Lawn Maintenance: Preventing Mushroom Invasion

lawn maintenanceAmong the many reasons why many homeowners continue to seek more effective lawn maintenance strategies is to prevent mushroom invasion. Like weeds and unwanted grass, mushrooms often grow in lawns and yards along with other types of fungi. In fact, these are commonly considered by experts as a natural part of lawns.

Lawn Maintenance Tips

How mushrooms benefit lawns

Believe it or not, mushrooms and fungi actually benefit lawns. And in many cases, lawn maintenance experts will not suggest removing them, especially if they do not exist in large quantities. These organisms serve an important role in the soil food chain that helps keep your lawn and grass healthy.

What mushrooms do is they feed and break down organic matter that exists in your soil. The organic matter may come from old roots, remnants of buried wood, branches and thatch. As they do this, they recycle the nutrients from the organic matter and bring it back to the soil for your grass and plants.

You will be surprised at how big mushrooms grow. The mushroom cap that you see peeking through your grass and lawn are just small parts of a larger organism that is buried in your lawn. This larger organism is what actually feeds on the dead organic matter in your soil.

Removing mushrooms and fungi

lawn maintenanceLike what is mentioned earlier, experts will often recommend leaving mushrooms alone on your lawn. In many cases, their presence does not negatively affect your lawn and plants. But if you really want to remove them, you will have to hire a professional. Conner’s Lawn Care Service will work to identify the specific species of mushroom that is growing in your lawn by looking at their size, color and shape. Learning about their species will help professionals determine the appropriate strategy to remove them from your lawn.

The only time lawn care in Myrtle Beach will recommend removing them is when they grow into larger quantities that follow a circular pattern. This is what is often referred to as fairy rings. And the first obvious sign of a fairy ring in your lawn is when you see darker portions of your grass in the lawn.

Fairy rings become a huge lawn problem because the fungi that create fairy rings release unwanted nutrients back into the soil after they feed and decompose organic matter in the soil. One of these nutrients is nitrogen, which can negatively affect your grass and plants. This is what actually causes your grass to become darker in color. If not kept in check, fairy rings can grow bigger and larger until it consumes your entire lawn.

Industry experts will recommend the use of fungicides along with continuous aeration of the lawn to treat and effectively remove fairy rings. Regularly aerating the lawn, especially in the area where the fairy rings exist, will allow more water to penetrate in the soil and this is what will help prevent the growth of the fungi.

Looking for professional lawn maintenance assistance? Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Maintenance Tips

lawn maintenanceYou can have a lush green lawn if you put the effort into a regular lawn maintenance routine. You can either do the simple weekly and daily tasks yourself or ask a professional to help you. These nine tips will help you maintain a perfect lawn in between visits from a landscaper.

Lawn Maintenance Tips You Need To Know

1. Mow Grass Weekly

Regular grass cutting is the first tip for a beautiful lawn. Standard lawn care involves mowing your lawn once a week in the spring and summer. You may need to adjust your mowing frequency depending on the climate or weather conditions.

It is important to consider the time of day when you mow. Lawn care experts recommend that you mow your lawns early in the evening to keep them moist. Also, only cut about one-third of the height of your grass each time you mow.

2. Sprinklers in the morning

Water is the next essential ingredient for a healthy lawn. You don’t need to water your grass every day unless there are new seeds sprouting. Watering your lawn is best done two to three times per week.

Use a sprinkler to cover the entire lawn area. Watering should be done in the morning between 6 AM and 10 AM. It may be best to avoid watering in the middle of the night or during the day.

3. Customize your Grass to Perform

It’s possible for new properties or areas that need a lawn overhaul to choose the best grass type. Many different types of grass are used for lawns. Bermuda grass, Kentucky bluegrass, and other varieties don’t need as much upkeep.

The performance of grasses also varies depending on the climate and rainfall in your area. Choose the grass that is right for your climate zone. You can get customized advice from a Myrtle Beach lawn care professional for your new lawn.

lawn maintenance4. Include Fertilizer in Your Lawn Care Routine

You will need to include fertilizer in your routine to get the “grass is always greener on the opposite side of the fence look”. It’s easy to fertilize a lawn yourself. All you need is a lawn spreader, and high-quality lawn fertilizer that matches your grass type.

Drop spreaders and broadcast spreaders are the two main types of spreaders. Drop spreaders work best on small lawns, while broadcast spreaders work well for large areas.

You’ll want to water the lawn a couple of days before fertilizing to prepare the soil. You’ll then need to prepare your spreader. Fill the spreader up with fertilizer from a gardening or home improvement store. On the packaging of the fertilizer, there should be instructions on how to adjust the spreader.

You can then walk around the perimeter to feed and fertilize your lawn. Fill the middle of your lawn with fertilizer. Dispose of any remaining product properly.

5. Investing in Weed Management

Most homeowners find it difficult to keep weeds from taking over their lawn. Some basic principles for lawn care can help you keep weeds under control. You can keep weeds at bay by mowing your lawn weekly, fertilizing it, and watering deeply.

Broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, and other weeds can be very frustrating. You may need professional landscaping services in order to eliminate these weeds. A lawn care expert can apply a herbicide formula that is precise and kills weeds without damaging your lawn in the spring.

6. Train your pet to use a small area

Your dog could be negatively impacting the lawn. In yards with pets, there are often yellow or dead patches of grass. This is where dogs will likely relieve themselves and can look unsightly on a healthy lawn.

You can prevent your dog from ruining the hard work you have put into your beautiful lawn. You can train your dog to urinate in a certain area of the yard, just as you trained them to use the toilet outside. You can designate a specific area of your lawn for your dog to relieve themselves, preferably in a hidden and shady spot. Begin by using a lead and rewarding them for using their new bathroom area.

7. Get your soil tested

Learn about the soil in your yard to keep your lawn looking great year after year. Some lawns will not respond to fertilizer, watering, or mowing. Consider having your soil tested by a professional if you are still struggling to maintain a beautiful yard.

You can learn about your soil’s health and what to do to improve it. These tests reveal the pH balance and nutrient content of the soil.

8. Reseed thin areas of the lawn

Reseeding is necessary if your lawn has patches and some areas look good. Reseeding may be necessary for lawn spots that have become overgrown with weeds. To begin the reseeding procedure, kill all weeds using a powerful herbicide.

Choose a grass seed that is adapted to your climate zone. Rake the soil and aerate it to prepare it for seeds. Spread the seed using your spreader. Fertilize and water your lawn every day, until it reaches a height of about 2 inches.

9. Maintain Your Mower

Last but not least, if you want a beautiful lawn, give your lawnmower some love and attention. When it comes to maintaining a green and healthy lawn, your lawnmower is going to be the most important tool you will find in your shed.

Be sure that your lawnmower blades are sharp. Professional sharpeners can help with this potentially hazardous project. You should clean the undercarriage of your lawnmower every time you use it to avoid rusting and keep it running smoothly. A professional lawnmower tune-up is a great way to maintain your mower’s performance.

Make your lawn a neighborhood favorite. With the help of an experienced lawn care professional and a few simple lawn maintenance routines, you can create a beautiful lawn. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

The Importance Of Lawn Maintenance

Lawn maintenance Myrtle Beach SCMany homeowners think a house without a yard is like a summer without sunlight: It doesn’t make any sense. For those who live off the grid, or are trying to live sustainably, there are some downsides to lawn maintenance.

One, grass can’t produce vegetables, and two, it needs plenty of water and attention to grow well and healthy.

A lawn has its benefits. You might be tempted to toss your lawn and install artificial turf or garden boxes, but you should wait to see the true benefits of grass in your yard.

Lawn Maintenance Tips

Why Grass is Important

A healthy, thick, and deep-green lawn is eye-catching. But it’s not the only benefit.

In fact, grass can be an essential part of a sustainable ecosystem, especially in densely developed areas such as the suburbs.

Here’s how a lawn can help your ecosystem, no matter where you live.

Cleanse the air. Grass can be considered a plant. Like other plants, grass photosynthesizes – i.e. by absorbing sunlight, carbon dioxide, and emitting oxygen, grass creates energy. A lawn can help clean the air. This is particularly important for areas with high vehicle emissions.

You might not like the idea of paying water bills every month. However, it is vital that grass can absorb water in urban areas.

Filter water. Lawns absorb water and filter out harmful chemicals. Groundwater is essential for humans, so grass’s filtration is crucial.

The temperature should be lower. Because grass needs water to grow, it tends to maintain a moderate temperature. This is a blessing for homeowners living in hot climates as it can help lower their summer cooling bills.

Reduce noise pollution. Hardscaping can bounce sound around, amplifying it around your home. Soft landscape features absorb sounds better that hardscaping. A lawn can be used to insulate your home from the noise in noisy areas.

How to Keep a Sustainable Lawn

It’s easy to waste lawn care. Overwatering is a common problem.

You need to plan your lawn maintenance in Myrtle Beach and maybe hire a professional.

These tips can help you get started.

* Select the best grass variety. Some grasses are not suitable for all climates. If you try to make a lawn from St. Augustine or Zoysia grass, you might fail. Talk to lawn care experts in your region or search online to find the right variety for you.

Learn how to water, aerate, fertilize, and seed your lawn.

* Your grass’s height will vary depending on the variety. Cold-season grasses should reach 3 inches, while warm-season grasses should grow to about half an inch.

* Every week, your lawn requires at least 1 inch of water. This should include both natural watering (such a sprinkler, hose, etc.). You should also consider precipitation.

* Aeration refers to the process of removing soil from the lawn. It is best done within the first few weeks after spring.

* It is a good idea to fertilize your lawn at least once a year, in the last weeks of winter. However, if your lawn is having trouble in spring, you might want to fertilize it again.

It is also beneficial for homeowners to fertilize in summer. Different seasons require different fertilizers, so it is worth taking the time to get familiar with each component of fertilizer.

* Overseeding is a way to fill in the bare spots in your lawn. It is usually done in spring.

* Use non-toxic pest and weed control. It is not necessary. Chemical herbicides and insecticides work very well.

Organic weed and pest control is an excellent option if you want your environment to be safe for children and pets.

There are many organic products that can be purchased at big-box home and gardening stores. However, you can also make your products from household items.

Although grass is not for everyone, it is not the resource-hogging plant that some homeowners might consider it to be.

You can reap the many benefits of a lawn, and also reduce your environmental impact with proper care.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

What is the right way to water your lawn during the summer?

Lawn Maintenance Myrtle BeachWatering your lawn is part of your lawn maintenance Myrtle Beach. But how often should you do it? Proper watering is important if you want to have the best looking lawn in your neighbourhood. Here are a few things you need to know.

Lawn Maintenance Myrtle Beach Watering Tips

  • You must water your lawn at a minimum of one to one and a half inches of water every week, throughout the year, and during the winter season, too.
  • You should water your lawn deeply at least two times per week instead of daily.
  • Water during the early morning.
  • If you cannot push a six inches screwdriver into the lawn, then you are not watering that much.
  • You need to water more often during the summer season.
  • Avoid watering too much that it already runs down the street.
  • Check your automatic sprinklers regularly to make sure that you are getting total coverage.
  • If there’s a brown spot that won’t respond to watering, you better search for another problem.


Landscaping are more likely to sustain winter damage if they are dry when they go into the winter season. You should purchase a rain gauge. You’re in the safe zone if you get one inch of water each week. If you don’t, then you have to water your lawn more.

You may need to water for one hour if you have an automatic sprinkler. But you need to water longer during the summer season because of heat stress and evaporation.

Your grass will have a shallow root system if you water every day. Root systems that are shallow will dry out fast and it will weaken your lawn. You should water deeply three times every week and provide your grass a deep root system, make it drought resistant and stronger.

You should also water early in the morning because it will make sure that the lawn will dry before the evening. A wet lawn can cause disease and water issues. Additionally, it’s less windy and cooler in the morning, which means less evaporation, which would help you cut costs on your water bill and take you much less time to get the water on the lawn. If you can’t water early in the morning, it’s always better to water as early as you can than not water your lawn at all.

If you have a fescue lawn, then you need to provide your lawn with more water especially during summer. It will prevent your lawn from becoming stressed especially when high temperature comes with strong winds. Another essential lawn care tip is to raise your mowing height during extreme temperatures. Don’t forget to water lightly every day so that the grass can cool off. Your lawn’s grass will need more water during this time because it will use it as an internal coolant, Apart from your regular deep waterings, you should also include daily waterings in your residential lawn care routine during extreme heat.


Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.


Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC