Lawn Care Tips – How To Protect Your Lawn In Winter

lawn careIt doesn’t matter if it’s cold outside, don’t neglect your lawn. You need to take care of your lawn in the winter when the temperatures drop. Your lawn’s health can be affected by cold temperatures, precipitation, and other factors during winter. Here are some lawn care tips to follow this winter:

Mow Low before the Snow Hits

To protect fragile new growth, cut your grass as soon as you can by the end of fall. Rodents love to burrow in colder weather and tall grass can attract them. Once spring arrives, they can create tunnels and nests that can cause turf damage.

Winter kill can be prevented by proper lawn maintenance throughout the year

Winter kill can occur on any lawn. However, it is more common to affect healthier lawns. The grass will be stronger and more resistant to disease if it is maintained well all year. You can prevent winter kill from happening again by focusing on the root cause. The longer the ice blankets remain, the more damage it causes to your turf.

Avoid heavy lawn traffic during the winter months

It can be easy to forget that grass should not be walked on if it is short and brown. Avoid foot traffic on your winter lawn. Although grass is resilient, it can be difficult to recover if the path is not well maintained. Compaction is especially dangerous in winter.

Ice melters can damage your lawn

You should be aware of the potential for lawn damage from ice melt products, regardless of whether they are something new to you or something that you use regularly. Turf damage can often be seen between the sidewalks and the street in the late winter or early summer. You can find melting products on the market. However, they must be used with care. Pay attention to the label before you purchase any melting products.

Fertilize before the first freeze

Make sure to fertilize your lawn before the first freeze. This will ensure that you replace any nutrients that may have been lost during the hot summer months. The fertilizer will stay in the soil until the temperatures drop and continue to feed your lawn’s roots throughout the winter. Fertilization in winter replaces nutrients that your soil lost during the summer heat.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Have you bought a house with a lawn for the first time? Here are some tips to take care of it

lawn careBuying a home is a huge decision. You’ll need to plan how you will furnish and maintain your home. A healthy lawn will improve curb appeal and make your outdoor spaces more enjoyable. Lawn care does not have to be difficult.

Basic lawn maintenance for a new house can be done by most homeowners with some knowledge and willingness to work. Continue reading to find out more about basic lawn maintenance so that you can move in with some knowledge of lawn care, even if your mower is not yet purchased.

Essential Lawn Care Tasks Everybody Should Perform

Every yard is different. However, grass care is the most important aspect of lawn maintenance. If you are new to lawn maintenance, it can quickly become overwhelming if you hear terms such as “lawn fertilizer”, “soil pH“, and “grass types”.

If you are into the grass, you can geek out about it. If you are like most people and just want to maintain a healthy lawn, you don’t need to know everything about grass care.


Mowing your lawn is a top priority if you have grass. Mowing frequency and height are the main factors to consider when it comes down to mowing.

It can be tempting to cut your grass lower to get a longer time between mows. However, too low cutting can cause your grass to become stressed, especially in summer. In the height of summer, aim for grass heights of three to four inches. This rule is not applicable in spring when you can trim grass blades off warm-season grasses a bit shorter, and for the last mow before the winter. A lower cut can help to prevent snow mold.

Late spring and summer may require weekly mowing. Mid-summer, however, is best to mow every five to six days. You can spread your mowing out to every week and a quarter depending on the temperature. This is when grasses tend to grow slower. Then, give your lawn one last cut before winter sets in.


If you want your lawn to look its best, watering is an important part of lawn care in Myrtle Beach. For healthy and happy grass, you should be giving your lawn more water than just light watering every day. An average lawn requires 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Therefore, water your lawn only once or twice per week. Watering should be done in the morning or evening when it is cooler to avoid excessive evaporation. Overwatering your lawn can cause root rot or fungus growth. This can be avoided by making sure that your lawn is able to absorb every watering cycle without allowing any water to remain. If you feel you are overwatering, you can reduce the frequency of your waterings.

Seeding and weeping

You are doing a great job of mowing and watering the lawn. These two simple tasks can make a big difference in your yard’s health. You can take your lawn care to the next step by seeding and weeding your lawn. Your lawn will look more cohesive and well-tended if you add grass seed to any bare spots. Early fall is the best time to add grass seeds to your yard. However, make sure to check your local climate and seed type details to ensure that you are correct. To ensure that you are adding the right type of plant life to your yard, make sure to check the weed seed percentages printed on your grass seed bag.

Although it is not the most exciting part of lawn care. However, it helps ensure that your grass grows unencumbered and does not compete with other plants for resources. You can either use a herbicide or weed killer depending on your personal preference. Many herbicides can cause soil and water pollution, which can lead to animal death. You can avoid herbicides by using hand-weeding tools and weeding tool sets to tackle larger weed problems.

Happy Homeowners, Healthy Lawn

Maintaining your lawn is only one part of homeownership. But it shouldn’t be ignored. Maintaining a healthy lawn will help you to show off your home and make your yard more inviting so that you can live in your new home to its full potential.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Tips To Protect A Dormant Lawn during Winter

lawn care

Winter is when people often forget about their lawns. It’s covered in snow, so there’s nothing you can do about it. Wrong! It is possible to cause severe problems for your grass in spring by causing damage to your lawn during winter. Here we will share some lawn care tips and how to prevent damage to your lawn in winter. This will ensure that your lawn is healthy and green in spring. You don’t have to deal with a huge problem.

Lawn Care Tips For Winter

What is a dormant lawn?

A lawn that isn’t currently growing is called a dormant lawn. Although the grass might be dead or brown, it is still growing. Because it is too cold to allow photosynthesis to take place, grass goes dormant in winter. It has special needs to survive. Dormant grass can be damaged and cause problems in spring, such as dead patches or decreased growth.

How to avoid damaging a dormant lawn

There are many things you can do this winter to prevent damage to your dormant grass. These are some tips to remember:

Be wary of tools

Avoid shoveling or raking snow from your lawn. This could cause damage to the grass and soil. To remove snow from your lawn, you can use a snowblower and a push-broom. If you can, try not to let snow pile up. Your lawn shouldn’t become overly saturated.

Take care when you tread

If your lawn is covered in frost/ice, don’t walk on it. This can cause the soil to compact and damage the grass. This can lead to dead patches in spring. Instead, you can walk on another area of your property without any grass.

Don’t use salt

Avoid using salt or any other de-icing agents on your lawn in the winter months. This can also cause damage to the soil and slow down growth in spring. To make walking safer for your loved ones and you, when there is ice on ground, you can use sand or sawdust.

Don’t water the lawn

Avoid watering your lawn in winter. This can cause it to freeze and eventually die. You don’t need to water your lawn if there is snow on the ground. Overwatering your lawn can cause damage to its fragile root system. Let nature take care of your lawn!

Protect Dormant Grass

You can also protect dormant grass by taking steps to prevent it from being damaged. To protect your lawn from cold weather, add a thin layer of mulch. Mulch will keep your soil warm and moist and prevent the growth and development of weeds.

How to start a new life after destroying a dormant lawn

There are a few options if you’ve already damaged your lawn. You have three options: repair, reseed, or replace.

Repair Damage Yourself

You have two options here: either hire a professional lawn care specialist to fix the damage or you can do it yourself. You may be able to repair the damage yourself if there are just a few damaged areas.

Reseed the Lawn

You may have to reseed your entire lawn if there are significant damages. This can be time-consuming and costly so it is worth hiring a professional lawn care specialist. The process of seeding your lawn involves removing the old lawn and preparing the soil for planting. You will then need to water your lawn until it takes root.

Install New Sod

It is possible to replace the seed with new sod. The benefits of sod are that it is quicker and healthier than seed. Installing sod can be more costly than installing seed. To avoid problems next winter, make sure you choose sturdy turf if you decide to install new sod.

Do not damage a dormant lawn – Here’s the bottom line

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is to disturb a winter-dormant lawn. You could end up spending your time and money if you aren’t careful. These tips will help you avoid damaging your lawn during winter. If your lawn is damaged beyond repair, you can always replace it with lush, dense sod.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need the help of a lawn care expert to help protect your lawn during winter.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For Winter?

lawn careIs lawn care possible even in the harshest winter months? We will be discussing the importance of lawn winterization, and offering suggestions for maintaining it during winter months.

Why should I winterize my lawn?

Fall fertilizing works because plants respond to environmental triggers that begin the process of preparing for winter. As the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, turfgrass slows down growth and shifts food resources from its leaves to its roots. Despite the fact that air temperatures continue to drop, plants’ roots are still active in the soil. This holds true for many types of plants, including grass.

The secret to plants’ spring return is to shift excess nutrients to the roots. These food reserves are the fuel for spring’s awakening. You feed the roots by fertilizing them in autumn.

Your lawn’s nutrient requirements change as the weather turns colder. Potassium is a key ingredient in winterizing fertilizers. Potassium is an important nutrient for overall plant health. Potassium is a nutrient that works at the cellular level to make plants more resilient to stress and cold. Potassium is also important for the balanced feeding of your lawn. It helps plants absorb other nutrients. How can I care for my lawn this winter?

Here are the lawn care tips for this winter

Keep on Moving

During the fall season, water your lawn and mow it as necessary. As the season ends, reduce the mower’s setting to the lowest setting for the final two cuts of the year. This will allow for more sunlight to reach the crown and less leaf to turn brown in winter.

Air The Soil

Fall is also a great time to aerate your grass so that water, fertilizer, and oxygen can reach the roots. A gas-powered, portable lawn aerator can be rented for as little as $70 per day. This self-propelled machine can quickly dig holes in the soil and remove dirt plugs. Hire a lawn care contractor if you have a large yard, such as more than 3 to 4 acres.

Rake The Leaves

Although raking leaves may not be everyone’s favorite pastime, it is important to get rid of fallen leaves as soon as you can. Do not wait for all the leaves to fall before you start raking. You should not wait until all the leaves have fallen to the ground before you start raking. The leaves will get wet from the rain and morning dew and stick together creating an impenetrable mat which will choke the grass and spread fungal diseases.

It is important to not leave any debris, leaves or toys on the lawn. These items can smother grass, invite pests, and create disease conditions.

A lawnmower equipped with a vacuum or collection bag can be used as an alternative to raking leaves. These are especially useful if you have large yards with deciduous trees. No matter what type of lawnmower you use, make sure that the leaves are removed before they become a soggy mess.


Many lawn experts agree that fertilizing your lawn once a year is too often. Instead, fertilize it in the fall. Why? The reason? Rhizomes are horizontal plant stems found just below the soil’s surface. They produce the grass blades above and the roots beneath. Applying fertilizer in the fall provides essential nutrients to the grass for deep roots to develop now, and for keeping nutrients available for next spring.

Then, wait until the middle to late fall to apply dry lawn fertilizer. Be sure to not miss any areas. A crank-style broadcast spreader is possible, but you can get the best coverage with a walk-behind spreader. Although it takes longer to apply fertilizer evenly, especially in hilly areas, a drop spreader is the most effective way to do so.

Fill In The Bald Spots

Autumn is a great season to repair any bald patches or bare spots on your lawn. An all-in-one lawn-repair mixture is a best and fastest way to accomplish this. This ready-to-use mixture is available at most garden centers and home shops. It contains grass seed, organic fertilizer, and special quick-starter formula.

To remove the soil from the bald area of your lawn, use a garden rake. Spread a thick layer on the lawn repair mixture. The mixture should be compacted lightly. After that, water the area every other day for two more weeks.

You are creating a path for lush, healthy lawns when you winterize them. It takes effort to maintain a healthy lawn all year. It can be difficult to maintain a lawn year-round.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need help in maintaining your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

The Best People Who Love Lawn Care Gifts For The Holidays

lawn careDo you have someone on your wish list who has it all? Instead of buying them things, which they may already have or don’t need, why don’t you give them more time? How? Give them a gift of landscaping and lawn care services.

This is a great way to help someone in need.

Do you know somebody who doesn’t have time to do their own  lawn care in Myrtle Beach? How about a person who isn’t able to take care of their lawn? A great gift idea is to give landscaping or lawn maintenance!

Lawn Care: Professional Landscape Design

Everybody knows someone who is passionate about working in the garden but has trouble putting it together. Professional landscaping design would make it easy for them to maintain. It’s a win/win situation.

Time is the gift that keeps on giving

Your spouse might work during the week, then spend weekends in the yard. Allow them to have more time for relaxation. The big job can be left to the lawn care experts. Enjoy your short life!

A gentle push in the right direction

Yes, there are people we know who don’t take care of their gardens. They must be looked at and tended to. Lawn maintenance and landscaping can make your yard something you can both enjoy, while lazybones watches the next big TV game.

Help Out a New Homeowner

It can be overwhelming for new homeowners to take on all the responsibilities of home ownership. A new baby can make it a real struggle. This newbie will appreciate the gift of lawn care and landscaping.

Help someone sell their home

A beautiful lawn and landscape can make your home more appealing. Your friend or family member will be able to sell their house faster if you give them landscaping and lawn care.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you’re thinking of giving a lawn care service as a gift to someone special.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Holiday Lawn Care Tips – Decorating Without Damaging

lawn careSome homeowners have already started to decorate for the holiday season. No matter how many decorations you have, decorating your home can be a great way to get into the holiday spirit. You might place some small decorations around the house, or you may go big and put up a large light show on your lawn. However, you should always be careful not to damage your lawn in the process. Sunken areas can be created by large, heavy objects, which can make your lawn uneven. You may have seen the soggy, flattened grass that large inflatable decorations can leave behind if you’ve ever put them on your lawn. What can you do to stop it? Do you have to stop decorating your lawn during the holidays? These lawn care tips and tricks will allow you to decorate your lawn while preserving the grass.

Be sure to take the necessary precautions

Preventing a problem is the best way to fix it. So, before you get your holiday decorations out, prepare your lawn for winter. This includes removing leaves, and other lawn debris, disposing of dead plants, and weed removal. You can prevent dead bugs from getting under your decorations and old, wet leaves.

You should always inspect your Christmas lights before you hang them outdoors or use them for a lawn display. To prevent water from entering the outlets and sparking up, you should use outdoor-specific outlets. This will help to keep your lawn safe.

Keep it light

Heavy holiday decorations can lead to sunken areas and dead grass, as we have already mentioned. Although soil, sand, and compost can be used to fertilize your lawn, you will need to wait for the new grass to grow. Your best bet is to use lighter holiday decorations on your lawn. This may make it more difficult to light your decorations if they are connected to an electric cord. However, a long extension cable will solve this problem.

Plastic lawn decor is a light material that can be a little tacky. Think instead of objects made from the lightweight wire like the LED reindeer. Another festive option is LED candy canes. They won’t get lost on your lawn. No matter what decorations you choose, it is important to move them around regularly to maintain a healthy lawn.

Don’t let your lawn get beat up during the holiday season. Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service today for professional lawn care maintenance.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Lawn Care Tips For The Holidays

lawn careChristmas is fast approaching and many people are busy getting ready for this festive season when family and friends will be visiting. These festive seasons are a great time to enjoy outdoor activities. You want your lawn strong enough to withstand the heavy traffic, so you can enjoy a game of footy or backyard cricket. These tips will help you enjoy the holidays to the fullest, without worrying about your turf’s health. Here are some lawn care tips for a beautiful lawn this holiday season.

Invest in a Proven Turf Variety

A good variety of turf is the best way to maintain your turf’s health despite heavy traffic. there are many turf varieties and it can be quite easy to get confused. Conner’s Lawn Care Service can help you replace your entire lawn if your current one is not cutting it for the festive season.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Our premium slow-release fertilizer can be applied to your lawn regularly and will keep it green, healthy, strong, and beautiful all year. Strong lawns can withstand more traffic and are easier to repair if there is any damage.

Keep Mowing

When you have many guests, your lawn should look its best. Regular mowing is a good way to keep your lawn healthy and strong, reduce thatch, and most importantly, keep it looking great. Don’t forget to keep your mower blades razor-sharp.

Do not leave objects on your lawn

Do not leave blankets, coolers, or other large objects on your lawn for too long. These objects can block sunlight and heat up, which can cause yellow patches and dead spots on your lawn. You can quickly restore your lawn’s health by hand watering it if this happens.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need professional help in keeping your lawn in great shape.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Weed Control Using Pre-Emergent Herbicides

weed controlIf you’ve been dealing with weeds in your lawn since last year, then you may have forgotten one extremely important ingredient in your lawn care when it comes to the battle against weeds – and that’s the application of pre-emergent for weed control.

It’s not good to think that you can totally get rid of weeds with just one application or perhaps a cultural approach to anything. There’s no such thing as a silver bullet when it comes to weed control or elimination. An efficient lawn care program will adjust to the requirements of the property on an annual or seasonal basis.

Timing is Important in Weed Control

All the weeds have a survival method and can’t be totally removed because they have different reproduction methods and life cycles. Seeds could lay dormant for several years before they start to grow, continuing to exist despite fire and drought, as well as herbicide application. Even if you were to totally clear out your lawn with seeds, vegetative propagules and seeds could easily be moved back to the property by water, wind, human, or animal activity.

Another important tool when it comes to effective weed management is pre-emergent herbicides. However, the right timing of the application is important but can also be tricky.

How Does It Control Weeds?

Pre-emergent targets weeds that haven’t emerged from the soil yet. To get the best results and avoid wasting labor costs and time, later on, weeds must not be seen above ground during their application. Weed control is a continuous process. You’ll always find weed seeds beneath your lawn’s surface and a few of those seeds would grow every year. Yearly applications are required to cut back the large weed infestations. So, in case you have not been following a schedule or a plan for a pre-emergent application in your lawn care Myrtle Beach routine, then you may feel like you are just fighting a losing battle against these annoying weeds.

Proper Mixing Is Crucial

Pre-emergent herbicides should be correctly mixed so that the spray solution would have the right strength. You can compare pre-emergent to a blanket – you have to cover the whole area through which the seeds can’t germinate. Spot spraying will achieve little to almost nothing because there’s too much available space for the weeds to grow.

Water In Your Pre-Emergent

Pre-emergent will activate the herbicide through watering. It creates a barrier below your lawn’s surface. The majority of the products call for at least ½ inch of rain or irrigation within 21 days after application. In case you are working with a drip zone or non-irrigated area, add the pre-emergent before the rainy season comes.

Now is the perfect time to be adding a pre-emergent to your lawn. However, as previously mentioned, mixing the appropriate pre-emergent for your lawn is important, plus the coverage is crucial as well.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need professional help in getting rid of weeds from your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Fall Lawn Care Secrets to Healthier Grass in Spring

lawn careCool fall weather is a great time to fertilize, control and enhance the appearance and health of your yard. You can make your yard lush and green when the temperatures rise again in spring by doing a little bit of work now. Here are some lawn care tips you need to know.

Lawn Care Tips You Need To Know Today

Adjust your Mowing Height

If you have raised the height of your lawn mower last summer to lessen heat stress to the lawn, then return it to its original mowing height (about 3 inches for most grasses). To prevent your grass from matting down under snow and leaves, cut your lawn slightly shorter in autumn. However, it is important not to cut the grass too short. A tightly cut turf will have fewer roots, which makes it easier for weeds to grow.

Make sure to give your grass plenty of water

You might want to water your turf more often in autumn if you experience a drought during the summer. The lawn will transition into winter by getting a few deep soaks and moistening the soil for several inches before it freezes. The fall weather patterns will often change, and nature will supply the moisture. Watering in the morning is a good idea to limit evaporation, when necessary.


If you are in the North, fall is the best time for fertilizing your lawn. Bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass are cool-season grasses and respond well to fertilization in September. Do the second feeding in late October or November. This helps them grow faster and looks better in spring.

Don’t fertilize dormant warm-season grasses in the south. Only do if they’ve been overseeded with winter ryegrass.

Attack Weeds

The best way to control weeds is to create a lush, healthy lawn. Make sure to mow at the correct height and add fertilizer if necessary. If your lawn is in good shape, smaller weeds will be shaded. You can pull out larger weeds by using your weeding tool. Follow all label instructions and only use the weed killer to target the weeds that you are looking to eliminate.

Repair Dead Patches

Early fall is a great time to reseed thin or dead patches in cool-season lawns. You’ll have fewer weeds to deal with next year if you seed in autumn. The seedlings will be established before the arrival of hot, stressful weather. Mulch products that are embedded with fertilizer and seed are an easy way to fill in the gaps. Make sure you prepare the soil with a rake prior to seeding. Water new seeds frequently for at least two weeks after application to encourage rapid germination.

Lay Sod

Fall is the best time to patch turf with sod. Moderate temperatures and plenty of moisture could get the sod off to a good start. High-quality sod is dense, thick, and free of weeds. This is a quick and easy way to fix bare spots. You can water the new sod every day if conditions become dry.

Look for Thatch

Thatch is a layer of dead organic matter that forms near the soil surface. It can cause insect and disease problems, as well as damage from drought or cold weather. Overwatering your lawn too often or overfeeding it can cause thatch. You can check if you have this problem by using a spade to turn a small area of turf. Call a lawn care expert if you need help.

Get rid of excess thatch

Dethatching is the process of removing the thatch layer from the soil and removing any debris. This can be done with power rakes and vertical mowers, which can be rented at rental agencies and hardware stores.


Aeration can also be used to reduce thatch, improve drainage, and loosen the soil. The most popular type of aerator is the core aerator.

Add a topdressing

Topdressing is the process of adding a thin layer of compost or soil to your turf. Topdressing improves the growing conditions by decreasing thatch and increasing organic matter in the soil.

Get Rid Of Fallen Leaves

You can get rid of fallen leaves by raking or by mulching with a mower, before they begin to mat down and cover your lawn. Mulch-mowing mowers are great for shredding small amounts of leaves. The mulching mower also returns the shredded organic material to the soil.

Drain Irrigation Lines

Before freezing weather hits, drain the lawn’s irrigation system completely. The system can be emptied with compressed air, or you can use drain valves. To get the best results, turn off the water supply to the system and drain each area separately. Don’t forget to drain the main supply line from your house.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need expert help in maintaining your lawn.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn care services.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

Scary Lawn Care Products To Look Out For

lawn careAre there any scary lawn care products? It depends on how you define “scary”. There are many products that can be considered dangerous, including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. It’s not the product that is most important, but the way they are applied. Being allowed to be sold on the market, pest control and lawn maintenance products have undergone extensive testing. The products are safe. What is more, it’s not difficult to mix, spray, or identify the pest.

Follow These Helpful Lawn Care Tips:

Before opening a bag or bottle of lawn care products, it is important to carefully read the label. The label will detail the personal protective equipment and clothing required or recommended, the rate of application, mixing instructions for lawn products, disposal guidelines, locations for application, and any restrictions regarding pets or people being allowed back on the lawn after application.

We see homeowners applying fungicides to lawns at the wrong time of the year as one of our most concerning application issues. Many, if not all, homeowners can apply fungicides before symptoms appear in the turf. The most common scenario is when a lawn looks strange, the homeowner considers it for a few weeks and then decides to visit a store to purchase a lawn care product that claims it will control lawn diseases. This situation is where the disease is already ravaging the lawn before the application can be made.

The rate at which you apply the product is another issue. The common human tendency to apply more than is necessary is that if you have less, it is better. If a label says to use 2 teaspoons of lawn products, it is difficult to resist the temptation to use 2 tablespoons. The goal of the product is to kill or control the weeds and insects, not make them mad. So, you may end up using more than what is needed. The problem is where the extra product ends up. In some situations, it’s simply held in the canopy of the grass blades and later decomposes; in others it rolls or flows out into the sidewalk/driveway/street, where it makes its way to the water supply. This is something we all want to avoid.

Another aspect of this awareness is the product’s toxicity. Many are not as toxic as they are feared. One example: I was recently at a lawn where the homeowner wanted to remove all weeds, but not any poisons. Although I acknowledged how difficult it would be for her to achieve her goal, it was possible. It would have been fascinating to check under the sink for household cleaners. Many of these are more toxic than any diluted products that could be used on the lawn for weed control.

Consider that all products sold at garden centers, hardware stores and box stores can be safely applied – provided they are correctly applied in time, equipment, rate, presence and need of the pest or health of the lawn.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service today to get the best lawn care services in town.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about lawn maintenance.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC