decorations that don’t involve ladders or other dangerous work.

Be sure when you are buying your Christmas lights, that you choose lights that are waterproof or made for outdoor use. Don’t be afraid to experiment with color and size. LED lights tend to be a bit more expensive, but they last far longer and are a good bit brighter, which makes them a great choice for outdoor lighting. Remember that you should not string together more than 3 strands of lights at a time. If you’re using the bigger C9 or C7 bulbs, they can give a fun, vintage look that’s old-fashioned, but they do blow easier, so you should only string these two strands at a time.

Don’t forget about your actual lawn care for Christmas. You can light up shrubs with different colors or wind lights up trees. Here in the coastal areas, we have palm trees and they look beautiful with Christmas lights all through them! Chase lights create the twinkle effect, while there are also lights made just for tracing the outside shape of your house. These lights can be bought online in any length you need. You can also get lighting nets that can be draped over bushes.

If you need landscaping help this Christmas, be sure to call us at Conners Lawn Care We are pros in Christmas decorating for your house exterior, as well as your yard and other landscaping features. Why not do it up right this Christmas and have one of those beautiful homes you see in other neighborhoods or in the magazines? You’ll be surprised how many people will drive by your home to admire your handiwork this Christmas after your masterpiece is finished. It’s wonderful to share the Holiday spirit with neighbors and passers-by alike. If you’re really ambitious, you can design your lights to be set to music. It’s a really fun way to celebrate Christmas!

Call us today at Conner’s Lawn Care and let us help you design your perfect Christmas showcase this year. You’ll be surprised at how affordable it really is to go all out for Christmas with your lawn care Myrtle Beach and lighting.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For Winter

lawn careLawn grass becomes dormant during the winter season in several parts of the country. The cool season ryegrass is generally overseeded into the turf down south so that a green lawn can be maintained. In the northern area, grass are unable to grow because it’s too cold. So homeowners wait for the spring season to come. But lawn care does not end in the winter season.

Tips To Keep Your Lawn Healthy Despite The Colder Weather

Fertilize – apply some fertilizer using a spreader. While moving the machine back and forth on the grass, you must grip its handle just like a trigger and it will then release the pellets whenever you shoot. Be sure to follow all the instructions listed on the fertilizer package. Don’t apply too much fertilizer. You have to follow what’s written on the label since adding too much fertilizer will burn the grass.

Aerate the lawn – aerating the lawn should also be part of your lawn care Myrtle Beach routine. You need to add some extra air to the grass roots. Take out some parts of the soil by using a spade. This will help create holes that you can use to plan seeds. In case you have a large lawn, you should consider renting a manual or motorized aerator.

Add cool weather grass seed – buy grass seed that are labeled as cool weather or cool season. Sprinkle them over the lawn using a spreader. Make sure it is applied evenly to avoid having clumps of grass once spring comes.

Rake and Water – break the soil clumps and then cover the seeds a little bit using a rake. Once done, add water by using a garden hose spray. Always keep the soil moist and never allow it to dry out.

Other Lawn Care and Winterizing Tips

Clean up the lawn – never leave toys, leaves, or debris on the lawn because they can smother the lawn grass. It could also lead to diseases and invite damaging pests.

Lower the lawn mower height – if the lawn grass is too high, it could smother itself and lead to a higher risk of damage from thawing and freezing conditions. But that does not mean that you have to cut the grass too short. If you do, you will be exposing the crown of the grass to extreme weather conditions.

Be aware of foot trafficdormant grass can take a moderate amount of foot traffic. But if there’s too much foot traffic, a path that’s worn out would be very slow to green up once spring comes.

Check weather conditions – turf is extremely resilient and could tolerate extreme weather conditions but not for a long time. You need to monitor the weather conditions so that you can prepare your lawn for the weather.


The winter season can be unpredictable. Make sure that your lawn is ready for the colder temperature. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now and let us help you prepare your lawn for winter.


Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How To Get Rid Of Weeds Between Pavers

lawn careAre there moss, weeds, and tiny trees growing between your pavers? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many homeowners complain that their patios were more vegetation than bricks and they want to fix it right away. It’s best to research the most effective lawn care and weed removal methods and pick one that suits your situation best.

Easy and Green Way of Removing Weeds Between Your Patio Paver

There are countless online tips to solve problems from getting rid of weeds between patio pavers to using cucumbers. Although a few tips come from reliable sources, there are still some recommendations that are unsafe, untested, and unproven by those who promote them.

What To Avoid When Dealing With Weed Growth

Salt – it may seem to be a green and easy solution to kill weed. But, did you know that heavy rainfalls can spread salt from patio pavers to the nearby soil. Remember that salt kills all vegetation and not just weeds.

Baking Soda – they say baking soda is a magic cure for all mainly because it contains sodium. But by now, you already know that salt will do more harm than good to your vegetation.

Bleach – it will harm not just the weeds but also nearby plants and the pavers themselves.

Vinegar – it can burn weed leaves but it will also burn the leaves of other plants that it comes in contact with.

Hand pulling – it is a safe method of getting rid of weeds. But it’s a task that’s quite uncomfortable to do.

Blowtorching – burning may seem like a good option when it comes to getting rid of weeds. But it’s a method that your condo committee would not approve.

Herbicide – effective at killing weeds. However, they can’t kill weed seeds and that means you’ll have new weed growth by the time you got rid of the first batch. Furthermore, herbicide’s runoff can be hazardous to other plants.

Lawn Care Tip: Boiling Water To Kill Weeds

Did you know that boiling water is a good option for killing weeds between your patio pavers? Boiling water is readily accessible and cheap. It doesn’t have any long lasting effects on your garden or the environment in general. It offers satisfactory results. With this lawn care Myrtle Beach tip, weeds are dealt with instantly. One hour after the treatment, you’ll notice that the weeds become droopy. The next day, they will be shrivelled and dry and you can easily sweep them away using a broom.

However, boiling water isn’t a practical idea if you’re dealing with a large pavered area. You can try pressure washing instead. Hot water will give you the same results. Just be sure to follow the directions recommended by the manufacturer and begin with a low pressure.

When you’re hiring a landscaping contractor to build your new patio, you have to be sure that there is enough drainage and the pavers must also be fitted tightly. Lawn care experts also recommended to fill the joints of new and existing pavers with polymeric sand because it can resist erosion, insects, and weed growth.

Call now and let us help you with your lawn care needs.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC