Lawn Care FAQ

lawn careListed below are some common questions about lawn care:

Lawn Care Questions and Answers

Q: How often must I cut my lawn?

A: As a part of a top-quality lawn maintenance, cutting with a mower regularly must be observed and the grass must be cut to a height that’s even. Cutting the lawn once every week must be enough.

Q: What is the purpose of raking the lawn?

A: This is performed to get rid of dead grass. A lot of people rake their lawn during the fall season because the leaves start to cover the yard, however, a part of effective landscaping needs lawns to be raked during other seasons too.

Q: Does lawn care include watering the lawn?

A: Not everybody does this, however, it is highly recommended for lawns to be watered so as to avoid having dried and brown grass. When this happens, you may be left with brown areas in your yard.

Q: I have a pet dog and he is wreaking havoc in my yard. Can I still replant my lawn?

A: Lawn care in Myrtle Beach and dogs are not usually compatible, however, they can work together. If you replant your lawn, you should consider using seeds that are designed specifically for areas that get high traffic. Other factors that may worsen the effect that your dog has on your lawn may include a chain that’s dragging the grass and then exposing the dirt surface underneath or when your dog loves to dig.

Q: Can I use harsh chemicals on the lawn to get rid of insects and pests?

A: Using harsh chemicals is wrong for several reasons. In case you have kids who play in the yard, this might not be healthy for them. The same holds true for your pets, who love to dig or eat grass. Apart from that, harsh chemicals do more harm than good to your lawn and are not a friend of nature. Instead of that, try other means of getting rid of pests and insects from your lawn.

If you do not have time to take care of your lawn or maybe just not up to this task, Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and our team will be happy to give you a quote for their lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How to apply lawn fertilizer

lawn careIf your lawn isn’t looking its best, you might think about applying fertilizer. Although this instinct is not always correct, it’s important to remember that details are everything when it comes to lawn care. It is important to consider how fertilizer should be applied to lawns, as well as the best time. You could end up with a burnt lawn or wasted fertilizer if you don’t take these things into consideration.

Find out how to make your lawn look great and be the envy of everyone else with these tips for lawn care in Myrtle Beach.

Lawn Care Tips: When to apply fertilizer

The type of grass that you have will determine the best time to apply lawn fertilizer. The northern United States tends to grow cool-season grasses while the South grows warm-season grasses. Both types of grasses are best treated by lawn growers late in the spring or late in summer. Cool-season grasses require a third application, which is usually done in the fall.

The late autumn feeding is the most crucial for cool-season grasses. Winterizing is more than just preparing your lawn for winter. The nutrients provided will also help to get the lawn ready for the spring.

Before you get started

You can buy the fertilizer in advance and keep it handy so you are ready for when it’s sunny and you have time to apply it. Before you start, make sure to check the forecast.

Measure the area of your lawn. The calculation can be done once, unless your lawn is larger. Keep the calculation for later use. Even if your yard is irregularly shaped, you don’t need any fancy math tools or a lot of mathematical knowledge to calculate the area.

Your lawn can be divided into rectangular sections. Decide beforehand on how big you want your lawn to be, and then use the tape measure to measure the area. Spray paint is used for marking the edges so you know exactly where you are. Continue to do this for each section of the lawn until it is all covered.

Pick a spot to fill your spreader

Do not put any spreader out on your lawn. You could end up burning it if you spill any on your lawn. Spread it on a driveway or other hard surface instead.

Check the Instructions for Bag

For application guidelines, check the bag. It will show you where to set your spreader, and how much fertilizer to cover 1000 feet. (Be aware that too much fertilizer can cause lawn damage).

Setup Spreader

Adjust the spreader settings to match those in the instruction manual.

Make sure to fill your spreader

This is where you will need to measure the area of your lawn. If the directions say to fertilize 1000 feet of lawn, but your lawn is only 500 feet in size, then you should fill the spreader with half the amount. You’ll need to double your spreader if you have 2000 square feet.

Perimeter Fertilizer

Begin by applying the fertilizer along the lawn’s edges. Then, walk at a steady pace.

Finalize Fertilizer Application

To avoid any uneven fertilizer application, turn off the spreader after you’ve covered all edges. Turn the spreader off and apply fertilizer to the remainder of the lawn. Moving at an even pace around the perimeter, continue walking. You can check coverage as you move; if gaps exist, make overlapping passes.

The Fertilizer Needs Water

Because rain can provide even coverage, it’s best if the earth follows up with moderate and steady rainfall. If nature isn’t cooperating, you can water the fertilizer yourself.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

How Often Do You Need to Mow Your Lawn?

lawn careMowing your lawn is one of the most time-consuming lawn care task. Mowing your lawn will make your home look great and help your grass grow at its best.

There are many factors that affect how often you mow. You will need to consider the following factors: rainfall, grass type, fertilization, time available, and how long you can spare. These are some guidelines that will help you determine the best mowing time for your lawn.

Lawn Care Tips

Different Types of Turf

Grasses are green living plants that are often grouped together to make a single entity, called turf. This makes up a lawn. Turf can grow at different rates depending upon the type of grass, climate and amount of shade. Some varieties prefer to be cut higher than others, while others prefer to stay closer to the soil. You can determine the height of your turf’s active growth to help you decide how often to mow it to keep it uniform.

Cool-season grasses

Cool season grasses like fescues, bluegrass, and ryegrasses grow quickly in spring and autumn. They will need to get cut more frequently when the rainfall is higher. Broadleaf weeds can be controlled by mowing at the highest height possible during spring months. In the summer heat, grass growth will slow down and will require less mowing.

Warm-season grasses

In states that have hot summers and mild winters, warm-season grasses are more common in the southwest and southern hemispheres. St. Augustine Bermuda, Buffalo, and Zoysia grasses thrive in the heat of summer, but they don’t overwinter like cool-season grasses. These grasses require more frequent mowing during periods of heavy rainfall.

Shade grasses

Many types of grass thrive in sun. It is difficult to grow grass in the shade. Although special mixes are available from most retailers that sell grass seed for shade, germination is dependent on the light which makes it difficult to maintain a lawn in shade. These conditions are generally better for cool-season grasses. You might want to mow higher and less often in these areas.

New lawn

Once a lawn is active, it should be mowed as you would a mature lawn. It is best to not mow too soon as it can cause damage. However, it is fine to start cutting new grass after it has reached the ideal height for its type.

The 1/3 Rule

The stems protect grass blades from damage when it starts actively growing. The stems can be damaged if you cut your grass too low and the grass will die.

The blades will begin to flower after a few months. As new leaves begin to grow, the stem expands to accommodate them. Roots also start to spread. To remove as little as one-third to one-half of the new leaves, raise your mower’s height.

This will prevent you from making a common error when it comes to lawn care in Myrtle Beach: mowing too closely. Cutting the grass below its optimal height can hinder root development, which can lead to weed infestation, drought damage, and injury.

You should mow the grass less often if it grows above the recommended height. You may need to repeat this lawn maintenance process several times, taking a few days off between each pass to let the turf recover.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need expert help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care: When To Apply Fertilizer

lawn careYou should include fertilizing your lawn in your annual lawn care tasks, which include mowing and trimming. Did you know that fertilizing the lawn at the right time of the day will give it greater benefits? There are specific rules and guidelines that you need to follow, depending on what fertilizer you use and the type of grass.

Lawn Care Tips: Why Fertilize Your Lawn

Your lawn will have a nice green color due to nitrogen. The nitrogen helps give your turf a great look by reducing weed problems. NPK ratios are labels that indicate the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium used to make a specific fertilizer. You can test your soil by taking it to an agriculture extension office in your area. This will tell you if the phosphorous or potassium levels are adequate. If yes, your lawn won’t require those amendments for many years. Apply nitrogen annually to promote good color and growth.

Different Fertilizer Application Types

There are many options for lawn fertilizers, but most commonly they are applied in liquid or granular forms. Organic fertilizers such as composted manure or organic fertilizers are options too. However, these must be first broken down in the soil before they can be used for lawn maintenance. There are both advantages and disadvantages to liquid fertilizers, but it is important to understand when to use them and when to stop.

When is the best time to apply granular fertilizer on your lawn?

The Granular fertilizer may be either water-soluble or insoluble. This is also known as slow-release. Both have been used successfully on lawns for many years. Water-soluble granular fertilizer must only be applied to grass when it is cool and dry. This fertilizer must be watered in regularly to prevent leaf burn. Slower release formulas are less likely than fast-release formulas to cause damage to grass leaves, so it’s not essential that grass is dry. After spreading, water should be given to allow the granules to get into the soil.

When is the perfect time to add water-soluble granular fertilizer to your lawn?

  • Before a steady rain
  • Mid-morning, after the dew, dried
  • Evenings with low temperature

When is the best time to apply slow-release fertilizer to your lawn?

  • Mornings before temperatures get hot
  • Before a steady rain

Avoid applying any granular fertilizer:

  • After rainfall
  • Prior to a heavy storm
  • The hottest time of the day

When is the best time to apply liquid fertilizer to your lawn?

Liquid fertilizer has one advantage: it is quick and can be applied to your lawn within days. However, liquid fertilizer is not as effective as granular fertilizer. It needs to be applied more frequently and doesn’t last as long. It is important that the grass be completely dry before applying any liquid fertilizer. Any water present on the lawn will dilute it and make it less effective. Granular fertilizers are meant to nourish the roots. However, liquid fertilizer can be used to foliar feed the leaves. If applied when the lawn is still growing, liquid fertilizers can quickly burn the grass.

When is the best time to apply liquid fertilizer to your lawn?

  • Evening with cool temperatures
  • No rain for at least two days
  • Dry grass

When to Avoid the Application Of Liquid Fertilizer

  • If the grass is wet from rain or morning dew
  • Rain is expected
  • The hottest hour of the day

Use Granular Fertilizer or Liquid Fertilizer

You can use both types of fertilizer on your lawn, but not simultaneously. To maintain healthy roots throughout winter, slow release granular fertilizer may be applied on a cool fall day. A liquid application during the early stages of spring growth can strengthen grass leaves and give them a uniform green color.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach Lawn Care Tips To Fix Your Soil

lawn care

Myrtle Beach is a naturally dry and warm place and lately we have been in a drought. If your yard plants are drying up rather than growing, the issue may come from your soil. Several passionate amateur garden enthusiasts think that any type of soil trouble could be dealt with by including organic matter. However, this is not the case as it is very important to first determine the particular nature of the issue prior to finding the best lawn care solution. You will also need a lot of patience since putting back bad soil takes some time.

Five Ways To Fix Bad Soil To Help With Your Myrtle Beach Landscaping Task

  1. Soil Evaluation

Having your soil tested and evaluated is a good place to start. This could be done by sending an example to your Myrtle Beach county extension service for a free or minimal charge. The result will give you various information including your soil’s acid level, pH balance, and nutrient as well as trace element levels, among others. You will also get lawn maintenance recommendations on how to fix your soil by including ideal quantities of lime as well as plant food, are supplied.

When you understand exactly what your soil requires, you could include it for the following growing period.

  1. Moisture control

Conway lawn care professionals suggest that garden soil only needs a good amount of moisture during the dry summer season and in naturally dry areas like South Carolina. Either utilize rain water for moisture or make use of compost to secure your dirt from dehydration. Watering too much might be harmful as wet soil denies the roots from taking in oxygen.

  1. Decrease Erosion

Natural forces such as the wind, rainfall, and hail could erode your yard. You can minimize its effect by rotating plants and using polyculture to replicate an all-natural plant environment.

  1. Practice Soil Aeration

Another tip from lawn care specialists is aeration, which enables better flow of air, water, and also nutrients in your soil. Tilling, on the other hand, is a much more extreme activity that might be needed if the soil is exceptionally clayey or compact.

One thing you can do to maintain your soil aerated is to include earthworms. But since earthworms also need food, introduce them after aerating your soil.

  1. Introducing organic matter

Well balanced natural garden compost, which will certainly include abundant nutrients to the yard, does best when it is extensively incorporated into the dirt instead of simply laid on top of the surface area.

When you are taking care of the sandy soil, blending in coir (dried out coconut husk fibers) along with the garden compost will certainly help with water retention. Nitrogen-rich garden compost is recommended if revealed in your soil evaluation. To enhance your yard with other minerals, make use of kelp, volcanic rock powder, or greensand.

Fix bad soil immediately, if you need help in your Conway or Carolina Forest  landscaping project, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Maintain Your Lawn In The Heat of Summer

lawn careThe peak of summertime heat is here– can your lawn care manage it? We suggest the following tricks in order to keep a healthy yard during the severe heat of the summer season.

Landscape Tip #1 – Refrain From Cutting The Grass Too Short

One typical mistake made by both homeowners and commercial landscaping companies is cutting the grass too short. If a yard is cut too short, it minimizes the plants’ ability to produce energy for growth. When cut at the appropriate height, however, turf develops stronger roots that support more vigorous plants that are more tolerant of heat stress. Bear in mind that each type of grass has its own growing patterns that will be affected by the height at which you cut the grass. For example, cool season turf and warm season turf types need somewhat different maintenance strategies. Research which cutting height is ideal for your yard.

Landscaping Tip #2 – The One-Third Guideline

When choosing the proper height to cut your yard, it is necessary to also remember the “one-third” guideline: never ever remove more than one-third of the lawn height at any given time. By following this rule of thumb, the yard is kept cooler because less plant tissue is eliminated. In truth, cool season yard types actually benefit in the heat of the summer by setting the blade higher. If a lawn is usually cut at 2.5 inches, for instance, increasing it to 3 inches in the heat of summer will come with many benefits.

Landscaping Tip#3 – Limit Water Intake

One collective misconception about preserving yards in severe heat is the requirement to overwater. A glaring concern is that after rains, individuals still irrigate their yard. A general rule to keep in mind is that turf lawns do much better handled on the dry side rather than damp; when soil is constantly damp, it creates a lot of physiological issues for plants and soil organisms alike. The turf roots will be denied oxygen and might end up being more vulnerable to disease due to the fact that bacteria prosper in damp conditions. In general, the drier the grass and soil, the less disease there will be.

Another rule of thumb is to water “deeply and infrequently.” Water deeply to damp the whole root zone, then do not water again until the grass is dry. To identify the next watering time, merely “eyeball-it.” If it begins to look dry, then water. If you would like to be specific, water specific areas (spots that get dry faster than the rest of the yard) and then wait for the rest of the yard to dry.

While it is necessary to be adequate in hydration, do not water the lawn daily. Yards require only one inch of water weekly, including rainfall.

Landscaping Tip #4 – Avoid Mowing When Dry

Avoid mowing the yard during drought season. Lawns under such tension are restricted in their ability to recover from trimming and can be harmed a lot more. Instead, cut the lawn after a rain or after a watering day. Likewise, do not trim damp grass to prevent clumping.

Landscape Tip #5 – Keep Blades Sharp

The blades of grass will heal faster if a sharp mower blade is used. Dull mower blades will actually tear the plant tissue, not cut it; torn grass will develop a dark brown look at the surface and might become more vulnerable to disease and stress. Sharper blades will prevent a brown appearance and help to prevent further damage to the plant.

Landscape Tip #6 – Do Not Bag Turf Clippings

Experts in lawn care in Myrtle Beach say that you must return clippings to the yard using a mulching mower. Clippings are really beneficial to the yard, as they serve as a slow-release fertilizer for the plant as they decay. It is important to aim the clippings far from streets, storm drains, and bodies of water.

When near bodies of water, do bag the clippings within a couple of lawn mower widths of the water’s edge to lower contamination of streams and lakes from the nutrients released from breaking down leaf tissue.

Landscape Tip #7 – Fertilize Less

Property owners and lawn care companies alike will do what it takes to keep their yard healthy and growing right. Although the concept of fertilizing may seem like a great idea to preserve a vigorous yard, do not consider it throughout the heat of mid-summer. During the hot summer season, the cool season lawns are taking in more than they can use. Fertilizing stimulates more growth, which takes in even more energy even more stressing yards throughout the duration of high temperature levels.

The very same rules apply to growing practices such as aeration and dethatching. Withstand aggressive practices that enforce temporary damage throughout periods of summer season heat. Rather, cultivate in fall or spring when the turf is energetic and can recover quickly from the temporary injury.

Landscape Tip #8 – Year-Around Health

A total two-pronged method will make lawn maintenance a healthy and easier procedure. Step one is to maintain year-round health. Grass will endure the heat more easily if it remains in a healthy state throughout the entire year. All around season care consists of appropriate watering, fertilization, pest control and mowing that aid to produce a regularly healthy lawn that is able to endure summertime (and other) seasons.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service today for a complete inspection of your lawn and how they can help you keep it looking great regardless of the season.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Winter Lawn Care Tips

Lawn Care Myrtle BeachThe weather has been warm, but, it won’t last forever. Your lawn doesn’t need as much attention in winter as it does during summer, fall, and spring. However, it should still be taken care of and now is the time for winter lawn care. It is still important to maintain your lawn’s health and condition for spring.

Lawn care tips you might find helpful

Fertilize and Aerate

You must aerate your lawn before the first frost date in your area. These tips will help you if you’re new to this or want to remind yourself how it should be done. It will allow your grass to breathe before it goes dormant and help in removing any compaction from the warm season.

After you have mowed the lawn, fertilize it. This will ensure that the grass has all the nutrients it requires to prepare for winter. During winter, the grass roots will absorb and retain the nutrients. Your lawn will then use the stored nutrients when spring arrives, giving it an advantage and restoring its lush green appearance. A well-maintained lawn will help you avoid pests, diseases, and weed growth once the weather warms up.

Keep it clean

It is possible that leaves may have accumulated in your yard from fall, which can cause your lawn to become suffocated before winter. Don’t leave the leaves on your lawn to collect disease, especially if they are too moist. If the leaves aren’t too wet or too thick you can mulch them with your mower to break down the nutrients and recycle them back into your lawn. If the leaves are too thick or wet, you can use your rake to get rid of them.

Avoid too much lawn traffic

Do not walk on lawns that are dormant, or frozen. If the same path is being used multiple times, any strong grass could easily become weak.

Ice Care: Be Wise

To ensure a safe walking path, it is important to keep your walkways, driveways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice. Scotts Ice Melt can be used to treat these areas. Because it has a four-fold melting capability of rock salt, you don’t need to use as much. It can be used only as needed to not damage your lawn or landscape.

Make sure you are prepared

Set up your winter lawn maintenance plan early. You can feel the chill in your air. Make sure to check the forecast regularly and allow yourself enough time to prepare your plan before it is too late.

If you need assistance maintaining your lawn, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For The Colder Weather

lawn care conway scSome people may think that lawn care is the easiest chore in their household with colder weather approaching. If this is you, then you’re mistaken. It is important to keep your outside house in good condition even after the temperatures drop and the leaves start to fall. If you want to make it easier when the snow melts, you need to start the lawn care Conway SC immediately. If you want to avoid any inconveniences when spring arrives, you need to take additional steps now.

Winter Lawn Care Conway SC Tips

Mowing is not a lawn maintenance routine you should stop doing once fall arrives. Keep mowing your lawn until it stops growing. You don’t want tall grass to encourage rodents to build nests in your home during winter.

Do not cut your lawn too short. The recommended height for grass is 2 1/2 to 3 inches. Your lawn will be exposed to cold weather conditions if it is cut too short. This could cause damage to the roots. This will result in dead patches on your lawn when spring arrives.

Once your grass stops growing, cut it one more time. This will reduce the likelihood of your lawn getting snow mould in winter. This can happen if the grass is too long.

Water your lawn – Another early lawn care Myrtle Beach tip for you is to water your lawn enough water to keep it hydrated through winter. Although the lawn may appear brown, new roots will continue growing below the surface all through fall.

Fertilize your lawn regularly – it has many benefits. This yard work helps to repair areas that have been damaged quickly in spring and provides nutrients to help it through winter. Fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn in order to reap the benefits the next year. If you are unable to do it yourself, you can always hire a professional lawn care company.

Rake your lawn. Getting rid of dead leaves will make your lawn look better and ensure that it gets enough sunlight. Raking can also remove thatch, which is a layer between soil and grass that can limit the amount of nutrients and water your grass receives.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need professional help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

What Essential Lawn Care Tools Should Every Homeowner Have?

lawn careCongratulations on your new home! There are many positive aspects to homeownership, such as the ability to receive a regular payment that goes toward building equity. Gone are the days of a landlord taking care of all that maintenance. That’s it. You can enjoy the outdoors and planting flower beds, or even a vegetable garden, by owning your own home. You will find landscaping adds value and enjoyment to your home. You might be wondering what essential lawn care products you should keep in your shed to maintain your basic yard needs if you are new to homeownership.

These are just a few of the essential tools you need to maintain your lawn. You can continue to add more equipment as you move into your new home. Have a lawn? Take a look at our list of essential tools for your toolbox.

Lawn Care Tips

Lawn mower

Even if you have someone else cut your lawn, this tool is essential for any emergency trimming and lawn maintenance.

Trimmer for string/lawn

This tool can reach those difficult-to-reach places your mower cannot reach, such as around tree trunks. If you flip it over, it can double as an edger along your driveway or landscaping beds.

Leaf rake

A good rake is enough for fall chores, but you don’t need to buy a blower-mulcher combination to help with your chores.

Soil rake

A soil rake is more durable than a leaf-rake and will help you to level your garden and push your mulch around. It can be used to groom a driveway or pea gravel path.


You can use a hand-held spreader or a wheeled spreader for grass seeding and fertilizer distribution to increase curb appeal.

Snow shovel

It’s a must-have in snowy areas, but you can also use it as a travel tool. A snow shovel is a great tool for outdoor cleanup.

Spade shovel with long-lasting durability

This tool is essential for Conway SC lawn care, such as moving a shrub or planting a tree, and digging a hole to meet various landscaping needs.

Soil knife

Although you might believe that you only need one bucket of gardening tools, this tool does many of the trickier tasks. It can be used to dig, transplant, create container gardens, weed, or reach into any nooks or crannies other tools cannot.

Double-hand hoe

The double-hand hoe is a lawn maintenance tool. This double-hand hoe is a combination of a digger and a hand tool. It can be used to loosen soil, dig up large weeds, and much more.

Hand pruner

These small shears will be your go-to tool for shaping and caring for your flowers and shrubs. Your yard will sparkle if you keep them sharp.


These shears have larger blades and handles that allow you to keep tree branches under control. This is a must-have for curb appeal and protection of your home.

Hedge shear

These will be appreciated by your neighbors. This essential lawn care tool is indispensable for taming unkempt hedges.


You can also purchase a spraynozzle attachment to water your vegetable and flower garden beds. You can also let your children play with it during hot days.

Protect your property

One way to make your property shine is by keeping it in top shape. Learn more about homeowners insurance to protect your home. The Farm Bureau agent near you will help you find the right coverage for your needs.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Mowing Services and Equipment for Lawn Care Professionals

mowingLawn mowing companies usually supply a wide variety of solutions. You have to make a decision on precisely what services your firm will supply as well as ensure that you have the abilities and also to carry out those solutions.

To be effective in this market, you need to maximize your resources and team skills.  Having commercial lawn mowing tools can assist to make your organization a lot more effective and a lot more lucrative. The ideal equipment can not just help you to finish the job faster but can also save you energy to do other tasks.

The Ideal Lawn Mowing Service and Equipment

In this post, we take a look at a few of the devices that you will require if you choose to begin a lawn mowing and lawn care service.

The Right Vehicle

It is possible to start by carrying a push lawn mower around in an SUV. In order to lug the quantity of equipment that is required to run a professional and efficient lawn mowing service, you need to invest in a truck you can use.

One excellent concept is to choose the most important devices and equipment you have before thinking about buying a truck. Find out the measurements of every vehicle you have to fit in your desired truck. Once you have your truck, check if installing shelves will help in organizing your tools and equipment. You will surely be lugging around a lot of costly devices so an additional security device will not hurt.

Lawn Mower

There is a wide range of mower readily available to lawn care Conway SC professionals. Remember, different lawn mowers are matched to various lawn mowing professionals. So they wind up getting more than one to make sure that they constantly have the most effective mower for the task.

You have ‘walk behind’ lawn mowers. These consist of the fundamental range that most people have for doing their own yard tasks but they likewise can be found in bigger industrial variations. ‘Walk behind’ lawn mowers are very easy to navigate and appropriate for the majority of residential lawns. You can buy a tiny system on wheels called a ‘velke’ that has the ability to be affixed to some industrial ‘walk behind’ lawn mowers. A ‘velke’ allows the driver to be drawn along by the lawn mower instead of needing to press it.

For bigger yards and also commercial arrangements, you truly require a bigger ride-on lawn mower to finish the job successfully. These lawn mowers are best for taking full advantage of performance on huge yards with the level surface but are not fit to hillsides and smaller sized lawns with high fences.

Security Equipment

Depending on your lawn maintenance task for the day, you might require shatterproof glass, ear protection, sunscreen and a set of steel-toed job boots to safeguard your feet. Handwear covers can likewise aid you to obtain a far better hold on devices handles.

Other Lawn Mowing Equipment

Other lawn mowing professional tools can include a mulching bag (for accumulating cut grass and also preventing a mess), a lawn edger for nicely rounding off the yard sides, a wheelbarrow, a blower (for fallen leaves and lawn cuttings) as well as a measuring wheel.

Lawn care services likewise have a great chance to supply added home and backyard solutions to clients such as feeding, eliminating fallen leaves, trimming trees as well as bushes, pressure cleaning, pest control, and landscape design tasks. A few of these solutions can need advanced equipment yet can likewise be far more successful.


To make you and your workers look neat and professional, take into consideration wearing proper uniforms. A golf shirt and also a cap with your service branding on will certainly make an excellent impact on your customers.


You need to think about establishing some kind of base for your lawn mowing company. This will most likely be your house and you will also require a storage room for devices along with an office set up.

Find quality lawn care service when you call Conner’s Lawn Care Service.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC