Top Lawn Care Tips For 2022

lawn careOne of the many goals of homeowners is to have the perfect lawn and landscape. It’s been just a few months since the new year started and you still have the opportunity to start anew. Lawn care and maintenance isn’t as hard as you think. All you need is a bit of information, dedication, and some perseverance.

Hottest Lawn Care Tips

Right Nutrients

Nutrition is the first thing you have to take into account when it comes to lawn care Myrtle Beach. Your grass, just like all other living things, need nutrients in order to thrive and survive. A lawn that does not have the nutrients it requires will suffer from all kinds of lawn problems. Lawn diseases, pests, weeds, seasonal stresses, and fungi, are all the things that a lawn may go through if it does not have sufficient nutrients. The best way to give your lawn the nutrients it deserves is by providing it with fertilizers.

Make sure that you have a fertilization schedule for your lawn. Spring fertilization will wake the grass up out of winter dormancy. Fertilizing during summer will help the grass remain resilient through heat and drought stresses during the season. Lastly, fall fertilization can stimulate deep root growth, which lets grass store important nutrients for the upcoming winter.

Protect Against Invasive Weeds

Weed control should also be part of your lawn care strategy. Adding weed control into the schedule is a great lawn care tip that you should never forget. The grass in your lawn would be stressed out if there’s a lot of weeds. They also grow much faster compared to the grass, which means it out competes it for sunlight and space as well as damage the turf’s health. Apart from that, they would also drain the soil of water and nutrient, which causes the grass to wither. Make sure that you keep weeds out of the lawn so you can boost the health of the grass in your lawn.

Mow Lawn Strategically

The last tip from lawn care experts is strategic and proper mowing. You will see lots of healthy grass growth if you fertilize your lawn and get rid of weeds. So, you’d have to mow your lawn but you need to do this strategically so you can get some great results.

The appropriate mowing height is between three to four inches. During spring and fall, you need to do frequent mowing. You need to do this less during summer so the grass could stay thicker and longer. Mowing properly could also help in preventing weed growth. By following all these tips when it comes to lawn mowing, you could help the grass and lawn stay healthy and strong all throughout the year. In case you need more help, Conner’s Lawn Care Service provides expert lawn care services if you want to get the most out of your lawn.

Follow these simple lawn care tips and you’ll surely get a healthy lawn. In case you need help from a professional, don’t hesitate to call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Essential Spring Lawn Care Tasks

lawn careSpring is marked by the return of the first crocuses and daffodils. These signs are also a sign that your lawn is ready for the growing season. These lawn care tasks will vary depending on the climate in your area. Start when it is clear that there won’t be any snowfall in your area. You can also time your yard work to coincide with when the local forsythia plants cease blooming and local lilacbushes start flowering.

There are eight things homeowners should do in spring to ensure a healthy lawn.

Lawn Care Tips You Need To Know

Make sure to rake deeply

When you want your lawn to be ready for new growth, the first thing that you should do is to rake it. You might think, “But my trees hadn’t lost any leaves for months.” Why should I rake? Raking is more than just removing tree leaves. Even if you do a great job of raking leaves in fall, there is still thatch to contend with.

Thatch, which is mainly composed of dead turfgrass tissue, is the layer between the green vegetation and the soil and root system below. If it is more than 1/2 inch thick, it can cause damage to your grass’ health. This is why it is important to rake leaves deeply in autumn.

You still have to rake in spring no matter how well you did in fall. To prevent dead grass from becoming a chokehold on new growth, it’s a good idea for you to remove any grass blades that have died during the winter. This is a spring-cleaning of your lawn. The turfgrasses can be vulnerable and tender in spring. It’s best to wait for the lawn to start to turn green. This indicates that the grass roots have firmly rooted and that the plants are actively growing. It’s better not to use a garden rake that has metal tines, which can cause damage to young plants.

A spring raking can also be beneficial if you find patches of grass that are matted. Snow mold, a type of lawn disease, can be found if you look closely and see that the grass blades are stuck together. These matted patches can be difficult to penetrate for new grass. Raking can help.

Aerate if Necessary

Soil compaction can occur when your lawn is subject to heavy foot traffic. You can remove moss from compacted soil. However, it is best to investigate the root cause. It’s often compacted soil, which needs to be aerated.

The lawn aerator allows air and water to reach the roots of the lawn by creating openings in the turf. A lawn aerator can be rented at big box hardware stores or you can use a hand-operated aerator if your lawn is small. It is unlikely that your soil contains a lot of clay, which would require regular aeration.

Although spring is not the best time to aerate your lawn, it may be necessary due to certain circumstances. It may be necessary for spring aeration if soil has become so compacted that it is unable to grow grass. Spring aerating should be discouraged as the aeration holes are a fertile spot for weed seeds. The first seeds to germinate in spring are lawn weeds, especially crabgrass. Aerating your lawn will stir them up and give them a home. Aerating your lawn in spring is a good idea. This will allow you to weed the grass after they have grown but before they go seed.

Examine the soil

Acidic soil can also be identified by moss covering the ground. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity soil. A pH value of 7 indicates neutral soil. Acidic soils have pH levels lower than 7, while alkaline soils have pH levels higher than 7.

A neutral pH is important for grass. If your soil is too acidic, it will not grow well or may become prone to moss growth. There are many soil amendments that can be used to bring the pH level back to the optimal level to grow grass. Ground limestone is one common way to raise the pH in very acidic soils. This is not an instant fix as the liming process takes place slowly.

To determine the soil’s acidity before you add soil amendments to your soil, send a sample of your soil to your local cooperative extension office. A cooperative extension office provides free scientific-based advice in agriculture, horticulture and other areas. You can call, visit their website or go to your local extension office to get advice on the amount of lime you will need per square foot. To apply lime, you will need a fertilizer spreader.

Too alkaline soil can cause lawn problems. To lower the pH in extremely alkaline soils, your extension office might recommend top-dressing with compost or elemental sulfur.

lawn careOverseed

A lawn with many bare spots due to neglect, dog spots, heavy traffic or neglect might need grass seed to fill those gaps. Overseeding refers to the practice of sowing seed on top of existing grass. When overseeding, apply a slow-release fertilizer (starter fertilizer). The new seed should be kept moist until it sprouts and is active growing. After the grass sprouts and germinates, it is possible to start a regular fertilization route using quick-release nitrogen fertilizer.

Although it is possible to only apply seed to visible bare spots, it is common to oversee the entire lawn to keep it healthy and thick. This is a great way to introduce grass seed from new varieties to your lawn. If you have recently lost shade trees, overseeding your lawn with a sunny-grass mixture can help ensure that it continues to thrive.

While fall is the best time for overseeding, spring is a good option if your grass needs it most. You should be prepared for crabgrass growing up and eating the fertilizer.

lawn careFertilize

Organic fertilization can be done by adding compost to the soil or by using a mulching mower that turns lawn clippings into nitrogen. It should be part of your lawn care Myrtle Beach routine. Scotts Miracle-Gro Company offers a well-recognized schedule that fertilizes lawns, which includes a spring feed. Experts recommend that cool-season grasses receive a lighter spring feeding and a heavier fall one. Over fertilizing in spring can cause weed and disease problems. If you fertilize in the fall, your lawn will still have fertilizer for spring.

Use Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Spring lawn maintenance is not just about maintaining healthy lawn growth, but also about weed prevention. All lawn weeds can be treated differently. You will need to use either a pre-emergent or post-emergent herbicide depending on whether the weed is perennial or annual.

You may need to use both because crabgrass is an annual weed that is difficult to eradicate. Crabgrass attacks lawns when temperatures remain between 65 and 70 degrees for several days. Pre-emergent herbicides are used to control weeds before they emerge. They act by creating a chemical barrier on the soil’s top layer that covers seeds, preventing them from growing roots or shoots.

Core aeration should not be done if you are using pre-emergent herbicides. This will cause the shield to be punctured and reduce the effectiveness of the weed killer.

Pre-emergent herbicides can also be used against grass seeds. If you are also using a traditional preemergent herbicide, overseeding will not be very effective. Pre-emergent herbicides can be used to kill weeds. Wait until the fall to overseed with turfgrass seed. Tenacity is a pre-emergent that won’t damage spring-sown grass seed. Tenacity, although a costly product, uses mesotrione which is highly selective and won’t damage turfgrass seed.

Use Post-Emergent Herbicides or Pull Spring Weeds

The dandelions, cheerful yellow flowers that first appear in spring, are a stubborn perennial grower. They can be a nuisance for some people, but they can cause serious problems for others. You can get rid of them by cutting off the flower stems. If you’re feeling more ambitious, remove the root from the weeds using a tool that can extract all the roots and prevent them from regrowing. There are many weed-popper tools that can do the job.

You should choose a broadleaf herbicide if you want to spray a post-emergent herbicide on dandelions. Organic green thumbs that don’t use chemicals can pick the dandelion leaves and make a salad out of them.

You can also deal with chickweed, white clover and wild violets in spring. However, these usually appear after the dandelions in late spring or early summer.

The Lawn Mower should be serviced

It’s also the perfect time to bring out your lawnmower and give it a good cleaning. It’s time to start it; stubborn start-ups can indicate that your mower needs a tune up. Your mower should be serviced once a year. You can restore your mower’s health in three simple steps. You might consider buying a new lawn mower if your mower needs more than a simple tune-up.

Sharpening the mower blade is one of the most important maintenance tasks. Regular sharpening will ensure that the mower blade tears rather than cuts the grass plants. This will result in a lush green lawn instead of one with brown tips.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Five Things You Should Never Do To Your Lawn

lawn careWhen you’ve done everything from watering, weeding, down to edging but still can’t get the lawn that you want, you must be doing something wrong. Check out the most common lawn care mistakes that homeowners make and how to avoid them:

Lawn Care Tips


A lot of people think that it’s just natural to water your lawn every day or at least every other day. If you’re one of the many individuals who think watering frequently makes good grass, you’re dead wrong. As a matter of fact, watering too frequently stimulates shallow root growth. This means grass won’t be extending its roots down into the soil in search of water since it can find this resource on the surface. Although watering your lawn can keep it green, it won’t be able to easily adapt to harsh weather. Grass needs to develop longer reaching roots to get the nutrients it needs, which is found deep within the soil. It’s best to not have a watering pattern at all to give your lawn some versatility. However, there are hours in the day that’s best for watering your lawn.


A common lawn care Myrtle Beach mistake that people make when watering plants is the timeframe at which they are doing it. Watering your lawn somewhere in between 10 AM to 4 PM doesn’t do any good. Watering during this period means around 20-30 percent of the water will simply evaporate and most of the water just goes down into the soil. The most effective time to water your lawn is somewhere around 2 AM to 9 AM. This gives the leaves of the grass enough time to dry and photosynthesize during the day. So time your sprinklers at the said period for a better-looking lawn.


It’s good practice to trim your lawn. Lawn maintenance is an integral part in keeping a lush green lawn. However, mowing too close to the ground will not yield the best results. Cutting off too much of the grass blades can hinder development. When mowing, check and set your blades so that it will only remove just a third of the length of grass blades. Hiring lawn care service helps homeowners sort out this dilemma quickly. Cutting the grass too short would divert energy that’s supposed to help in the development of strong roots and stems. Here are some blade height recommendations for mowing different lawn types:

  • 1 – 2 inches for Bermuda grass
  • 1/2 – 1 ½ inch for Hybrid Bermuda
  • 2 ½ – 4 inches  for St. Augustine
  • 3 – 3 ½ inches for Tall Fescue
  • 1 – 2 inches for Centipede
  • 1 – 2 inches for Zoysia

If you think the sharpness of the mowing blades is irrelevant, it’s totally wrong. Mowing blades need to be sharp at all times. Dull blades can leave rugged cuts and stunt grass growth. It will also give your grass a whitish cast. Always remember to sharpen your blades or replace them with new ones each year or whenever necessary. It’s easy to notice when your blades are going dull when your lawn mower won’t just glide through your lawn. Check your blades at all times before taking your mower out for a spin. You may also hire lawn care if you want to have it done professionally.


A lot of homeowners are oblivious to the fact that different lawn types require specific amounts fertilizers to help them grow. For instance, Bermuda requires higher nitrogen content at 3-4 pounds for every 1000 square feet annually. Meanwhile, Centipede grass only needs 1 pound of nitrogen each year for every 1000 square feet.

There’s also a correct time to fertilize your lawn. For warm-season grass, it’s recommended that they are fertilized when they are completely green in spring. For cool-season grass, it’s the other way around. When applying the fertilizer, be sure to water it down once it has all been laid out. This ensures even coverage throughout your lawn.

If you’ve got trouble or need help with your lawn, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and we’ll be happy to serve you.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fundamental Winter Lawn Care Guide

lawn careIt is a widely known truth that the best method to make sure a thick, green, healthy and balanced lawn in the spring is to give it some well-timed care in the winter — in other words, right now. However, according to lawn care professionals, most lawn owners make the same fundamental errors before the grass goes inactive, and after that keep asking why their lawn is not doing better the next year. There is no need to worry because here is a six-step fundamental fall lawn care guide.

Lawn Care Guide This Fall

1. Rake the leaves.
Colorful fall leaves look good and enjoyable to play in, however, not good for the grass. They obscure the light and also trap moisture which is deadly for the lawn beneath. So when you see the leaves falling, be sure to blow or rake them away as soon as you can.  If you do not, the grass under that soaked, rotting floor covering will certainly be dead in the spring. With our relatively mild winters, this is a task that needs to be done throughout the winter and spring.

2. Mow to the appropriate height
Do not put that lawnmower away. The yard continues to grow until the very first hard frost, thus requiring regular cuts to maintain it at a perfect 2 1/2- to 3-inch height. If you let it grow taller, it will mat and may be susceptible to fungi. Cutting a yard too short is equally as bad since it deprives the root system and impedes the lawn’s ability to hold up against the cold winter months. Routine mowing also eliminates those pesky leaves, slicing them up as well as leaving behind a soil-enhancing mulch.

3. Keep watering at regular intervals

According to lawn care professionals, lawn owners tend to stop watering when the weather gets cooler thinking that nature will do the job for them. While it’s true that there’s more rain, even more dew and less dissipation, it might not be enough to keep the roots hydrated. You can use a simple rainfall scale as a helpful method to maintain track, if you think your lawn is not getting enough water.

4. Loosen up the soil

Lawn care professionals advise on lawn aeration every few years. Aeration avoids dirt from ending up being compacted as well as covered with thatch, a thick layer of roots, stems, and debris that obstructs water, oxygen, and nutrients from getting to the dirt. A core aerator fixes both problems by punching openings via that thatch as well as bringing up plugs of dirt.

5. Do not forget the fertilizer
Equally, as grass roots need water to last the winter, they likewise benefit from a shot of the plant sugars that safeguard roots from freezing as well as offer the entire plant the energy to recover in the spring. Those sugars are produced by chlorophyll, which the yard generates in abundance when there’s sufficient nitrogen.

Lawn care professionals warn against spreading fertilizer near rivers because they are prone to contamination from runoff.

6. Follow the schedule.
Each of the steps mentioned needs to be done at the correct time for ideal results.  Fertilizing too early as well as the yard will certainly send out tender blades that will certainly get hammered by the cold. Fertilize far too late and also the roots will not absorb all those nutrients you are feeding them.

If you do not have the time to do all these things, entrusting a couple of those chores to a professional throughout this busy season will make sure the job gets done so you can enjoy a lovely and healthy yard next spring.

Start your lawn care project today, you can call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need help with your fall lawn care tasks.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Why You Need A Landscaping or Lawn Care Company

landscapingEvery homeowner loves having beautiful landscaping, lawn, trees, etc. However, most will admit that while they want the beautiful results of a gorgeous yard, they don’t have the time to create it and/or maintain it. If your idea of fun after work or on the weekends does not involve weeding and planting, then this article is for you! Enter the professional landscaper or lawn care expert….

What Landscaping Companies Provide

Landscaping companies will maintain all the chores and upkeep that a beautiful lawn requires so that you can enjoy your life in other areas while also enjoying the fruit of these labors.

More than just mowing grass….

Perhaps you have always wanted a vegetable garden so you can grow a portion of the food your family eats. A landscaping company can come in and design that garden with you, then plant it and help you maintain it and know when to harvest, etc. Or maybe you want lots of flowering trees or bushes to enjoy throughout the four seasons. A landscaping company will help you choose plants that will bloom at different times of the year so you can have blooms all through the year.

They will also put in an irrigation system designed for your yard and flowers. Automatic sprinklers go a long way in conserving water, as well as saving you lots of time and labor keeping your plants watered. These systems are worth their weight in gold!

Even if you live in a colder climate, you still benefit from having a great lawn care Myrtle Beach company. They can help remove snow, hang Christmas lights, design outdoor décor for the holidays, plowing or salting. Many companies have a service package that would be like a “set it and forget it” type thing so you’ll never have to worry about getting out of the driveway in the event of snow. They would clear your path before you even get up!

Another great benefit is knowing your yard and garden are tended and looked after if you are out of town. You won’t have to worry about not being there to water the flowers or tend the garden. Most landscaping Myrtle Beach professionals will come according to a preset schedule, so if you’re out of town, they will continue to come anyway unless you specify otherwise. This means you get to come home from your trip to a perfectly manicured lawn!

If life has you frazzled, why not trust the pros with all your landscaping needs? Call us today at Conner’s Lawn Care Service to see how we can help!!

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For Different Seasons

lawn careRegular lawn care and maintenance throughout the year is important for a healthy and green lawn. If you don’t, the grass will become overgrown and it will be susceptible to different kinds of lawn diseases and pest infestation. The care and maintenance needs of your lawn vary depending on the temperatures and that’s why it is important to pay close attention to the season for proper lawn care. Provided below is a guide on how you can take good care of your lawn all throughout the year in Myrtle Beach.

Spring Lawn Care

The spring is one of the busiest time of the year for taking care of the lawn. This season brings sunshine and rainfall for your landscape plants and the entire lawn. It is considered as the major growth season. Plants and flowers produce new bloom, shrubs and trees, produce new leaves, and grass grows much faster.

In spring, your lawn care and maintenance routine should include weeding, lawn mowing, border edging for the sidewalk, driveways, and walkways, cleaning hard surfaces, cleaning up debris and dead winter growth, and more.

Summer Lawn Care

The summer season brings with it dry heat, less rainfall, and the hot sun and that is why lawn care Myrtle Beach is important to protect your lawn.

Lawn mowing on weekly basis is important to stop overgrowth and make sure that the lawn is maintained very well. It prevents your grass from becoming susceptible to lawn diseases and pests that could damage your landscape.

Watering needs to be done every week whether it be from an irrigation system or from rainfall. It should also be deep and infrequent watering than short and frequent sprinkler applications.

Mulching is an affordable and easy way to offer your lawn with several benefits. It creates a protective layer of material on top of the soil that aids in the retention of soil moisture and prevention of weed growth. Organic mulches such as grass clippings, straw, and bark chips naturally decompose and they can assist in improving the conditions of the soil.

Fall Lawn Care

Fall is the best time for you to prepare your lawn for the upcoming winter. Plant and grass growth will start to decline and eventually go dormant. Your grass will still grow but at a much slower rate.

Clean up your landscape and lawn before the cold season arrives. You can hire a lawn care expert to help you. During this season, weak or dead tree branches and limbs will start to fall and then cover your lawn. You have to rake up the wet and dead leaves, and remove any of the dead plants and debris before winter comes. Anything that is left on the lawn could smother your grass and result in bare or dead spots in your landscape.

March is considered to be the most important month when it comes to fertilizing your lawn, but doing so on September and October could help in protecting your landscape and your lawn once the colder season comes.

Early fall is also the best time to plant or reseed new sod. During this time, temperatures will start to cool down a bit, and it is crucial to sod or seed before winter.

You can also stop soil compaction in winter by aerating your lawn during the fall season. Punching tiny holes in the soil will let grass roots and soil to obtain and store the required oxygen, water, and fertilizer throughout the winter months.

Winter Lawn Care

Even though your grass might look a bit browner in the winter, it still requires lawn care and maintenance on a regular basis to survive through the cold weather and create green and new growth during the spring. Even though winter needs a bit less lawn care, you should not ignore your lawn. Concentrate on your winter yard cleanup, lawn care and maintenance, as well as protecting your grass.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need the help of an expert in maintaining and caring for your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Five Tips on Finding The Ideal Lawn Care Service

lawn care professionalTaking care of your lawn can be a daunting task. Keeping lawn in excellent condition needs cutting, trimming, feeding, and even avoiding or treating problems. If you do not have the time for such tasks, it is better left to lawn care professionals.

Hiring A Lawn Care Professional

The ideas listed below can make sure that the firm you employ will really do the task.

Uncertain in between choosing a lawn care solution and mower? Right here’s just how to discover the best lawn mower for you.

1. Determine what you desire from the lawn care service. Many lawn care services offer feeding, weed and lawn-damaging pest control, aerating, mowing, as well as little tree and bush upkeep.

2. Ask about the business’s approach as well as techniques. Do they utilize long-acting plant foods? Which is great. Do they regularly spray for bugs or issues that you have not experienced? Do they examine your soil prior to advising a fertilizing plan?

3. Speak with next-door neighbors that utilize lawn care solutions. This is an excellent way to identify which solutions run in your location as well as to obtain a home owner’s suggestions.

4. Ask for a lawn examination as well as a free price quote of lawn care services. Be cautious of firms that estimate assured yearly rates without having actually seen your yard.
Inquire about rates as well as what solutions are included. Some business call for an annual call; others work with spoken arrangements that can be stopped by the client any time. Learn what takes place if you have trouble in-between applications. Will there be a fee for these service calls? Check if you can conserve cash by paying a yearly charge in advance. This approach is easier than paying after each therapy.

5. Comprehend what services they offer before starting the task. Discover what type treatments are included, roughly when they will certainly be used, and also what outcomes can be anticipated. Some will ensure efficiency, while others will reimburse your cash if the job is poor. See to it the solution is certified to use lawn-care items as needed by your state.

Get in touch with your neighborhood Better Business Bureau to discover even more details on a particular lawn care business’s solution document.

For your lawn care needs, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and we’ll be happy to serve you.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Winter Lawn Care Tips

Lawn Care Myrtle BeachThe weather has been warm, but, it won’t last forever. Your lawn doesn’t need as much attention in winter as it does during summer, fall, and spring. However, it should still be taken care of and now is the time for winter lawn care. It is still important to maintain your lawn’s health and condition for spring.

Lawn care tips you might find helpful

Fertilize and Aerate

You must aerate your lawn before the first frost date in your area. These tips will help you if you’re new to this or want to remind yourself how it should be done. It will allow your grass to breathe before it goes dormant and help in removing any compaction from the warm season.

After you have mowed the lawn, fertilize it. This will ensure that the grass has all the nutrients it requires to prepare for winter. During winter, the grass roots will absorb and retain the nutrients. Your lawn will then use the stored nutrients when spring arrives, giving it an advantage and restoring its lush green appearance. A well-maintained lawn will help you avoid pests, diseases, and weed growth once the weather warms up.

Keep it clean

It is possible that leaves may have accumulated in your yard from fall, which can cause your lawn to become suffocated before winter. Don’t leave the leaves on your lawn to collect disease, especially if they are too moist. If the leaves aren’t too wet or too thick you can mulch them with your mower to break down the nutrients and recycle them back into your lawn. If the leaves are too thick or wet, you can use your rake to get rid of them.

Avoid too much lawn traffic

Do not walk on lawns that are dormant, or frozen. If the same path is being used multiple times, any strong grass could easily become weak.

Ice Care: Be Wise

To ensure a safe walking path, it is important to keep your walkways, driveways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice. Scotts Ice Melt can be used to treat these areas. Because it has a four-fold melting capability of rock salt, you don’t need to use as much. It can be used only as needed to not damage your lawn or landscape.

Make sure you are prepared

Set up your winter lawn maintenance plan early. You can feel the chill in your air. Make sure to check the forecast regularly and allow yourself enough time to prepare your plan before it is too late.

If you need assistance maintaining your lawn, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For The Colder Weather

lawn care conway scSome people may think that lawn care is the easiest chore in their household with colder weather approaching. If this is you, then you’re mistaken. It is important to keep your outside house in good condition even after the temperatures drop and the leaves start to fall. If you want to make it easier when the snow melts, you need to start the lawn care Conway SC immediately. If you want to avoid any inconveniences when spring arrives, you need to take additional steps now.

Winter Lawn Care Conway SC Tips

Mowing is not a lawn maintenance routine you should stop doing once fall arrives. Keep mowing your lawn until it stops growing. You don’t want tall grass to encourage rodents to build nests in your home during winter.

Do not cut your lawn too short. The recommended height for grass is 2 1/2 to 3 inches. Your lawn will be exposed to cold weather conditions if it is cut too short. This could cause damage to the roots. This will result in dead patches on your lawn when spring arrives.

Once your grass stops growing, cut it one more time. This will reduce the likelihood of your lawn getting snow mould in winter. This can happen if the grass is too long.

Water your lawn – Another early lawn care Myrtle Beach tip for you is to water your lawn enough water to keep it hydrated through winter. Although the lawn may appear brown, new roots will continue growing below the surface all through fall.

Fertilize your lawn regularly – it has many benefits. This yard work helps to repair areas that have been damaged quickly in spring and provides nutrients to help it through winter. Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn in order to reap the benefits the next year. If you are unable to do it yourself, you can always hire a professional lawn care company.

Rake your lawn. Getting rid of dead leaves will make your lawn look better and ensure that it gets enough sunlight. Raking can also remove thatch, which is a layer between soil and grass that can limit the amount of nutrients and water your grass receives.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

What Essential Lawn Care Tools Should Every Homeowner Have?

lawn careCongratulations on your new home! There are many positive aspects to homeownership, such as the ability to receive a regular payment that goes toward building equity. Gone are the days of a landlord taking care of all that maintenance. That’s it. You can enjoy the outdoors and planting flower beds, or even a vegetable garden, by owning your own home. You will find landscaping adds value and enjoyment to your home. You might be wondering what essential lawn care products you should keep in your shed to maintain your basic yard needs if you are new to homeownership.

These are just a few of the essential tools you need to maintain your lawn. You can continue to add more equipment as you move into your new home. Have a lawn? Take a look at our list of essential tools for your toolbox.

Lawn Care Tips

Lawn mower

Even if you have someone else cut your lawn, this tool is essential for any emergency trimming and lawn maintenance.

Trimmer for string/lawn

This tool can reach those difficult-to-reach places your mower cannot reach, such as around tree trunks. If you flip it over, it can double as an edger along your driveway or landscaping beds.

Leaf rake

A good rake is enough for fall chores, but you don’t need to buy a blower-mulcher combination to help with your chores.

Soil rake

A soil rake is more durable than a leaf-rake and will help you to level your garden and push your mulch around. It can be used to groom a driveway or pea gravel path.


You can use a hand-held spreader or a wheeled spreader for grass seeding and fertilizer distribution to increase curb appeal.

Snow shovel

It’s a must-have in snowy areas, but you can also use it as a travel tool. A snow shovel is a great tool for outdoor cleanup.

Spade shovel with long-lasting durability

This tool is essential for Conway SC lawn care, such as moving a shrub or planting a tree, and digging a hole to meet various landscaping needs.

Soil knife

Although you might believe that you only need one bucket of gardening tools, this tool does many of the trickier tasks. It can be used to dig, transplant, create container gardens, weed, or reach into any nooks or crannies other tools cannot.

Double-hand hoe

The double-hand hoe is a lawn maintenance tool. This double-hand hoe is a combination of a digger and a hand tool. It can be used to loosen soil, dig up large weeds, and much more.

Hand pruner

These small shears will be your go-to tool for shaping and caring for your flowers and shrubs. Your yard will sparkle if you keep them sharp.


These shears have larger blades and handles that allow you to keep tree branches under control. This is a must-have for curb appeal and protection of your home.

Hedge shear

These will be appreciated by your neighbors. This essential lawn care tool is indispensable for taming unkempt hedges.


You can also purchase a spraynozzle attachment to water your vegetable and flower garden beds. You can also let your children play with it during hot days.

Protect your property

One way to make your property shine is by keeping it in top shape. Learn more about homeowners insurance to protect your home. The Farm Bureau agent near you will help you find the right coverage for your needs.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC