The Ultimate Guide For Lawn Care in October

lawn careYour lawn care routine should include overseeding and aerating your grass. Grass seeds should be germinated, if you have  not done so. Check the frost schedule in your area. You should mow your cool-season grass at most 2-3 times before the first major freeze.

To ensure the best seed-to-soil contact, you can fill the areas that aren’t covered with grass seed. This should be done in the early part of the month, according to lawn care experts. You can choose from perennial ryegrass or turf-type tall Fescue or Kentucky bluegrass. Grab a bag of one the most effective starter fertilizers and lime.

You should continue to fertilize your cool-season lawn during the month of October using fast-release nitrogen fertilizers. You can either use a low-nitrogen fertilizer or a higher nitrogen fertilizer for nitrogen blitz. The only thing you need to do is apply a maximum of 1 lb. of Nitrogen per 1,000 sq ft. You can spoon-feed 0.5 lbs. each two weeks, Nitrogen is added to 1,000 feet.

Apply granular fertilizer evenly to your lawn. You will have a healthy lawn next spring if you continue to encourage growth. A greener lawn is better for Halloween.

October is a good month to fertilize and feed your plants.

Lawn watering

You can reduce the frequency of watering and slow down the watering. The irrigation system will be turned off this month. Spot-seeded grass seeds should be watered and kept moist to promote faster germination. After the grass is established, you can continue feeding your lawn with nitrogen fertilizer as we have mentioned above.

To add more organic matter to your soil and lawn, October is a good time to apply top dressing. This can be done in the spring, when grass is still growing.

October Lawn Care

As mentioned previously, you can cut your lawn a little shorter in the fall. Cooler nights and shorter days mean that the days and nights are longer and cooler. Mowing your lawn regularly – along with extra lawn feedings – will thicken the turf and strengthen it. Keep to 1/3 rule.

Lawn Mowing in Late October

Mow lower than usual. The final mow for the season must be less than two inches, and not scalping the lawn. A shorter grass blade will fall over less, making it less vulnerable to winter snow mold. I prefer to bag my grass clippings for final mowings.

Clear away leaves and other debris. Keep this in mind if you want to maintain a lawn that is clean before the snow and hard frost.

Skip the Wait

You should use a lot of potassium and fast-release nitrogen as your final winter fertilizer. Jonathan Green’s 10-0-20 is my favorite, but it should generally be applied in November. This should be applied before the ground freezes or the first snowfall. Lime can be used to adjust the soil pH. Propiconazole 14.3 in 4 oz. per 1,000 sq. Per 1,000 sq.

Broadleaf Weed Control

After you have mowed your grass two to three times, you can start to address lawn weeds like wild violet. You can manually pull weeds that are less than a handful. Use a selective herbicide to kill winter weeds or broadleafs.

FAQs for October Lawn Maintenance

Is it too late for me to fertilize my lawn in October

No. You can apply nitrogen fertilizer to your warm-season lawn if the fertilizer ban has lifted.

What should I do to my lawn for the fall?

Fall is a great season for lawn food (balanced Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Potassium), lime, gypsum and treating broadleaf (winter) weeds.

Is it okay to fertilize your lawn in October


Is it possible to weed and water my lawn in October?

October is a great month to fertilize your lawn and combat winter weeds. Use a separate broadleaf herbicide (such as EndRun), and a nitrogen fertilizer for best results. The best time to apply weed and feed is in the spring.

Can I scarify my yard in October?

It’s too late to scarify lawns in this season. The turf is preparing for winter by slowing down its growth in autumn. Scarifying the lawn will cause it to be stressed and make it difficult for the winter months.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need expert help in taking care of your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care: How To Combat Fall Armyworms

lawn careArmyworms can be rampant pests all throughout the southeast turf grass for many years, especially when it’s a very hot or dry year. They tend to become big problems, as the armyworms will migrate away from brown, dry grass and move toward the more irrigated turf grass. This article talks a little bit on how to manage them as part of your lawn care and will educate you a bit on their biology.

Lawn Care Tips For Dealing With Armyworms

The fall armyworm is continuous in Central America, the tropical portions of South America and in many parts of the West Indies. They may spend the winter hiding out in the mild climate of Florida or Texas and then migrate toward the eastern Rockies and even as far west as Arizona, and sometimes California.

The armyworm larvae can be black, brown or green and their head has the mark of an inverted “Y.” You can identify them with a vertical stripe down each side of the body, as well as a faint stripe down the midsection. Along the dorsal side of the abdomen, there are four black dots. You can also identify them by the reddish-brown pupae found in the soil that tend to be about a half inch long. The adult moths can be identified by dark gray front wings and white back wings.

The Bermuda grasses are among the most commonly damaged plants by the fall armyworm. This is found mostly in the southern states. But it also will feed on several other types of grasses and grains. The lush grasses are perfect grounds for infestation and are quite common in late summer to early fall.

The larvae love to eat all the plant parts that grow above ground and younger larvae will attack even the youngest and tender leaves, while the older larvae will eat all of it. These larvae will travel in groups to a new section of ground after they’ve devoured consumed sections. Once the armyworm feeding has passed, Bermuda grass will generally repair and generate itself. It’s the cooler season grasses that have lasting damage on your lawn.

At night, lights attract mature moths and many lighter-colored objects right above the turf such as metal gutters, goal posts, etc, are perfect places for them to lay their eggs. They hatch anywhere from 2-10 days and the larvae will pupate deep in the soil after about 2 weeks.  You can also detect the presence of armyworms by watching the birds. If they are feeding on turf areas constantly, then chances are high that there are armyworms there. Soap flushes can be utilized in order to bring the larvae above the surface.

Myrtle Beach lawn care experts say that if you plan on treating the turf for armyworms, then be sure to cut it first. Treatments applied in the late part of the day and also a little irrigation can play a helpful role. Once armyworms have reached a large size, they are hard to control. Some lawn maintenance products to use include Pyrethroids, Sevin, Orthene and Mach 2. These will control some of the problem but don’t expect perfect results, especially when the worms have already been there in your landscape more than a week, feeding and growing. Once they have gotten over an inch long, treating may be a wasted effort.

The best way to control armyworms is to stay on top of the problem to begin with. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and let our team deal with your landscaping problems.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care: Should you mow a wet lawn?

lawn careDid you know that mowing your lawn after a storm or when it’s still wet can do more harm than good? So what should you do? Here are some lawn care tips to help you out.

Have you seen a neighbor mow the lawn during the morning right after they turn off the sprinklers? Is it alright to mow the grass if it’s wet? Although there are a few conditions under which it is okay to run the mower following a rainstorm. So generally speaking, it’s okay. The timing will be ill-advised and that’s because of various reasons.

Lawn Care Tips: Water and Electricity Don’t Go Together

If you use an electric lawn mower on wet grass, especially when you’re using an electric cord, you will run the risk of suffering an electric shock. If the connectors as well as any wiring under damaged or worn portions of the cord get exposed to moisture, that will lead to damage to your machine and could electrocute the operator.

Poses Personal Danger

If you walk across a slick lawn with sufficient force placed forward in order to push the lawn mower could cause you to slip and fall way too close to comfort the blades of the mower.

Damp Grass Blades Damage The Mower

Without the right fuel stabilizer, the leftover fuel in the gas tank of the mower will be contaminated due to excessive moisture as well as corrode your lawn machine. Grass clippings could also interfere with the job of the lawn mower by sticking to the lawn care equipment in clumps that would block the vacuum or the grass blade itself. These blockages would force the landscaping machine to work much harder until it finally shuts down when you’re not cleaning carefully as you go.

Wet Lawn Is Difficult To Mow

A wet lawn is tough to cut, which will create an uneven shred instead of a clean-cut if you mow your lawn on a sunny afternoon. Unless the blades of your mower are in excellent condition, replaced, or newly sharpened, it might even take three passes over the same spot of the wet lawn to obtain even a  fraction of the cut that you would get when the lawn is dry.

Spread Disease

Fungus loves wet environments, it won’t be surprising that conditions like Brown Patch disease could develop on your lawn that has been cut following a storm. If clumps of matted and damp clippings remain on the lawn without enough air flow to dry, the grass will become much more at risk of fungal diseases. The wet grass clippings that adhere to the underside of the lawn mower deck could grow mold, as well, which could be spread to the lawn when you mow again.

Damage The Base of the Lawn

Apart from the possibility of spreading diseases to your lawn, moving wet grass could also damage the lawn’s soil. Mowers are large machines and aren’t made for muddy and soft ground. The wheels could compact the saturated soil or cause ruts to form, hinder the healthy growth of grass, and even damage roots. That’s why lawn maintenance in Myrtle Beach  does not include mowing when the lawn is wet.

Call now if you need the help of an expert in maintaining your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care For The South

lawn careYour location can have a significant impact on how your lawn looks, the types of grass you plant and how much care you need. You will likely have more sunshine and warm temperatures in the South. Southern lawns require extra lawn care and maintenance.

Lawn Care Basics

The South’s Most Common Types Of Grass

Understanding the type of grass that you are growing is the first step in maintaining a green lawn. Each type of grass requires different care. These are the most popular types of grass found in the south:

Bermudagrass is drought-resistant and has a fast bounce back. It can be kept very short and has a medium texture. Your lawn will look its best with deep watering twice a week, proper soil pH, fertilization, and weed control.

Bahiagrass is a fast-growing grass that is resistant to drought. You may have to mow it more often. You should mow once a week to keep it at four inches. Also, you should apply lawn food twice a year. To keep Bahiagrass looking great, use a lawn food that contains iron.

Centipede grass is aggressive against weeds, and doesn’t need to be mowed as often. For this grass to thrive, however, it is important to ensure that your soil is well aerated and low in phosphorus.

Zoysia grass is a deep-rooted grass that resists foot traffic, pests and disease. Keep your grass mowed regularly and keep the soil pH between 5.8 and 7.0.

Are you wondering when lime lawns should be cut in the south?  Check the soil for pH changes and apply lime according.

Take care of your southern lawn during winter

Southern lawns have the advantage of not having to contend with heavy snow and ice. Many warm-season grasses turn brown in winter. You can make sure your grass stays green throughout the year by waiting for it to die and then using cold-weather grass like bluegrass or Ryegrass to oversee it.

Southern Lawn Care in Spring

Another lawn maintenance tip is that you can stop fertilizing if you have overseeded during winter and let the permanent grass grow. To improve air circulation and combat early signs of pests, remove any debris. Spring is the best season to apply lime.

Summer Lawn Care in South

Aerate your lawn in the spring to increase oxygen and encourage grass growth. To keep your lawn looking its best during peak summer, water and mow often. Seeding in late summer or early fall is a great time to add lush green.

Southern Lawn Care in the Fall

Experts in lawn care in Myrtle Beach say you can reduce the amount of grass you are mowing six to eight weeks before the first frost. When your grass stops growing, remove dead leaves and stop mowing. Fall is a good time to apply lime. Apply lime to your lawn as necessary.

Do you want a lush, emerald-colored lawn? Even if your lawn is facing strong southern sunlight, we can still help.

Contact Conner’s Lawn Care Service today if you have any questions about lawn care or how to use lime to balance your soil’s pH.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fall Lawn Care Tips

lawn careIt may seem odd to consider lawn care in the fall, as your grass will be dormant for the winter. Autumn is the best time to care for your lawn so that it grows beautifully next spring.

The cool, moist fall weather is a great time to help your grass grow. Next year, you will reap the benefits of taking advantage of this growing season. These are eight fall lawn maintenance tips that will make your lawn shine next year.

Lawn Care Tips For Fall

Keep mowing.

You don’t have to stop mowing until autumn. Grass won’t stop growing after it freezes in winter. Keep your grass cut at the same height as before until it stops growing.

After you are done with the season, winterize your mower. This involves sharpening your mower, changing the oil and spark plugs and inspecting for damage. This is where our Lawn Mower Maintenance Services can assist you. Safety first

When it is needed, water.

Autumn rains result in less evaporation and provide plenty of natural moisture to the grass. You should still keep an eye on the amount of water your grass gets with a rain gauge. You should water your lawn if it isn’t receiving at least one inch of moisture each week. For more information, contact a lawn care specialist in Carolina Forest.

Make sure to rake often.

Leaves can block sunlight and prevent plants from producing food if they fall onto your lawn. Lawn fungi can also be caused by the soggy moisture that they collect. Raking can also help remove any thatch that has built up.

Thatch can’t be removed by a leaf blower or vacuum, so it is important to use a traditional and reliable rake from time to time. To keep the passageways open, you should start raking as soon after the leaves have fallen. You should continue raking even after the leaves have stopped falling. It’s not too difficult to rake once a week.

Aeration is a good idea now.

Your lawn may have suffered from heat stress and soil compaction over the summer. These problems are often responsible for most of the browning and thinning you saw last summer.

Aeration refers to the removal of soil plugs from a yard to allow for valuable nutrients to reach the roots. These nutrients are often difficult to obtain due to compaction and stress. Your lawn will be healthier and greener in the fall. Professional machinery is best for this task.

Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

You want your lawn to look healthier and better in the fall. This will provide your lawn with nutrients that will help it get through winter, and also make the grass stronger in spring. Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn for healthy growth. To ensure nutrients reach the soil deeper, you must fertilize immediately after you have aerated in the fall.

You can plant seed to replace the bare or burned areas.

Many lawn patches can become brittle in the summer, so it is a good idea for you to reseed them with the right grasses. However, seeds that touch the soil will not germinate and it can be difficult for grass to be covered completely.

If you are looking for a power seeding service that will transform your yard, please contact us. This is when seeds are actually sown into the ground.

You must keep up with your lawn pest control.

You can have serious problems if you let insects live on your lawn after the winter. To prevent lawn pests from causing damage, you should take care to treat them in the fall.

You can either apply a pesticide or contact us to eliminate lawn pests such as armyworms and grubs. Fall is an ideal time to control many types of weeds.

Maintain a strict schedule.

You must follow a strict schedule for fall lawn care. The soil will not be able to absorb nutrients if you fertilize and seed too soon before winter. It’s not as efficient to aerate when it’s too hot outside.

A strict fall lawn maintenance plan is key to healthy lawns next year. Our lawn aeration and power seeding services can help you get your lawn back to its best when spring comes.

These fall lawn care tips will help you prepare your lawn for next year.

We offer personalized services and options to make your lawn look its best. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now for more details.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fall Lawn Care Tips in Carolina Forest

lawn care

  • Fall lawn care in Carolina Forest depends on whether you have a warm-season or cool-season grass. More than likely in the Myrtle Beach area you will find a warm-season grass such as Bermuda or Saint Augustine.
  • Those lawns with warm-season grass who want to have green grass in the colder months need to apply a winter annual rye. This grass will grow and be green during the cold months and then die off in the warmer months allowing the normal warm-season grass to grow
  • Fall is the time to start lowering the level of mowing slightly, this helps build the roots ensuring that the grass will survive the winter months and grow back strong the next season.
  • Fall is also time to aerate your lawn to loosen up the soil that has been compacted over the summer months.
  • Grubs lay their eggs during July and August, so the fall is the time when grub control is important.
  • Fall is also the time of year to pick up the falling leaves. A pile of leaves on a lawn will kill the grass and cause a bare spot.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service can make sure your lawn is ready to survive the colder months by being in the healthiest condition possible. We will apply any fall fertilizers, bug control, aerate your lawn along with our normal lawn maintenance services of mowing, trimming and weed eating. If you decide that you want to have a green lawn year-round, we can help your lawn stay green and maintained no matter the season.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Discover more lawn care tips when you call Conner’s Lawn Care.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC


Lawn Care Tips: Fertilizing, Watering, Mowing, and Seeding Your lawn

lawn careIt’s time to care for your lawn! These are our top tips to maintain a healthy lawn during the growing season. Proper watering, fertilizing, sun exposure and weed control are key factors in growing grass. It is easier to let nature do the hard work than you. Check out our lawn care tips.

The Great Lawn Care Debate

As a recreational surface, grass is the best. It’s better than concrete and has a positive impact on the environment by regulating temperatures and purifying the air.

However, lawns have a dark side. This is due to the excessive use of synthetic chemicals. The U.S. has used more synthetic chemicals on its lawns than what India has on its food crops. Suburband and urban residents are more exposed to pesticides than rural counterparts.

Lawns have existed for hundreds of years without heavy chemical use. Beautiful lawns (and gardens), on American estates and homes were common before World War II. Many European lawns don’t use chemicals.

Take a look at our suggestions and consider ways to decrease your dependency on the chemical industry. Grass doesn’t have to be green!

General Lawn Care Tips

You can mowing your lawn without using a bag. The grass clippings can be left to feed the lawn. You can also use a modern mulching mower to cut the grass into manageable pieces for your lawn.

Mix low-growing flowers such as red clover and white clover with your grass seed to increase the nitrogen fixer. This is why clover is often added directly to grass seed. Clover is low to the ground, smells great after being cut and can often stay green even after other lawns have turned brown. Check out our article about clover.

You might consider converting some of your lawn to meadows. You can let wild grasses, dandelions and wildflowers grow in a meadow or slightly wild lawn, which will add color and variety to the landscape.

You can let more sunlight in if trees or shrubs shade your lawn by cutting and removing lower branches. Seed in the shaded areas with 5 lbs./1000 square. Red fescue is about 3.5 ft.

1. Do not forget about the soil!

Let’s start with the “secret” of a healthy lawn, which we seldom see in any lawn care brochure. Nourish your soil! Fertilizer is not meant to feed soil. It is a fertilizer that feeds plants. Organic matter provides nutrients for plants by providing soil with food. Organic matter also suppresses weeds, and prevents plant disease.

When you plant new turf grass, make sure to work the compost 2 to 3 inches deep into the soil. Use manure-based compost if you can. Manure can be used as a natural fertilizer to add nutrients to the soil. Manure rich in nitrogen is best for lawns as it encourages green growth.

We recommend topping-dressing existing lawns with 1/4 inch manure rich compost once per month during the growing seasons. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus can keep your lawn healthy. This will make the soil porous and drain more efficiently, which can help prevent root rot.

You’ll see a healthier lawn and less weeds by simply adding the first step of nourishing your soil. Continue to top-dress the soil with 1/4 inch compost each year and continue building it.

2. Fertilizing Your Lawn

SPRING: You will need to apply a balanced complete fertilizer (organic and synthetic). There is much debate over when fertilizer should be applied. To give the turfgrass a boost and to stimulate recovery from a long winter, some experts recommend that you apply a quick-release fertilizer in the early spring (late march/April). Others recommend waiting until the spring to apply slow-release fertilizer. This will replenish the root’s carbohydrate reserves, which could be low. Your lawn will thank you for a light application of fertilizer in spring. Don’t overdo it.

If your lawn is covered in thatch, it may be necessary to dethatch it. A spongy lawn is an indication that your lawn has too much thatch. If you try to get your finger in the soil, it will be too hard to reach. Dethatching can be very difficult on tender young grass shoots, so wait until the spring. Find out more about dethatching.

SUMMER: Fertilize your lawn in late summer (September is fine) to help it recover from the summer stress. This will develop your root system for winter. This will help prevent injury and disease during winter.

Common cool-season grasses include Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass.

Use high-nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 0.5-1 lb annual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. feet

3. Lawn Care

Preventing weeds is the key to success! Remember that there are many products for controlling weeds that can be used organically and not chemically.

PRE-EMERGENCY CROUGHS CONTROL: Prevent annual crabgrass by using pre-emergent crabgrass controls. You have a limited window to control crabgrass. For three consecutive days, the soil temperature must be at 55°F. Crabgrass will quickly spread once temperatures rise to 65-70degF.

SPRING: Spring is the best time to apply broadleaf herbicides to keep perennial weeds under control. We would not use broad weed treatments to the lawn if weeds have already emerged. You should inspect your lawn for weedy perennial grasses like bentgrass or coarse fescue. If you find them, either dig them out and/or spot treat with broadleaf herbicides.

Mulch can also be helpful in controlling weeds.

4. Seeding Your Lawn

SPRING: It’s a good idea to overseed and plant new grass seed in areas that are bare or have been tangled. If you are applying non-selective control weed control, don’t seed in the early spring as you will be killing grass seeds.

SUMMER: Seed new lawns in mild climates (not the south) between mid-August and mid-September. You can also seed the bare spots in existing lawns.

In the late summer or early fall, it is best to seed cool-season turfgrasses (Kentucky bluegrasses and perennial ryegrasses), lawns.

5. Mowing your Lawn

Properly mowing your lawn can make a huge difference in its health. Did you know that the height of a lawn’s cut has a direct correlation with how many roots it can sustain? These 5 tips will help you avoid making mistakes when mowing.

To avoid injury to your mower blade, pick up any sticks, leaves, or acorns that are on your lawn before you mow.

Keep your lawn mowed regularly but not too short. Although you may believe you are saving time, you will end up with a more ugly lawn than if your grass is cut at the right length. Do not mow more than 1/3 of the grass blades in one go. Constant scalping can reduce turf density and create opportunities for weeds.

In the past, 1.5 inch was the recommended cutting height. For cool-season grasses, it is recommended to maintain a height of 2 1/2″-3 1/2″. Southerly locations should keep warm-season grasses at 1 1/2″-2 1/2″. Higher-cut lawn grasses can withstand more stress. This is particularly important in the summer heat. Higher density grasses have a significant shading effect on the soil surface. This reduces the likelihood of weed seeds germinating, especially crabgrass. This is a great way to reduce herbicide usage.

When the grass is not wet, mow it.

To prevent grass from being ripped (which can also lead to disease), keep the blades clean when mowing your lawn.

Clippings from lawns provide nutrients that soil needs, so it is important to keep them in place after each mowing. Clippings, along with manure dressing, are all that healthy lawns need. Clippings should be left on the lawn for a few days to allow nutrients to seep into the soil and decompose.

Spade the edges between lawn and beds, and remulch planting trees rings and lawn beds to protect them from mower nicks.

You can use a grass trimmer to cut flower beds and other areas that the mower cannot reach. You should not use a trimmer to cut the grass around tree trunks. You could damage the bark and expose the tree to pests and diseases. It is easy to accidentally cut off garden flowers.

6. Watering your Lawn

Throughout the growing season, keep your water intake at a minimum of 1/2 to 1 inch per week.

Water heavily in the morning and water well. Allow the water to soak into the roots for at least 30 minutes. Shallow watering promotes weak root growth and weeds. To penetrate 6-8 inches of soil, it will take approximately an inch of water. To measure the water amount, place shallow cans in your sprinkler area.

Don’t overwater. The lawn will find its own water source, which will help it grow stronger roots. Reduce water consumption, especially in the middle of summer, to allow your lawn to go dormant and strengthen it for fall or winter.

Overwatering can lead to the loss of nutrients and attract insects. Lighter waterings are better than deep waterings for lawns.

Reduce fertilizer usage during droughts.

Additional Lawn Care Tips: Aerating your Lawn

Aerating your lawn is an option if you have problems with heavy thatch and hardened soil. Aeration involves the mechanical removal of small pieces of soil and thatch from your lawn to allow air, water and nutrients to reach the roots. A healthy lawn is dependent on root growth.

Many home lawns have a disturbed natural soil. Often, fertile topsoil was taken away. This left subsoil that is less compact, clay-rich, and less suitable for healthy lawn growth. Even if topsoil was added before the lawns were planted, it is usually too thin to support proper rooting. It will reach 8 inches below the surface. The soil is further compacted by walking on it and irrigation.

You can rent an aerator at your local hardware store or hire a lawn care service in Myrtle Beach to do it. Fall is the best time to aerate. Aeration will accelerate thatch degradation and allow oxygen and water to reach the roots. It will also increase fertilizer uptake.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need expert help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips To Keep It Healthy in Summer

Lawn CareYou all know that summer is not complete without hot and dry days. Many lawns seem to be prone to burning in the heat. You’ll find a few lawns in your neighborhood that are greener than others. Here are four lawn care tips you can do to make your lawn look great in the heat.

  1. Keep your mouth watering

After 6-8 weeks, the soil microbes have absorbed most of the nutrients your lawn needs. These nutrients must be replenished with another feeding. The lawn will grow thicker and more densely if it is well fed. This helps the lawn to withstand heat. If your lawn is inactive, wait for the rain to revive it.

  1. Mow High

Avoid cutting your grass short. Longer grass length allows for the growth of roots that can reach lower for water, even on dry, hot days. Simply set the mower at the highest setting. It will be amazing how much this one simple lawn maintenance step can make a big difference.

  1. Watering

You will need to water your grass more often if it has been cut short throughout the season. But longer grass requires moisture. If you do water your grass during dry weather, make sure you water it deeply and not very often. Regular, shallow watering can encourage grass to grow shorter roots and cause grass to become stressed out in droughts. A good rule of thumb is to water your lawn once a week. This will help you keep it green in the heat of summer. To reduce evaporation, water your lawn as soon as you can, between 6 AM and 10 AM.

  1. Replanting and renovation

Older lawns might have grass varieties that aren’t able to withstand the heat. The grass might grow in large numbers or have thick, unattractive blades. Hot summers can cause bare patches and thin lawn. New varieties of grass have been created to withstand scorching heat while still looking great.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care in Myrtle Beach.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need the help of experts in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care: How To Kill Crabgrass

lawn careDo you have crabgrass on your lawn? It’s not uncommon. This unsightly weed is pervasive and could be taking over your yard right now. Here are some lawn care tips you need to know.

Crabgrass is a summer annual grassy perennial weed that germinates from seeds in the spring, and then lives its entire life cycle in the summer before dying off. Overwintering seeds experience spring’s warm arrival, and the annual cycle continues.

Crabgrass Identification

Crabgrass has sharp, pointed, and light-green leaves that are prone to spreading aggressively.

These are the three most common varieties of crabgrass:

  • Smooth (Digitaria ischaemum)
  • Southern (Digitaria Ciaris)
  • Large or hairy (Digitaria sangialis)

They are all pale green and have five flat blades. They thrive in moist, fertile environments in warm weather, especially full sun.

Crabgrass Seeds

Crabgrass seeds can be overwintered as seeds. They germinate once soil and air temperatures reach 55 degrees. Additional seeds may germinate later, up to June. Crabgrass is easily propagated by its prolific seed production. One plant can produce up to 150,000 seeds. They spread easily by wind.

These invasive weeds are very low to ground so mower blades won’t reach them but will stir the seed heads and scatter seeds, accelerating their propagation. If left unmanaged, crabgrass will quickly grow and spread along lawns and cracks in the pavement. Crabgrass won’t survive the first frost but the seeds will continue the cycle when the warm weather returns.

Crabgrass Prevention

Seeds are available for those who have had problems with crabgrass in the past. Pre-emergent herbicides are the most effective and popular way to get rid of crabgrass. Pre-emergents stop crabgrass seedlings from maturing and solve the problem before it starts.

These are some tips for applying the crabgrass prevention:

When it comes to lawn care in Myrtle Beach, you should apply it a few weeks prior to the last frost date in the area. According to the label on pre-emergent, water after application.

To achieve good control, two applications may be necessary. You can submit a second application within 45-60 days of the first one, depending on the label on your pre-emergent.

Pre-emergent herbicides can still be used once crabgrass has been established. However, other strategies should be used to stop the spread of seeds from mature plants.

Pendimethalin and prodiamine are the pre-emergent herbicides. Although corn gluten is an organic option to synthetic herbicides in pre-emergent form, but it isn’t nearly as effective.

Lawn Care Tips: Maintain a Healthy Lawn

The best way to deter crabgrass is with a thick, lush bed of grass.

It is part of the basic ecology. Other grasses would be prevented from entering the area by plant competition with the desirable grass.

Crabgrass thrives when it is exposed to sunlight. Crabgrass thrives in sunlight. A lawn that is too short or has bare patches will make it easy to grow. These low-profile weeds will be outcompeted by a healthy lawn that is taller and free from bare patches, thus reducing their spread.

Proper mowing and regular aeration are key to maintaining a healthy lawn. For the right height for your grass type, consult your local extension agent.

Crabgrass growth can also be controlled by proper watering. Consistent watering will encourage the germination of crabgrass. What you should do instead is to water the turf of occasionally and deeply, letting dry completely between each watering.

What to do if crabgrass is already established in your yard?

Getting Rid of Crabgrass

Post-Emergent Herbicides

You can apply post-emergent herbicides at any time during the growing seasons. They disrupt the cellular processes of the plant. They destroy existing plants and not those that are yet to be developed. After applying a post-emergent herbicide, grass seed can be safely sown. Some post-emergent herbicides may delay germination. For more information on timing your planting, please refer to the label.

You should make sure you choose the right post-emergent herbicide for your turf and area. Smaller plants will benefit from post-emergent herbicides. Sometimes it may take several applications to control larger plants.

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Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining  your lawn and make sure it’s in tip top condition.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care: When To Aerate

lawn careIt may be time to aerate your lawn if your lawn shows signs of wear and water isn’t reaching the surface. Here are some lawn care tips you need to know.

Backyard soccer games, hundreds upon hundreds of laps by the dog, hot temperatures, and that all-too-competitive father/son badminton match have probably left their mark. The result is thinning grass and soil that feels hard underfoot. You could give your lawn a breather — literally.

Lawn Care: Aeration Tips

Aerating refers to the act of digging holes in your lawn, so that oxygen, water, and nutrients can penetrate deeper. You can also aerate soil that has been hardened from summer heat.

When is it time to aerate your lawn?

Aerating lawns when they are actively growing is the best time to do it. Depending on the climate, this is the best time to aerate.

Cool-season grasses, such as fescue and rye — August through October

Warm-season grasses such as Bermuda or St. Augustine, can be aerated in the warmer months of May through June.

Is my lawn in need of aeration?

Clay soil lawns are more likely to get compacted from heavy foot traffic. Is rainwater able to run off your lawn and not soak in? After a few days of heat, did your lawn become brown? It might be time for you to aerate.

Another way to check is to dig into a square foot of your lawn and see how deep the roots are. It’s time for you to aerate if they reach less than 2 inches deep into the soil.

Before you Aerate

The best aerating machines have hollow, metal tines. These tines penetrate the soil and pull the soil plugs from the lawn. The tines can be made to penetrate the soil deeper through lawn watering at least two days before they are applied.

Give the grass about one inch of water. This is how you measure the watering when you’re doing your lawn care in Myrtle Beach. Put a small tuna container in the middle of your lawn, and then turn on the water. You’ve watered enough when the can is full.

Flags can be used to mark any lawn obstacles or sprinkler heads. These flags will be important to ensure that the machine is operated safely around them so the aerator doesn’t eat them.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC